Я уверен, что многие из нас видели это видео. Я всегда находил это довольно искренним, но это всего лишь мнение. После самого последнего описания посетителей Вегаса, я думаю, это кажется более правдоподобным. Думал, стоит упомянуть.
Я уверен, что многие из нас видели это видео. Я всегда находил это довольно искренним, но это всего лишь мнение. После самого последнего описания посетителей Вегаса, я думаю, это кажется более правдоподобным. Думал, стоит упомянуть.
holy shit, that is roughly 10 feet….
That was spooky
Cryptid ran so fast the camera couldn’t capture it on 24 fps. sheeesh!
Wait wtf. Hold up. Nah. This ain’t funny no more. I saw that shit. There’s zero chance that’s an edit or a costume and it also happens to match the fucking description of the Vegas story. Like what the fuck. I get the ufos and flying around and shit but why the hell are the aliens just creeping around people’s backyards now. Bro. That dude full sprints to that alien and tackles it and holds on for dear life. Game over. You just caught an alien. This is a new phenomenon, people been abducted for years but now in this generation there’s at least 3 stories where humans can throw a rock at an alien. 👀
Nice find
Creepy. Anybody know the location?
Looks like a Mantis Being to me https://www.google.com/search?q=mantis%20beings%20alien&tbm=isch&hl=en-US&tbs=rimg:CbJ9UE4vLzWwYWr_14ML4-972sgIOCgIIARABOgQIABAAQAHAAgDgAgA&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS784US784&sa=X&ved=0CBIQuIIBahcKEwjwy_7DkbT_AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQIQ&biw=414&bih=712
Emu or Ostrich would make complete sense, Those things are so fast and look like blurs at night. Scared the shit outa me the first time an Emu ran by me at night while hiking near an actual Emu farm. Hoping its an alien, but video sucks and Emu/Ostrich makes more sense.
Always believed this one. Black folk don’t mess around like that!
I thought the same thing last night when I was deep diving this whole thing, this video came up, looked like a cloaked one about 8-10’
That’s cool
Bro wtf the way it moved almost was like the Yeti from a game that I played on the App Store that used it’s hands to move around and kicked it’s legs
To be fair this does kind of look like some sort of bird with insanely long legs. Has anyone analyzed it or anything yet?
This is a legit video imo
That ain’t no smoke. Watch the video in slow motion you can see whatever it is going behind the light pole and it’s actually lit up by the light pole.If it was smoke coming from his cigarette you’d expect it to be completely lit up the whole time.
Wasn’t this proved to be an emu or something that escaped?
That’s a whiff smoke in front of the camera lense, lol. Someone in the chat says «spirit» person at the start because it kept happening..from the smoke.
That’s was an escaped Emu or a Ostrich, if you slow it down and pause at the right moment you’ll see
I honestly can’t figure out anything about this video that resembles the current alien story. But cool find though, I had not seen this before. Guessing if anything this might be some sort of cryptid but not an alien.
That was a spirit.
Great find and as the subject so up In the air who is to say it ain’t the same thing?
No shit, because it’s a popular trope. If you go to Spirit Halloween that’s the description of the “discount” alien costume they’ll sell you.
It’s so fast it looks invisible if you drag the frames
It’s so fast it looks invisible if you drag the frames
I don’t know what it was, but dude was terrified. He doesn’t seem like he would be easily scared but bro was freaking out!
I thought this was an ostrich because I have never seen the full and na there’s no ostriches where this dude is at this is crazy
It has already morphed into humanoid form.
I really think this is some large bird but I really want this to be some cryptid or alien
So lucky he just happened to coincidentally be zooming in on the exact spot of his back yard on the exact correct day and exact correct time, in order to be able to capture this, whatever it is, on video
I dont buy it. Can easily just be the smoke from the damn cigarette he was smoking
It’s clearly smoke from his cigarette. Goddamn, people are gullible these days. The media is going to do the same thing the history channel is doing. They know what sells. Misinformation and false hope.
I have no doubt that’s a mosquito