Дэвид Граш рассказывает Джо Рогану о встрече с сенатором Гарри Ридом, материалах Lockheed Martin об НЛО, правде об AAWSAP и заявлениях Джеймса Лакацки о доступе внутрь корабля.

Дэвид Граш рассказывает Джо Рогану о встрече с сенатором Гарри Ридом, материалах Lockheed Martin об НЛО, правде об AAWSAP и заявлениях Джеймса Лакацки о доступе внутрь корабля.

11 комментариев для “Дэвид Граш рассказывает Джо Рогану о встрече с сенатором Гарри Ридом, материалах Lockheed Martin об НЛО, правде об AAWSAP и заявлениях Джеймса Лакацки о доступе внутрь корабля.

  1. A pretty direct admission from Senator Reid to Grusch about Lockheed having recovered materials, as well as Lacatski’s admission they forcibly accessed the inside of craft. Just a regular day in the world of ufo’s.

  2. Great interview. The Harry Reid and OSAP attempt at disclosure and that the material is still there! Has to be the most crazy fact about this whole thing. The CIA is blocking it, just release the information.

  3. I watched 15 minutes of it, where he explains why he is allowed to say the things he says.

    Basically, he is saying that the oversight agency is afraid to be confirming anything be asking it to be redacted, so they just allow him to say anything, whilst he makes sure to not burn active programs.

    Im not convinced about his interpretation, it could also be that he just isn’t saying anything worth redacting/factual?

    He conveniently name-drops a dead senator, who cant refute his claims, and also says that senator called joe biden on his behalf, so it seems he has presidential authorization to make disclosures?

    Paranoid delusions of grandeur?

    If Biden comes out and confirms it, then Ill bite.

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