Закон о раскрытии информации 2023 года: почему именно сейчас?

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iytMaoEsNHecem wN 28WDuuqBhAyML EAoMdnKNNY

16 июля 2023 г. в выпуске подкаста Need to Know с участием Брюса Забеля и Росса Култхарта ([https://needtoknow.today/](https://needtoknow.today/)), Зебель говорит: >Они делают это быстро. Они говорят о слушаниях… которые быстро приближаются. И в них будут шокирующие вещи. И единственное, о чем я могу думать, так это о том, что должна быть причина, по которой власть предержащие в Вахингтоне, округ Колумбия, начинают говорить: «Нам действительно нужно произносить слова вслух, и нам нужно говорить прямо ПРЯМО СЕЙЧАС». чтобы об этом позаботились». И я обеспокоен, Росс, что, в конце концов, единственное, что может заставить политика сделать это и действовать таким «расширенным» образом, когда они торопятся, это то, что есть какая-то плохая новость, связанная с этим. Култхарт отвечает: «У меня довольно четкое представление о том, что известно правительству, и я могу понять, почему они стремятся ускорить процесс. Гм, да, гм, есть ограничение по времени. Правительство знает, что оно действительно должно говорить правду общественности после многих лет насмешек и насмешек. Затем Култхарт сетует на отсутствие освещения в основных СМИ и критику статьи Джулиана Барнса в New York Times, посвященной законопроекту, предложенному Чаком Шумером ([https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/13/us/politics/ufo-records-schumer.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/13/us/politics/ufo-records-schumer.html)). Они оба указывают, что Закон о раскрытии информации 2023 года является фактическим РАСКРЫТИЕМ. Мой вопрос сообществу /r/UFOs: что известно правительству, что требует раскрытия сейчас? Формулировка Закона прямо затрагивает вопросы национальной безопасности. Нам угрожает NHI? Наши земные противники успешно реконструировали технологию NHI, а США отстают в гонке вооружений, основанной на NHI? Известно ли им о надвигающейся природной катастрофе или неизбежном космическом событии (выброс корональной массы, столкновение с астероидом и т. д.)? Однако Култхарт, кажется, замалчивает то, что он знает, и они больше не возвращаются к этому аспекту Раскрытия в подкасте. Так что, может быть, это что-то важное, но не конец света. Что думает Реддит? ​

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27 комментарий для “Закон о раскрытии информации 2023 года: почему именно сейчас?”
  1. I think Ross is giving a hint:

    >The goverment knows that it really does have to tell the truth to the public after years of derision and ridicule.

    Somehow the truth is about to come out and the government had no option but to disclose themselves to control the narrative.

  2. This is speculation of course, but what came to mind when I read your post was Grusch’s comment at the end of the original Debrief article (that set all this publicly in motion)

    Grusch said it was dangerous for this “eighty-year arms race” to continue in secrecy because it “further inhibits the world populace to be prepared for an unexpected, non-human intelligence contact scenario.”

    So while maybe not a threatening scenario per say, is going to occur, but even a friendly first contact experience is enough to shock TF out of most folks..:

  3. There are **too many** sources pointing out, one way or the other, that *something* is coming, something is going to happen.

    We can only speculate what is going to happen, but I take for granted that this is not «our» agenda. We didn’t choose the «ok, let’s do it».

    We (they, the group pushing for disclosure) decided to do it due the inevitable occurrence of what is going to happen. To what purpose?

    Get all of us a little more prepared for what’s going to happen.

  4. It could be more political. Imagine if someone were threatening to leak with proof that the government is hiding UFOs and eliminating people to keep it under wraps. Congress would want to get that out quickly to control the narrative.

  5. All the people who started cover up etc have passed on. Its an inherited situation/legacy that is coming to breaking point. It is clearly a divisive issue, there are those keen to get it out behind closed doors and those keen on covering. There is possible big clash between gov and private aerospace company. The big one though I think is since the 2017 videos that were leaked and confirmed by the pentagon there has been slow progress in the bureaucratical world such as investigation teams and whistle blower deals. From of social point of view we have more tech than ever before in the 21st century by quite some distance etc so revelations might not be as mind melting as 50 years ago. Also we may have gotten to a point where we’ve admitted there is 0% chance to reverse engineer or oppositely we have finally gotten a handle on the tech.

  6. When I asked our vet how much longer we would have with our 19-year-old cat, he said, «Well……..every day is a gift.»

    When I read posts like this, I think, «Well……every day is a gift.»

    Whatever the future brings, in the meantime I’m determined to enjoy normalcy for as long as I can. It’s definitely a good time to smell the roses.

  7. I want clean air and water. A whole of society that cares and isn’t pinned against one another. I want freedom from a petroleum based economy. There has to be another way. I hope this is it. It’s time to move forward and come together.

  8. Ross also responded to an unnamed internet debunker who says the congress has been duped by tin foil hat crazies saying, “Grow up, you infantile, puerile piece of shit!” (Edit: balls of steel on this guy. I laughed pretty good on that one. I love it.)

  9. All sorts of possibilities:

    * Rising world tensions potentially leading to a war or nuclear exchange which would trigger an NHI response that we need to avoid.
    * Someone else (another world power) is going to disclose if we don’t.
    * Another world power has the tech and is going to do something with it soon.
    * 2024 election may bring about political changes that would make disclosure impossible.
    * Something is going to happen to the planet soon (jump in climate change effects, etc.)
    * NHI have set some sort of deadline. Maybe they will just reveal themselves if we don’t fess up. Certainly NHI sightings seem to be picking up.

  10. The (TTSA) guys who have been leading the charge for disclosure in the last few years had all said that things are suddenly going to come to a head in the summer of this year. It is extraordinary how accurate they were in these predictions because well, here we are. Exactly as all these guys predicted almost to the day.

    More concerning though, The other thing they mentioned is that a major disclosure event will likely occur in 2027. So if they were correct about predicting this summer’s hearings, does that give more credence to that assessment as well? 😶

    Could this potentially mean that there will be a presidential level announcement in 2027 which will take the next few years of building up to? Or some expected event much more significant?

  11. I’ve been feeling this whole time that if they are going forward with disclosure, it has to be that NHI is ok with it. Maybe they’re tired of hiding? Or maybe they are indifferent to us knowing. I just feel its one of the two because it they weren’t ok with it I don’t think they would be getting ready to tell us. But all of this happening at once, Greer, Grusch, releasing videos….it can’t be coincidence.

  12. I personally believe that China got their hands on this tech (and maybe they reverse engineered some of it) and plan to use it militarily. Meanwhile, the US and allies have not been successful, so we much shift this into the *public sector* ASAP to hopefully level the playing field.

    That, or the spider wasp aliens are coming to fuck us.

  13. >And I’m concerned, Ross, that at the end of the day, the only thing that would make a politician do that, and act in that sort of «enhanced» way, where they are in a hurry, is that there is some **bad news involved in this.**

    I dunno man but this stuff is scaring me when I think about this side of it.

  14. Congress (elites) acting on this after 70-90 years and breaking the status quo in such an uphill way with no immediate benefit to themselves or constituents (other than the popular curiosity)…oh, and they are acting in a bipartisan fashion in this divisive era. It’s nothing good. Think of all the downsides to them for disclosure (the biggest may be proliferation of NHI tech).

    let’s see:

    1. Critical mass on leaks and whistleblowers (stated here in the thread and the simplest explanation). Congress needs to preserve its oversight power. The urgency seems to imply more than just this.

    2. US plans to use NHI tech to counter an adversary here on Earth (e.g. China) to prevent
    WW3 and they have no other military recourse (like the A-bomb in WW2). Why do this with the attendant risk of proliferation of a tech more lethal than nukes? I doubt this one unless some other power leapfrogged us (or imminently could) using NHI tech.

    3. US plans to use (with allies) NHI tech to counter climate change. Without a signature human or other tech breakthrough that can overcome known energy physics our global civilization is over in 30-50 years (and that’s being generous). If the heat doesn’t kill us, global war over dwindling resources will. A new dark age is more of a risk than NHI tech proliferation.

    3. NHI has set a deadline that requires this. It could just be Disclosure, it could be we have to reverse ecosystem damage by a certain date, it could be that…

    4. Friendly NHI has advised on hostile NHI inbound and enlisted us to use this tech to help defend ourselves or together.

    5. 4 or 5 or combo, and NHI is coming in to run things since we can’t. We are in over our heads and NHI has an interest in us or the ecosystem. We blew it: nuke risk, climate change, micro plastics, and maybe deadly AI. This starts to prepare us all for our new overlords.

    6. There is only neutral or hostile NHI and we are ready to fight them with this new technology.

    7. The end of materialism (as stated here in the thread). If this is a reason, why risk tech proliferation over a philosophical and scientific shift we should discover naturally ourselves? Unless there is an event or discovery that would make it unequivocal and disruptive in the near term enough to risk proliferation.

    8. The simulation or experiment is ending. Why tell us if there is nothing humanity can do?

    What else?

    (Edited for clarity)

  15. Everyone needs to relax, for the vast majority of us there isn’t not much we can do but wait and see what happens. Maybe it will change everything and life won’t be the same, maybe it will turn out to be nothing. As Warren Zevon said «enjoy every sandwich», don’t waste your time fretting about what you can’t change and enjoy what’s in front of you.

    I for one am very excited to learn what all this is about, but staring outside at the yellow haze from the Canadian wildfires I can’t help but admit I feel a certain trepidation right now.

  16. IMO there are a few different reasons none of them is in public interest which I think is BS being fed to get general public complacency and quell anger.

    My reasons

    1) Grusch mentioned people dying of radiation and other medical conditions. That is a compelling reason for whistleblowers.

    Imagine not having any guaranteed health or medical coverage due to the secrecy of the program, and no guarantee of family care or pensions. That’s enough to create resentment from within

    2) You lied to congress. Congress is as power hungry as any branch in government. You evaded them, directly attacked their democratic authority and worst of all…made money without them.

    3) Advancements by your geopolitical rivals that make you realize the weaknesses of your own research. The US system is reliant on the private sector making massive strides with the government catching up or working in secret with them.

    By compartmentalizing and stonewalling your modern giants in the private sector (Big tech, big pharma etc) you have severely limited yourself. Ie your using an old system of companies that have somewhat stagnated in the modern world.

    So a mix of the three sort of create this perfect storm where their hands are forced.

  17. Maybe the aliens/NHI are so frustrated with us that they are going to put a “global custodian” in place to keep order and shut down some more destructive/dangerous aspects of our civilization.

    Sortof like when a company goes bankrupt and a “receiver” is put in place to run the company until it can be “wound down” in an orderly and reasonable fashion.

    I sortof suspect an important emissary is already en route, and that everyone in power realizes this is going to be a significant public event.

    Another possibility is that the Chinese and Americans made an aggressive grab for a highly sought after bit of alien tech and seriously fucked it up and upended the delicate status quo

  18. Why now? Looking at it positively, the amount of whistleblowers is growing by the day, and it will be going public, it’s all about to come out anyway, so they need to control or have a say in the narrative.

    Looking at it negatively, some distressing shit is about to happen.

    Schumer launching this on the heels of the NATO summit and both Blinken and Yellen meeting with China’s leadership may be a big coincidence, but I find it hard to believe it wasn’t a topic of conversation over the course of each of those sessions.

  19. If the world is ending, then do we really need to know? Information about the sun exploding won’t be actionable information. My best guess for the expeditious disclosure is that they have information about off-the-books procurement that has gone on far to long. It is time to quash unaccountable powers.

  20. The thing I always come back to is climate change.

    We are already setting daily heat records. How bad is it going to get? Perhaps we’re really about to cross a line where we doom humanity’s future. Not that the Earth ends in 2027 or something, but that we will be beyond hope. The NHI can prevent that and *will*, but the government is trying to get what they know out before that happens. So the urgency is just that this won’t even be a debate in a few years, just a reality, and so they have no choice but to talk about it.

    Just thinking. No idea. Probably wrong.

  21. so there’s a chance that next spring Biden will be on TV having bayonetted an alien on the white house lawn and declaring it’s intergalactic war and y’all have just been conscripted

    *^(#cornpop was right)*

  22. If China has the same program and they have actually figured something significant out, that would be enough for the US to open up and get the best minds on it ASAP.

    Or maybe an alien battleship is on its way and we’re about to go to war.

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