US Government Pays $51,600 for $300 Trash Can As American Debt Crosses $32,000,000,000,000: Report
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[Wisteria Dr, Germantown, MD] Явление цепочки огней 12.06.23
Лента Лазаря… и выдержки из правительственной Библии
Что бы это могло быть?
НЛО в священных писаниях
Наблюдения UAP увеличились в 27 раз за 20 лет.
Росс Култхарт на NewsNation: «Есть несколько свидетелей, поддерживающих утверждения Груша. Фактически они дали показания под присягой не только Конгрессу, но и ИГ. И другие люди, ждущие своего часа, с которыми я общаюсь, которые ждут, как Конгресс отнесется к г-ну Грушу».
Наблюдение за НЛО в Посо-аль-Монте, Тарапака (Чили) | 24 июня
Что это может быть?
Shit got to be stopped
I was just telling my family about shit like this yesterday. We now know where a portion of the missing funds are allocated.
We owe alot of money and im basically broke so that apparently adds up
Soon as I read this I knew it was Independence Day. Fuck ya. 100k for a toilet seat or something like that LOL
This is a gross misuse of funds. That money did not just go to a trash can. Someone pocketed lots of money. Whomever is authorizing purchases like this should be sent straight to jail
I saw this. But what’s the correlation to aliens?
You know what’s sadder and more corrupt than $50K trash cans funding the secret space program, UFO reverse engineering programs, etc.?
$50K trash cans lining defense contractor execs’ pockets, and nothing more than the $300 trash can ever built and delivered for that sum.
Our tax dollars at work!
Only way to verify is to visit the sites storing the stuff and audit the books of all involved in black projects. This is going to take a long time to fix. That is if congress does the right thing and this new reporting unit for uap does the right thing as well. Could be another project blue book and more tax dollars wasted on an idiot with no clearances to see anything. This person has to have 100 percent the highest security clearance available in government to get past the stupid walls and layers they have built around this stuff. Of course they wouldn’t make it easy for just the average Joe to gain access to this information. Also there has to be more protections for whistleblowers right now with the new laws it helps but I don’t think it’s bulletproof. That is why more haven’t come forward. No one wants to lose their pensions and clearances or jobs if they are still active.