Правда об НЛО: наше интервью с доктором Гарри Ноланом и слушания в Сенате об НЛО/НЛО. Запись сделана 19 апреля. Стэнфордский профессор, доктор Гарри Нолан, присоединился к нам, чтобы обсудить предстоящие слушания по НЛО/НВП.
Правда об НЛО: наше интервью с доктором Гарри Ноланом и слушания в Сенате об НЛО/НЛО. Запись сделана 19 апреля. Стэнфордский профессор, доктор Гарри Нолан, присоединился к нам, чтобы обсудить предстоящие слушания по НЛО/НВП.
Can someone just tell us in the comments what the big reveal was
I watched the hearings and got a sense that Dr. Kirkpatrick was unenthused about his role, eager to move out of it as soon as possible and make it other people’s problems, and did not consider the whistleblower stories worthy of pursuit because he didn’t feel they constituted a form of actionable evidence. He seemed more perked up when talking about UAP as drones and garbage, and that was my take away- he’s there to prove its balloons and advanced drones from China and seems uninterested in any of the whistleblowers’ testimony suggesting these go back decades and have shut down nuclear missiles. I really got a sense of a project bluebook repeat.
Can someone tell me what the bombshell is so that I don’t have to listen to the whole thing?
If anyone wants the so-called bombshell, Nolan is asked what recent whistleblower testimony consisted of. He replied with, «crash retrieval & contact».
That’s very literally all that was said. I’m not trying to diminish that response. I think it’s incredible. But the host kind of just says, «wow, I’m shocked» & moves on.
I get that the testimony was classified & they weren’t Nolan’s stories to tell but no follow-up whatsoever? Pry a little. Investigate.
Since we are new to reddit, we are posting some of our past live streams that people may have missed. This one, we interview Dr. Garry Nolan who had some very interesting things to say.
By the end of the summer we should hear something big hopefully
A repost? Already. 😞
Nothing, absolutely nothing again
Downvoting this trash.
Public interest in the subject is growing **rapidly**. Between 2019 and 2021, 8% of US adults (~20 million) changed their minds to «UAP are extraterrestrial». If it continues at this rate, it will hit 90% near the end of the decade. It could also accelerate. It should be noted that this is not unlikely to be due to government releases. I think it’s actually being driven by pop culture icons. Read these sources:
Interesting little tidbit:
>While the intelligence report has received prominent media coverage, **Americans were broadly unaware of the assessment prior to its release.** Most Americans (87%) said they had heard or read a little (66%) or nothing at all (21%) about the government releasing information about UFO sightings, compared with just 12% who said they had heard or read a lot about it.
Is this podcast way bigger on other platforms? on YT they barely have any views yet are able to get Senator Gillibrand to show up on it? Their YT isnt even a year old.
“I’m not gonna say anything new but I gotta dangle that carrot” 🤦🏼♂️