Исследование показало, что каждый пятый ученый видел НЛО

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Исследование показало, что каждый пятый ученый видел НЛО

От admin

24 комментарий для “Исследование показало, что каждый пятый ученый видел НЛО”
  1. I just saw one two nights ago. It hovered above the clouds and moved graciously to the left, then shot back the way it came. The movement was so smooth; I had never seen anything like that. I’m currently going to school for astrophysics and partake in Astrophotography. Im outside every time the weather permits and even out on foggy/stormy nights. I’ve seen planes, satellites, jets and when I tell you I have never seen anything like that in my life…I mean it. Coming from a scientific background, I know I must collect data and not jump to conclusions. But as of right now, whatever I saw was not normal. Let’s hope they decide to appear for me again so I can collect substantial data.

    Also, let me add, I do not believe in the supernatural, I am not religious, and I am highly skeptical of many things. I was also not alone. I was with my wife and our friend (a fellow astronomer). We were all in absolute shock. None of us could come to a logical conclusion as to what it was.

  2. An academic survey published on Monday in the journal Humanities and Social Sciences Communications found that roughly a fifth of tenured and tenure-track faculty across 144 research universities in the U.S. reported sightings of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), the official U.S. government term for UFO. The survey also found that the majority of academics believe that academic research and evaluation into UAP is important.

  3. > The report’s authors **sent the survey to almost 40,000 academics and garnered a 4 percent response rate**. Participants were 63 percent male and 80 percent white, and **ranged across 14 different research disciplines such as physics, psychology, political science, and engineering**.

    > **About 19 percent of respondents reported witnessing or knowing someone who had witnessed a UAP. And 9 percent said they or someone they knew might have seen a UAP.**

    > Though the banner takeaway is that **one in five academics reported seeing potential visitors from other planets or knew someone who had**, the survey itself encompassed a wide range of opinions and insights about academics and their perception of UFOs. For example, **36 percent of participants reported that they were interested in conducting more research into UAPs**, with just 4 percent having conducted any UAP research. **An additional 55 percent said they would be much more likely to conduct research if they had funding**.

  4. As an academic, I haven’t seen any, but I do have several people close to me in my life (including fellow academics) who have. I’m of the mind that something anomalous is happening, but we don’t have sufficient data to begin to understand the scope of the problem and how to address it.

  5. I saw my first official UAP on saturday out my backyard with two friends. It was white and way up there in the sky. It’s a shock that I spotted it. It was white and was hovering in the sky in one perfect position unaffected by the wind. The clouds were moving under it and it just stayed right there. I checked the interactive wind charts and it should have been blowing north at 17 mph at it’s altitude, but it was completely uneffected. We watched it in binoculars for about 15 minutes. My friend tried taking video and pics, but it was so high that it didn’t look like anything on the phone camera. The weird thing is I didn’t feel any sort of mental, spiritual, psi connection to it at all, and it definitely did not appear to be «connected» to my psychy as described by most reports. That’s leads me to firmly believe that it was indeed a UFO, however I believe it was one of «ours». Leaks say we’ve mastered gravitic manipulation, and I now know that to be true. Unless it was a non human intelligence and it just didn’t feel like interfacing for some reason.

  6. If you really want to see a UFO, go and camp on the northern most part of Michigan UP, on Lake Superior. They are sighted a lot over the lake through the beautiful night sky. We went camping up there every summer. We saw a lot late at night.

  7. Surveys don’t mean shit, I do surveys for the incentives as a side hustle and always lie about my credentials just to qualify for the surveys.

    I’ve been a contractor, a scientist, a government worker, a CEO of a multi-million dollar company.

    Just give me my $2 for answering some questions and I’ll be whatever you want me to be.

  8. Every dope is an academic now, that doesn’t mean a thing. Might as well use a survey from clown school. Since the 50s higher education has rapidly lost all it’s value.

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