Мои проблемы с версией Тома ДеЛонга о феномене НЛО

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4GnFYr3 ooI L 45v2ssSV z9S2FzycO7vyuwqkySbQ

4GnFYr3 ooI L 45v2ssSV z9S2FzycO7vyuwqkySbQ

Мне действительно трудно поверить в то, что говорит Том, потому что его утверждения повсюду. Во-первых, Том утверждает, что хочет изменить мир и хочет нести в мир просвещение, но мы должны дать ему денег, чтобы иметь честь получать такие священные знания. Нам нужно покупать его книги и документальные фильмы, иначе мы так и останемся в неведении об этом высшем, темном и опасном мире, о котором он говорит. ** Том, твой собственный капитал составляет 70 миллионов долларов. Зачем вам больше денег? ** Просто скажите нам, что это такое, не играя капиталистические уловки, чтобы еще больше обогатиться! # Религиозная группа в Пентагоне Я не помню точно, кто сказал это, может быть, Лю Элизондо, что в Пентагоне существует группа старожилов, которые глубоко религиозны и пришли к выводу, что это демоническое присутствие и что мы должны держитесь подальше от этого. Похоже, что Тому скармливает информацию эта же группа старожилов, потому что он продолжает повторять один и тот же сюжет снова и снова. Это настораживает, по крайней мере, меня. Ниже представлены фрагменты из [document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YWpDeV6TQ7Lqfk-wx8fbt4dG0JSSMxRdp9si2hzLA94/edit) пользователь [/u/Mantler77](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mantler77/), размещенный в этом [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15tpww4/ross_coulthart_backs_up_tom_delonges_statements/) о том, что говорит об этом феномене Том Делонг. \[Read it, it’s all over the place\]

​ > Феномен НЛО заинтересован в плохих эмоциях, и он приносит с собой много плохих вещей. Мы уже давно знаем о сообщениях военных о том, что эти объекты нанесли удар по ядерным объектам и вывели из строя шахты и ракеты. Как перейти от этой физической реальности к чему-то вроде «Феномен НЛО хочет помолиться за ваши эмоции». Как он пришел к такому выводу? Каков его метод? А как насчет тех, у кого был положительный и приятный опыт? Возможно, это явление связано с тем, какой вы человек. Опять же, каков ваш метод для достижения такого дикого вывода? ​ >Он говорит, что если тебя похитили маленькие серые инопланетяне, и ты назовешь имя Иисуса, похищение просто прекратится. Но вы также можете назвать имя «Источника галактической любви». Или выкрикните «Будда». Дело в том, что вы излучаете положительную энергию, и это нужно понять и изучить. Как он пришел к такому выводу? ​ >НЛО — плохая новость. Но его группа собирается выйти и сказать: это то, что мы узнали, это то, что мы сделали, и это то, что мы делаем, и это то, к чему движется человеческая раса, и знаете что, сознание невероятно. Тогда почему Пентагон сопротивляется, Том? ​ > «Я на 3 триллиона процентов уверен, что бог есть. Я поставлю на кон свою жизнь». Но это не человек. Это прекрасное сознание любви, которое находится в центре галактики, которое взрывается и создает звезды и планеты. Все созданные существа имеют радиосигнал обратно к источнику. Какая галактика, Том? Наша галактика, Млечный Путь? Приятель, в центре нашей галактики и любой другой галактики есть массивная черная дыра. Вы говорите, что Бог — это черная дыра? а так как черных дыр несколько, то и богов несколько? ​ >Джимми Черч рассказывает об опыте, который он получил в «Контакте в пустыне», когда он увидел корабль через очки ночного видения, и он, похоже, устроил шоу. Он хочет знать, произошло ли это из-за того, что он излучал положительные вибрации. Том Делонг отвечает: «Нет, это играет с вами. Хорошо? Это нехорошо. говоря, что вся жизнь там плоха, я говорю, что люди просто не понимают». Но ты знаешь, не так ли, Том? Что Том \[et al\] в основном говорит, что мы не должны взаимодействовать с этим явлением; мы должны перестать думать об этом и позволить им разобраться с этим, и в конце концов нам придется купить его книгу, чтобы получить это священное знание. Другими словами, взаимодействие с этим явлением на индивидуальном уровне плохо для статус-кво, потому что они потеряют контроль и станут неактуальными. ​ > Затем он продолжает объяснять, что эти вещи были замечены на протяжении всей истории, приземлялись, совершали чудеса, которые, в свою очередь, создавали религии. Но дело в том, что феномен продолжал делать это в разных местах, и каждый раз создавалась новая религия. И что произошло после этого? Мы начали убивать друг друга. Никто не остановился, чтобы рассказать об увиденном и собрать все воедино. Люди эволюционировали, чтобы быть агрессивными и территориальными, они всегда ищут ресурсы для эксплуатации, и если эти ресурсы окажутся там, то люди будут делать то, что люди делают лучше всего, они будут убивать друг друга, чтобы получить эти ресурсы. Говорить, что все войны основаны на религии, просто невежественно и вводит в заблуждение. Кроме того, если это явление хочет молиться за наш гнев и ненависть, то зачем создавать религии, поощряющие любовь и принятие? Насколько я знаю, христианство имеет прочные корни в любви и принятии.[despite whether people praxis or not\]. Это религия любви. И если это явление создало религии, то почему тогда, когда мы говорим «Иисус Христос», похищение прекращается? \[as stated above\]

\— Это только первые 3 страницы этого документа; Я мог бы написать книгу из диких и непоследовательных вещей, которые говорит этот парень, но я не буду. Я думаю, этого достаточно, чтобы проиллюстрировать, что этот парень не знает, о чем говорит, его кормят ложью, и он поглощает ее и выплевывает обратно на нас.

От admin

46 комментарий для “Мои проблемы с версией Тома ДеЛонга о феномене НЛО”
  1. Something to consider.

    If tom’s claims were true and ‘they’ were feeding off of our negative emotions like fear- then fearing them would be feeding them

    Loving and supporting each other and our quest for more information while being positive is a good way to both accomplish our own goals, and potentially fend off any negative energy parasites. *If such a thing were to be so.*

    I would think what matters more is how we treat each other throughout this journey, wherever it takes us.

    Put another way, heaven is a crutch because heaven should be a place we make on earth. We should want to feel and be good to each other, outside of the currently improvable extra-dimensional consequences of not doing so.

    For whatever reason that particular concept is ringing home with me right now, being better to our fellow man.

    But to think we should not pursue the truth? No, we can’t let fear block us, or guide us. Weve walked down that road, we know where it goes.

    For context im simply pointing out that toms’ words are a tad all over the place. If there is some validity to his disposition his way of expressing it can generate the very fear and negativity he’s saying we should avoid.

    i am not subscribing to his beliefs, I am using them as a thought experiment to prove that being good to eachother should be the default state without doomsaying

  2. I love the dude, but Tom is a high school dropout who fried his brain with too many drugs (remember when he was all blasted out of his mind on pain pills and was hyping up Angels and Airwaves’ first album as some sort of once in a generation cultural revolution? Cause I sure remember it, lol). I’m not sure why people would trust him as a source of information as he clearly does not have the skills to vet HIS sources of information.

    I don’t think his intentions are bad, I just think he is a little too dumb for the discussion & position he found himself in with the original group of talent at TTSA (people like Chris Mellon).

    As you say, I think he’s been fed a lot of bullshit from nefarious characters (other people, NOT Mellon et al.) since then and doesn’t know what is real anymore.

    As they’d say across the pond, he’s lost the plot.

  3. He was Fed some real info and a lot of other bullshit for this very reason, so when we hear him speak we don’t take the issue seriously anymore. According to his own logic they didn’t need to keep this a secret for 80 years, we just had to learn to collectively sign church carols when an invasion happens and they’ll leave.

  4. I want to preface this by saying I’m not a TD fanboy, and honestly, I still think he likely needs some mental health help/counseling.

    Now that said, he is only human (we believe 🙂 ) and is attempting to explain/rationalize a very irrational subject using the tools he has at his disposal: previous experience, using (believed to be) known metaphor and inferences, personal interpretation, etc. to try and explain what is currently unexplainable.

    I see this really as no different than any other time humanity has made a technological or sociological leap that had no analog previously. Send a plane back 1000 years and those who witnessed it would surely try to explain it as a metal bug or bird or similar as there was no other analog to relate something flying through the sky to.

    Do I believe in angels, demons, etc? No, not personally. Do I think there is likely a bit of truth to each of the outlandish sounding statements? Sure, we just do not yet have a better reference point to make a more «believable» comparison.

  5. OP’s tone is kinda angry, but obviously Tom isnt the greatest orator in the world, not by a long shot, but he has definitely been on the forefront of information at the time of release sounding insane, but was later verified.

    Additionally, explaining a complex problem that science philosophy, and logic have a hard time reckoning, let alone the limited vocabulary in the english language, I think it makes sense to take all the information he is presenting and try to read between the lines. Add the fact that he isnt currently allowed to outright discuss what he knows.

    Im also extremely ADHD so maybe why thats why I can kinda grasp what he is trying to put out. Either way, I’m not sure I want to know anymore. I dont think its good news.

  6. I like Tom, I do, i like his enthusiasm, his drive, his willingness to speak when others would be silent.

    But Tom is not an analytical man. Jacques Vallee said a lot of this stuff 30 years ago and it is based on empirical science, rolled-sleeves science and less on woo. Tom needs either a professional philosopher or something to sit down with to codify his thought because it is all over the place. Maybe his theory is fragmentary for lack of knowledge. That could be. But if that is the case, we all need to be more comfortable saying “we don’t know.”

    I support Tom. But he needs to be more serious, if he wants to communicate his message in a way that truly helps humanity.

  7. As someone who has done a lot of psychedelics, what Tom is saying is not outside the realm of what I consider reality, I, however, do not like how much he lets his catholic upbringing guide his vocabulary about these things

  8. This is seriously some bullshit lol. I could write a fucking PhD thesis ripping just these pulled quotes apart, it’s honestly embarrassing. Repackaged new age bullshit, gnostic gatekeeping, one more boring guru promising *this* is the time it will work, *he’s* the one you’ve been waiting for. Same douchebag energy as the dudes who say “everyone just needs to drop acid and the world’s problems will go away”. It’s a huuuuuuuge bummer he’s such a voice in this field cause goddamn. Can’t even be bothered to write an original grift.

  9. I started getting my feet wet with this subject in the late 80’s. Tom does bring some interesting points to light. I don’t think he’s right. My theories don’t mean a hill of beans. There are questions you have to ask yourself.

    Why did Lue, Chris, and Jim all leave and decide to pursue this subject?

    You have several more ex CIA plastering this subject with their take. Why?

    I don’t need the government telling me how i need to think about things.

    I think Tom went searching and figured out just enough and such an acute angle on the subject that these spooks weaponized it. His take was scary enough to run with it. I believe that a lot of this is a play by the elite defense contractors to get the government to change their way of keeping this secret so that this technology can be be released in a more formal approach.

    I think the Intelligence apparatus is scared to death over this phenomenons ability to remain hidden. Therefore it’s an enemy. Noone has made any progress and this subject has become blackballed. They don’t care anything about making this public. They needed a mechanism to de stigmatize within the government. There was only one way to do it. You can’t measure what you can’t see.

  10. I don’t buy the NHI fear he’s pushing, it doesn’t make sense that they’re technologically so superior, have malevolent intentions and yet they make deals with the humans and stuff. If they wanted to take over they could in a heartbeat.

  11. If this community ever figures out that this latest disclosure push is legit like 15 people talking in circles and that those same 15 are the “anonymous sources”, “ex DoD source”, “former official” maybe they’ll be blacklisted like Greer.

  12. I personally think that Tom Delonge is to UFOs what Q Anon is to Trump supporters. There’s a lot of hopium and «trust me on all of this — we’re the good guys and we’re winning but I can’t divulge more». Whether he knows it or not is another question.

  13. As someone who’s ignored him, reading the tldr I find it interesting that one of his claims provides a ‘possibility’ for the gov disclosure being careful and needing control.

    He claims civilizations (atlantis) get wiped out when they don’t conform to the uaps control system. Would make sense then that the gov would want to make sure disclosure happens without disrupting the uaps ‘control’ or we get zapped off the map.

    Not that I belive that, or put any credence to it, just interesting to see new ideas

  14. He’s been fed a lot of disinfo and generally takes everything he hears to heart which really muddies his story and lore of the phenomenon. I think out of the people who talked to Podesta in the email server leaks I think Dr. Mitchell might be actually in the know. DeLonge seems to just be a sponge that really wants to absorb every single bit of info he gets and tries to put them together regardless of how true that info is (he even incorporated some of Greer’s narrative in his lore when he’s obviously a conman).

  15. It’s not always about the money.

    Sometimes people are just so drawn into an idea that they start/join a mystery cult about it.

    Whether or not some percentage of their claims are true, I HIGHLY doubt they all are. There’s no way they’d trust a random famous civilian with that «classified» information in a way that he couldn’t just turn around and spill the beans to his fans.

  16. I do not find Tom DeLonge at all credible. I think he might believe what he’s saying, but unless he is in actuality an alien capable of such fantastical things, he nor anyone else would have the ability to discern such.

  17. I haven’t seen anything from these entities that leads me to believe they are not malevolent, so I’m with Tom on this point. But he clearly needs to pick up some history books and learn about “bad government”. There are graves littered around the world that testify to heinous acts committed by a faction within our government both past and present. I get the sense he is trying to understand this phenomenon but I do not take what he says as truth anymore than I do anyone else in the ufology realm. It will all be unveiled in the end, for everyone, there is no doubt about that

  18. I think that it is far more likely that if an “experiential source hypothesis” is correct with regards to the origins of major world religious beliefs, they likely derived from common neurobiological mystical or visionary experiences (of which there are multiple that are well documented in the medical literature, ranging from classical NDEs and OBEs to the ‘death bed visions’ more recently described). This is a hypothesis that has been proposed already, and I find it particularly plausible as a doctor, considering the number of patients that have such experiences and that they almost always interpret it in a religious or spiritual way, even if they were atheists beforehand. That doesn’t mean that the experiences are viridical in the sense that they are representative of a real afterlife, rather than deriving from a dying brain, but numerous studies have confirmed that for a patient that experiences it that they feel hyper-real, *to that patient*.

    We know for a fact that such experiences exist and are common place. And every world religion has doctrines that are similar in some ways to such experiences. And in the case of certain Native American beliefs we have *direct historical evidence* of new religious movements starting up because someone experienced an NDE and their followers interpreted it at face value. So we already have evidence that such a thing as an experiential source hypothesis is plausible.

    Conversely, we do not know for a fact that UAPs are alien, or that they have been here for all recorded human history if they are…but we do know that normal and common human experiences during the dying process have obviously been with us for all human history.

    Seems to me that the logic of the hypothesis isn’t implausible, but Tom is fixated on the wrong thing. As a result, he has interpreted nefarious intent for NHI when a much more straightforward explanation for human spiritual beliefs is not a UFO cargo cult phenomenon but rather incredibly common and fully *human* mystical experiences.

  19. Yes, Tom is full of shit. They promised a bunch of money to TTSA employees and tried to take it public for $50 million and wanted to pay the employees like $34 million of the $50 million.

    It’s pretty much belly up and defunct.

  20. I have an issue with Tom Delonge becoming such an undodgable figure whenever the UFO phenomenon comes up in general.

    How’d he go from the guy behind «Enema of the State» to a «patriotic harbinger of truth about the secretive dealings between our government and the ancient ones»?

    Calm down, Tom. Go take off your pants and jacket for a bit.

  21. > Tom, your net worth is $70 million dollars. Why do you need more money?

    Just going to note that one of the most common ploys con artists use is to present themselves as wealthy and thus (supposedly) more credible. Strangely enough, this tends to work even when they start asking for money…

  22. Those quotes from DeLonge are so cringe I couldn’t even finish reading the entire post. How the fuck do people take him seriously? Tom would be the last guy on the planet I would entrust disclosure with. Go watch DeLonge’s appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast. It was an utter embarrassment. DeLonge asked Jamie to pull up a triangle UFO video that DeLonge said was real. When Joe Rogan saw it he said «if I saw that in a movie I would want my money back.» It was a crappy obviously CG video. Every time Rogan challenged DeLonge on things DeLonge gave awful answers and excuses. Don’t even get me started on the To The Stars Academy that literally wanted to build craft, make movies, TV shows, and release UFO books. Same grifters and charlatans that have been in the UFO game for years are part of TTSA. The government is not going to entrust all of this to a former rock star. The way DeLonge speaks is so annoying and I’m sure he feels special because he has figured it all out or been told the truth while the rest of us are ignorant. I don’t even believe we’ve ever been visited by extraterrestrials but at least Stanton Friedman was respectable.

  23. I remember reading that invoking the name of Jesus and asking for protection stops an alien abduction immediately, this was in one of Tim Good’s ufo books I think, at least 20 years ago. Tim was hesitant to include this section because he isn’t religious, but its what some people had reported.

    This would indicate that the ‘aliens’ aren’t beings from another planet, the Greys who abduct people at least, but some sort of demonic entity which fear the light of Jesus, classic angels vs demons stuff.

    I’ve just finished Nigel Kerner’s latest book about the Greys, I don’t agree with all of his conclusions but his scientific explanation of ‘the light of God’ is incredible, he talks about Jesus, Mohammad and Buddha in particular having a direct link to the source light, which grants them inherent powers.

    I don’t have much time for the religions which have sprung up around these teachings, but the actual words of Jesus — I’m listening. He exhibited the ability to turn into a ‘light body’ among his ‘miracles’ which is interesting.

    Jesus is also prophesized to return in the final days, streaking down from the sky wielding a flaming sword to destroy the anti-christ which has taken hold of the planet. 2027 anyone?

  24. If what Tom is saying is true and there are both good and bad factions… then i have a problem with what he’s preaching. If hate fuels them then what or who is love fueling? We cannot pick a side… cause who is right or wrong depends on perspective and is subjective to the cause. Eg.. somebody may label someone as bad and hateful for what he/she did but on the other hand somebody will view it as sacrificial and doing it for love. He also has a habit of changing discourse… first its an existential worry, then its not existential — Tom has been promised technology and info to be turned to media (compete with disney — his words) in return for “high frequency” “love” energy marketing campaign- So promote love instead of hate. Very few ppl have true hate… most people have both love and hate. I say… live your life well and in balance — Live (service to self) and Let Live (service to others). Is there something “out of this world”? Yes — probably and we have been saying it to each other since the dawn of time — yet its never fully explained — all we get is buy this book and subscribe to this religion… and now its become… watch this tv show and subscribe to this service or brand…. And Tom is saying… here is the new bible in 3 parts… so you can understand … also terms and conditions apply and it might change in time. Nice… basically at a standpoint.

  25. I disagree. Let it all play out and then we will see who the crazy ones are and how they judge and comment on Reddit. He CLEARLY has inside info. Im on his side. We will just wait and see.

  26. That Aliens big plot is giving humanity bad vibes is certainly something….

    And how does anyone know this…who figured it out, how did they. His leaps in logic are crazy and he’s so sure of this stuff.

    Tom is being used and played. And I think Elizondo and Mellon are using him cause he was/is a name to help their agenda

    I’m convinced he read some John Keel and latched onto the UFO/Bigfoots/Ghosts are all the same phenomenon and theory and added in some ancient astronaut lore

    And like everyone else said it’s all over the place.

    I don’t doubt the phenomenon at all — but I suspect it’s much more boring and not dislike with ITS ANCIENT GODS PLAYING WITH THEIR TOYS AND MAKING US ANGRY AND WAR MONGERING BECAUSE THATS THEIR DRUG,

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