Конгрессмен говорит, что видел кадры с НЛО, которые убедили его, что инопланетяне могут «превратить нас в угольный брикет».
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Poor wording of the title.
«Но если они там, они там, и если у них есть такая технология, то они могут превратить нас в угольный брикет».
Старый добрый древесный уголь
Can they at least season me properly first?
This is exactly why the House hearings have me nervous. They cannot afford to make this a circus before Grusch is able to get Infront of the Senate committee.
I really think the fear mongering is unnecessary. We would already be charcoal if that’s what they wanted. They have been here as long , if not longer than we have.
I got served an ad for Kingsford Charcoal BBQ Briquettes directly under this story on my Reddit feed.
This just in: aliens love bbq. We are just fuel! OMG!
Does that surprise any one ? We can do that to ourselves we don’t need aliens for that. The real question is how many are malevolent — which I am sure there is good and evil everywhere you go
I mean… It’s the hottest summer on record. We’re more than capable of turning ourselves into charcoal briquettes, thank you very much.
Burchett by any chance? Oh yeah.
It’s interesting that he claims to have seen classified video. In another interview he said the most compelling evidence he was aware of was hearing David Fravor talking about the Tic Tac.
There’s that good ol’ fear and xenophobia I expect from people like him.
Anything Burchett says can only hurt public perception of the situation.
I have Slim Whitman’s Indian Love Call in my iTunes library just in case.
Do humans terrorize monkeys just for the fuck of it? I highly doubt aliens are gonna fuck with us. Even if they wanted our resources they’ll probably just leave us alone. Man has evil in his heart and that’s the only reason we think others have the same. I’m sure they’re much more socially evolved than us
Off-topic, but can any of the mods or anyone else tell me what the purpose of the u/StatementBot is for this sub. I see in every thread, but it just seems to be the summary of someone’s post which is already in the thread.
Like, what’s the point of this bot? It adds nothing to this sub or the threads.
I don’t believe anything this guy says about anything, let alone UFOs.
So with enough pressure we are really diamonds in the rough??
Where has he seen this footage? It’s probably some youtube fake that came up whilst whilst he was looking at bigfoot videos.
Haha, and they’re waiting for the public disclosure to start with their charcoaling. If they were hostile, we’d be done and dusted by now
Clickbait title with the context of how he made that statement.
What’s the reason they haven’t killed us already ? Are we valued by them for breeding or other things ?
Pffftttt. We have weapons that could turn us all into charcoal briquettes. That’s just something we have to live knowing.
I always think it’s funny/sad that most human’s biggest fear of coming into contact with NHI, is that they will treat us how we treat other humans.
As much as I’m excited this topic is moving forward. It’s just tragic we feel that it’s up to politicians to decide how real it is.
Aliens are advanced and intelligent enough to know that aggression is a waste of energy and the universe is too vast to squander life quibbling over sparkly rocks and dinosaur juice.
I mean yeah, but we can do that too. We’ve been able to to that since the 40s lol
Lame statement. We can turn people into charcoal briquettes. Imagine extraterrestrials traveling here and not having the technology to destroy an entire solar system.