Некоторые из вас, возможно, знают, что у Мика Уэста есть веб-сайт под названием Metabunk. В 2013 году он опубликовал пост под названием «Моя личная история разоблачения», в котором подробно описал свою историю и то, как «разоблачение» стало его хобби.
[https://www.metabunk.org/threads/my-personal-history-of-debunking.1915/](https://www.metabunk.org/threads/my-personal-history-of-debunking.1915/) Я просто хочу поделиться с вами некоторыми цитатами из этого поста, потому что я думаю, что это дает нам определенное представление о Мике Уэсте и о том, почему он, кажется, ведет себя так, как он делает, когда дело доходит до «анализа» случаев UAP. *»Когда я был маленьким ребенком (в начале 1970-х)* ***Я не спал по ночам, буквально дрожа от мысли, что какой-то инопланетянин может войти в мою комнату и унести меня, чтобы поставить эксперименты на мне****, или что призраки могут на самом деле парить вокруг меня, готовые вопить, или мягко погладить мое лицо бестелесными руками, протянувшимися из темноты.»* *»Разоблачение было моим хобби с тех пор, как я был подростком. В 1980-е годы я читал журнал под названием «Необъяснимое — тайны разума, пространства и времени», в котором рассказывались истории об НЛО, призраках, магии и странных зверях.* ***В течение многих лет эти вещи вызывали у меня большой страх****. Но когда я вырос и узнал больше о науке и о том, как на самом деле устроен мир, эти страхи исчезли. самых разумных объяснений странных явлений.» Продолжал читать «Фортеанское время».* *** Я так и не избавился полностью от страха — мне все еще не совсем комфортно ни в темноте ни в одиночестве (эй, кто такой), ни в душе в пустом доме (возможно, благодаря просмотру «Психо» в слишком юном возрасте). Я могу рационализировать это, я знаю, что страх — это иллюзия, естественная реакция, как боязнь высоты, но он все еще здесь. *****» * В основном Мик Уэст напуган перспективой того, что это станет реальностью. эта информация, распространяемая как разжигатели страха, мошенники, а его снисходительный характер и пренебрежительное «разоблачение» — это его возмездие против вещей, которые не давали ему спать по ночам в детстве. Однако этот страх, внушенный ему, кажется, затуманивает его суждение. Точно так же, как суждение некоторых верующих затуманено, потому что они так отчаянно хотят, чтобы это было правдой, и чтобы инопланетяне были нашими спасителями, поэтому они верят в самые нелепые необоснованные вещи. Мик Уэст — Онтологический шоковый пациент 0 отчаянно хочет, чтобы все это было неправдой. \— Я просто хочу уточнить, что у меня нет претензий к скептикам, это вполне разумно и рационально. Мне, однако, кажется, что Мик Уэст постоянно упускает из виду информацию, избегает неудобных фактов, чтобы втискивать свои объяснения того, что видели обученные военно-морские пилоты. Он также производит впечатление снисходительного человека в целом, особенно по отношению к людям, которые, кажется, сейчас делают все возможное, чтобы получить веские доказательства. https://preview.redd.it/7ainbgenkedb1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dead2eb9a425d839acea12c5253e9aecd090ad3
So Mick isnt a debunker then, hes a believer. He believes so much that hes been basically paralyzed by fear, and his only way to cope with this deep seated belief, is to debunk. So in his mind, it isnt real because hes convinced himself that it isnt.
It’s like a villain origin story
Thank you for sharing the evidence to the claim that Mick West was afraid of the paranormal as a child. I have seen many people repeat these claims over the years in this sub and other places, but no one ever provided the source to these claims. This is the first time that I am seeing the evidence.
I think it is understandable that he was afraid of these things as a child. I’m sure all of us spent sleepless nights in the dark after watching a horror movie or a thriller that we had no business watching at a young age. Having said that, as an adult, I think he needs to find a way to deal with these fears, if stuff like this is indeed what is causing him to debunk every small detail in the UFO world. It wouldn’t surprise me if he comes out as an ‘experiencer’ in the future.
Kind of humanizes him. Seems like maybe he suffers from an anxiety disorder. Maybe he believes in all kinds of paranormal things deep down and that’s why he’s constantly rationalizing things — to calm his own mind.
If you interest is in proving your pre-established worldview true, at the expense of actual evidence, well — I don’t want to talk with you.
Whether cosmic beings are coming here and keeping tabs on our development, well — that’s so fucking important to me that I just want to know. If they’re not who I want, or expect, to be here — that’s OK. The truth is the truth.
Mick is the opposite of that. He only wants to be sure that everyone is wrong, and that’s just as bad as those who need to believe that every UFO story is real and that nobody would ever make shit up.
Every story, every idea, let’s approach it on its own merit. Even if there are 10,000,000 UFO reports and 9,999,999 of them are fake/hoax/misidentified, that 1 single story that defies our understand of the cosmos changes everything.
Don’t do this, we just don’t know. I wonder how all of those people who burned people at the stake 500 years ago feel about being objectively wrong might feel, in 2023? Speed of light? Sounds good, but we’ve been «sure» about the limits of whatever this all is many, many times before.
He’s a sad and bitter man.
It’s his coping mechanism
Submission statement:
Mick West has a long history of ‘debunking’ that stems from his fears as a child. He has a site called Metabunk, where in 2013 he explained his rationale for choosing this path:
This post gives us a closer look at who Mick West is as a person. How he might not be as fair as he likes to think, because his fears seem to have a subconscious effect on the way he goes about ‘analysing’ UAP cases.
He has a bias, just as some of us do. He seemingly desperately wants all of this to be untrue for his sanity’s sake. Whereas some believers might desperately want it to be true for their sanity’s sake.
I was always curious about Mick, because some of his claims seemed to be quite illogical. Like how his analysis of the Nimitz incident avoids the testimony of the people that were there, and how he acts as if he knows better than the people who have been trained to fly the best military aircraft on the planet.
This post needs to be at the top of this sub so we can move on from this grifter and figure out what the actual hell is going on!
So essentially: «I debunk because I don’t want to shit my pants», that explains his obsession with «debunking» obvious ET sightings.
He is dug in. I don’t blame him. Humans dig themselves into marriages, jobs, religious beliefs etc. But the point is being susceptible to digging in makes you a terrible skeptic.
FEAR is what drives all deniers. It doesn’t make what they do ok. Deal with your fear and get over it. I can just see Mick sucking his thumb under the covers during his adult life.
So, he’s a closeted abducted.
I think Neil deGrasse Tyson is probably has the same phobia at some level Mickwussatoeus
When I was a young child, I believed in Santa, the tooth fairy, scary alien abductions, and ghosts. Very shortly after that, about 45 years ago, I did not.
The idea that I still believe in any of that is quite perplexing. Can someone explain how they have determined this?
I know nothing about mick west. But the few interviews I’ve seen of him. He’s pompous and a jerk.
That’s enough for me.
Mick West’s got a couple of screws loose.
He should go back to Tony Hawk, because he’s definitely skating on thin ice.
«MetaBunk» urghhh
Was iBunk and myBunk already taken?
So he overcorrected to counteract his superstitious feelings
Thps had alien easter eggs
mick knows whats up and is just trolling us all
Fear, essentially. I’ve gone from dismissing Mick to feeling sorry for him.
Overanalysing perhaps but as I am healing trauma myself to me it sounds like a typical case of projecting some kind of deep seated anxiety onto something. We all do this when we can’t make sense of the gut feeling directly. The fear could very well be symptomaic of what’s called a «chronic sympathetic shift».
I actually felt the same in my 20’s when I wanted to meditate and the room was sop quiet and I remember thinking about «something» that could be there. It is just deep seated anxiety. It has nothing to do with the outside.
A nervous system that is chronically in sympathetic activation will also affect how you think, and lead to this «throw the baby with the bathwater» mindset that is so prevalent with debunkers. This is likely because of an imbalance of left/right hemisphere — well explained in McGilchrist’s «The Divided Brain». The right hemisphere is the one capable of seeing things in context, as well as compassion. Crucially the right hemisphere is the one that allows to feel and resolve anxiety, but also pick up new information (as opposed to the internalized model of the world, which is stale and kinda like a self-referential model) — but as Gilchrist pointed out in his book, supported by a ton of research into the brain «the left hemisphere is very reluctant to release control back to the right hemisphere «. Meaning in thinking experience you tend to keep analysing / ruminating all the while being oblivious to the present reality — and therefore missing all the nuance, details and bigger picture which is the specialty of the right hemisphere.
tldr: this is the nervous system perspective , not interested in all the «blah blah» about his alleged motivations those are all meaningless stories , again , which the left hemisphere builds — because that’s what it does : constantly create a rationale for things that happen around us — which is not the truth.
> I never fully rid myself of the fear — I’m still not entirely comfortable alone in the dark (hey, who is), nor in a shower in an empty house (perhaps thanks to watching Psycho at too young an age). I can rationalize it away, I know the fear is an illusion, a natural response, like a fear of heights, but it’s still there.
This is 100% symptomatic of the ANS (autonomic nervous system) that is slightly/moderately overactive.
Thank you for this insight. Actually it made me view him through a lens of compassion, rather than mockery. I always assumed he was driven more by the joy of being the smartass who wants to tell everyone how the world really works. Now that I know that he’s had this deep-seated fear of mystery and paranormal…I feel sorry for him. He created his identity around coping with this fear and made it public. No wonder he digs in no matter what.
Either what he says makes sense, or it doesn’t. There seem to be plenty of grifters or wing nuts on the other side also.
I empathize with him. This is why I’m adverse to the “woo.” I frankly don’t want it to be real.
I grew up reading stuff from Michael Shermer and very much have a debunker mentality. I just happen to have seen a UFO.
He could have even been abducted, but not fully remember.
You guys have to get over your obsession with famous skeptics. It’s a bad look. It makes you look as scared of him as he was of aliens. That Mick West had a fear of aliens as a child does not invalidate his observations on the subject. Debunk his debunking with well-reasoned fact-based and scientific counter-arguements, not through personal attacks.
So he was scared of imaginary things as a kid, and then he grew up? That hardly seems like anything to criticize him for…
Mick criticism often lacks rebuttal to his thesis.
Why is that?
I figured he was just a run-of-the-mill God hater that branched out to UFOs.
He is the only rational one in this cesspool of community.
More ad hominem.
I’ve been saying for a while that I think it’s possible he and others like him are repressed experiencers.
Most people in meatspace don’t give a shit about this. Like at all. Everyone has been through the fear he talks about from movies and what-not. Not everyone behaves the way he does by taking up a dogmatic anti position to something he doesn’t even actually believe exists.
You have no reason to believe he still fears them as an adult.
It’s telling that most (all?) the Mick posts here revolve around attacking him personally, never his actual debunks.