«Концептуальный взгляд на программу обратного проектирования UAP», автор @Condorman6 в Твиттере. Подробная и невероятно реалистичная статья
A Conceptual View of a UAP Reverse Engineering Program
This fictional article is meant to provide insight into how a hypothetical UAP reverse engineering program would have evolved over time. It's a blend of educated speculation with historical events.https://t.co/QshvbG36D7
— Condorman (@Condorman6) November 9, 2023
This is reads like a set up for a narrative for disclosure. Treading the waters, if you will.
It omits the most important part: the nature of the relationship between our elites and outside entities.
Still a very interesting read and a good overview!
Woah, this is absolutely incredible. I read every word and have been following these stories for over a decade. You compile everything in a way that when read, is highly probable and very scary. We are very much in the dark on what these beings want, and if anything, we’ve been antagonizing them for decades trying to get their tech. As a result, they shifted tactics recently and have become more aggressive to us. That, coupled with Russia and China having their own programs, and the US military taking down one of our own Reverse Engineered ships, puts us in very unsteady times.
yeah, [cavorite](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Cavorite) , the negative mass material 💀