Джеймс Хесус Энглтон переехал в Италию в 1931 году, был главой итальянского отделения X-2 CI в Блетчли-парке в 1943 году, переехал в Рим в 1944 году для работы в УСС и остался там после войны. Участвовал в доставке итальянского объекта в США и поэтому идеально подходит для операции ЦРУ MJ-12.
I went down the Zodiac rabbit hole when I saw it mentioned in Vallee’s book. The MJ12 docs seem to be mostly fabrication. Here is an excerpt from Vallee’s Forbidden Science 4 :
«Hal Puthoff, Kit Green, and I spent last evening together in this great hotel near the Pacific. My excuse to convene our meeting was a review of high-tech projects at IRT, a company in which my fund has invested. We compared notes about MJ-12 rumors. Kit assured us there once was a real “Majestic,” but it was only concerned with surviving a nuclear strike.»
This article needz more wurds, stop with the Cliff Notes nonsense
S/S: James Jesus Angleton and his father Hugh Angleton were both high-level operators in the OSS, the precursor organization of the CIA, and were living in Milan in 1933 when the Italian crash retrieval incident occurred a few miles out of town. OSS brought the object back to the USA, where Jim Angleton ran the MJ-12 and ZODIAC projects relating to crash retrievals. Also, ZODIAC is mentioned in the 1999 «Important Memo» of the Majestic Documents.
Why do you believe majestic 12?
“Klass’s investigation of the MJ-12 documents found that Robert Cutler was actually out of the country on the date he supposedly wrote the «Cutler/Twining memo», and that the Truman signature was «a pasted-on photocopy of a genuine signature — including accidental scratch marks — from a memo that Truman wrote to Vannevar Bush on October 1, 1947». Klass dismissed theories that the documents were part of a disinformation campaign as «ridiculous», saying they contained numerous flaws that could never fool Soviet or Chinese intelligence. Other discrepancies noted by Klass included the use of a distinctive date format that matched one used in Moore’s personal letters, and a conversation reported by Brad Sparks in which Moore confided that he was contemplating creating and releasing some hoax Top Secret documents in hopes that such bogus documents would encourage former military and intelligence officials who knew about the government’s (alleged) UFO coverup to break their oaths of secrecy.”
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