Кадры сняты 18.07.2023 недалеко от Санта-Барбары, Калифорния. Это не полное видео. Рабочие в этом районе заметили странный плавающий объект в форме булавки, и пока мы наблюдали, объект двигался к горному хребту, а за ним двигался свет.
Strange floating object spotted with light.
byu/generik_1996 inUFOs
It is a balloon someone posted a closeup and its clearly an inflated object floating
I know people here hate «that’s a balloon», but that’s a balloon. You can buy your own UFO on Amazon.
[TEDCO Tedcotoys Kids Activity 50-Foot Solar Balloon for 14 years](https://www.amazon.com/TEDCO-Tedcotoys-Activity-50-foot-Balloon/dp/B00LW7WGRK)
This is cool, got the longer video? 👀
Was it moving steadily the whole time? Or was it initially stationary and then started to move?
This looks to me to be an aircraft contrail. The aircraft would be at the top and it appears there is dispersion of trail at the bottom. The dark appearance (instead of the usual white colour) would be due to angle of illumination.
dude!!! I saw this at the lake at night with 10 other people around June 11!!!! it was the craziest thing i’ve ever seen in the sky
It is the sign of the end times. His long noodly appendage has been severed, and no longer can He create the past or future.
Barbarossa 4:20
Looks like feather in a web to me
Leaf falls from tree! Are these stupid things in the sky pictures adding anything to this discussion?
Solar balloon!
Why so much side to side camera movement?