Fin365 — Black Diamond НЛО преследует озеро Онтарио — 2001 — компьютерная реконструкция
Fin365 — Black Diamond НЛО преследует озеро Онтарио — 2001 — компьютерная реконструкция
Fin365 — Black Diamond НЛО преследует озеро Онтарио — 2001 — компьютерная реконструкция
Every person should have his sighting visualized like this. That fin365 should set up a business that does this for a small fee. Im sure some would be willing to pay. To get going and to get more attention, i recommend he makes some visualisations of the big cases, like tictac, rendlesham or phoenix lights.
One area i think needs improvement (which may be hard) is the models of the people. They distracted me from the overal quality somewhat. They dont have to be realistic, perhaps less detailed would even be better, like purely silhouettes
This is the UFO content I enjoy, not Corbell & Knapp’s bollox on YouTube: decent eyewitness accounts skillfully animated by someone without nothing to gain beyond the fulfillment of doing it.
All Fin’s reconstructions have been worth ten podcast episodes from the usual suspects.
I enjoy these videos from this dude. I also appreciate what he is doing.
I like the fact he incorporated audio from the actual witness in this one. Not gonna lie, I had goosebumps at the end.
this guy’s stuff is always great. like that he added the witness testimony, too. hope he keeps doing that.
First time hearing about this. I lived in Toronto during this time.
Great video. Love stuff like this. It’s the one-off sighting accounts that got me into UFOs as a kid. Whatever the phenomenon is, it’s resulted in some very cool stories. They’re as iconic as ghost stories now IMO.