Интервью Майка Уоллеса с майором Дональдом Кейхолом (1958)
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On March 8, 1958, Keyhoe appeared on The Mike Wallace Interview on ABC and spoke about flying saucers, contactees and the details of the Armstrong censorship, which he blamed on the Air Force.
In 1956, Keyhoe cofounded the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). He was one of several prominent professional, military or scientific figures on the board of directors, which lent the group a degree of legitimacy many of the other contemporary «flying saucer clubs» sorely lacked. NICAP published a newsletter, The UFO Investigator, which was mailed to its members.
I need a parliament.
Well, here we are … 65 years later … and it remains fully evident that the U.S. Marine Corps is still replete with heroes, and the decision makers in the U.S. Government are still cowering in a corner, worried about what the Brookings Report swears is going to happen if disclosure takes place.
Why are we not surprised.
I think that people like Major Keyhoe are to be applauded because, early on, he was aware of how «government» disclosure of other-worldly life would be less overwhelming to the public than a sudden and undeniable landing/display of their craft … no less, than if the inhabitants of those craft were to simply pop the hatch, and make their existence known.
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