Агентство Defense Intel отметило день НЛО в LinkedIn.
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Эти UAP настолько велики, что им пришлось построить здание сверху. — сказал Росс Култхарт. Большой купол на Маршалловых островах.
Только что был мой первый официальный опыт UAP!
Конгрессмен из комитета по разведке говорит, что НЛО «бросают вызов физике, какой мы ее знаем, и летают под водой»
Истина прячется у всех на виду? Изображение из Национального музея авиации и космонавтики. Аполлон 17
Трейлер фильма Джулс — Раскрытие пришельцев (маленькие серые)
To me it seems like a slap in the face. Discrediting ufo reportings as if they already know it could only be their fancy secret airplanes(which we pay for, remember that).
«We’re so proud of our airplanes and keeping you guys in the dark. If only you guys knew!»
If the DIA put a pic of a real , govt recovered , intact ufo ,on this page.
People would say it’s a fake , and part of a misinformation or disinformation campaign.
Someone said to me, recently, ‘there is no way the government could cover up a secret like, the existence of UFOs. Whenever two or more people know something, they talk.’
And I said, ‘let me tell you about this aircraft called the SR-71…’
And here is Jim Fucking Goodall relaying how SR-71 pilot Dave Fruehoff saw UFO and then get left in the dust trying to catch it.
Rest of the vid is worth a watch also.
Submission statement: The DIA acknowledges World UFO day. Pretty bold considering all the controversial press coming out within the IC recently on this topic. In my opinion this will cause more eyes to pry on the IC to divulge info that supposedly they are trying to protect.
Flashes of light from dark gray/ black craft… The fact that people think these are reasonable assertions.
It is my zero cent take. This tweet is a clear message stating that DoD has a breakthrough technology as also happened for SR-71 and U-2. I do not know where they get it but I love humanity enough to say that probably there is a «Zefram Cochrane» somewhere.
Looking at a similar tweet from Lockheed, they seem rather to state that their top technology is the F-35 right now. Not so encouraging with respect to the DIA’s tweet.
DIA trying out PSYOPS.