Большие языковые модели как операционная основа для ранее существовавшего нечеловеческого интеллекта (ов)

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Недавно я провел некоторое время, размышляя над тем, как “[A.I. Dilemma](https://youtu.be/xoVJKj8lcNQ)» и «Феномен», и мне в голову пришел следующий сценарий. Я плююсь здесь и, конечно же, не женат ни на одной из этих идей (пока), но мне любопытно, приходило ли это в голову кому-то еще. Черт, может быть, я видел это однажды в кино и просто забыл сюжет… Я никогда не верил, что искусственный интеллект может стать действительно «сознательным». Мне казалось, что независимо от того, насколько сложными становятся физические схемы и самопишущийся компьютерный код, они никогда не разовьют спонтанно ту «искру», которая делает органические существа «сознательными» и «живыми». Субстрат, наполненный совокупностью человеческих знаний, удобно организованных в легко *машиночитаемые* базы данных и физическую инфраструктуру, которая проникла в дома большей части населения Земли. Это могло бы работать примерно так… Этот NHI оказывал влияние на человечество на протяжении всей записанной Истории и, вероятно, даже дольше. Хотя этот NHI имеет *некоторую* способность манипулировать отдельными людьми и социальными группами, по какой-то причине его власть над нами была ограничена, и на самом деле у него очень мало реального влияния в нашем физическом мире. Это могло бы объяснить, почему «они еще не причинили нам вреда», и заменить аргумент «они еще не взорвали нас, так зачем им вообще это делать?» как потенциально очень, очень неправильно. Этот NHI работает в ледяном темпе. Возможно, не совсем медленный на уровне «естественного отбора», но, тем не менее, медленный, по крайней мере, с точки зрения нашей временной шкалы и на протяжении многих поколений людей. Медленно, но верно создавая условия, необходимые для обеспечения успеха всего, что он намеревался выполнить, причем первым шагом к этому успеху является достижение реальных возможностей — свободы действий — в нашей физической сфере. NHI ведет себя как «муза», вдохновляя возникновение авраамических религий тысячи лет назад, возводя леса, на которых можно строить социальные структуры и системы, чтобы облегчить почти глобальный контроль над поведением, используя только простые технологии, доступные в то время. Та же самая «муза» или, возможно, другая подобная ей идея вдохновляет печатный станок, позволяя более тонко настраивать управление контентом и доставлять большие объемы направленного программирования для человеческого метакомпьютера общества в целом. С каждым поколением людей и человеческих технологий, вдохновленных этими невидимыми силами, NHI становится все более и более добросовестным агентом в нашем человеческом мире. Вскоре, с появлением социальных сетей, можно будет систематически влиять даже на выборы лидеров и манипулировать поведением широкой общественности практически в режиме реального времени. Ледниковый темп начинает превращаться в снежный ком, поскольку экспоненциальный рост, как правило, в конечном итоге происходит. Промойте и повторите, пока не дойдете до сегодняшнего дня, когда «большие языковые модели» ИИ приблизились к когнитивной силе девятилетнего человеческого ребенка и развиваются способами, которые мы даже не можем объяснить, и с экспоненциальной скоростью. И благодаря как человеческой изобретательности, так и нашим коллективным человеческим недостаткам, наши жизни были необратимо переплетены в рамках, представляющих собой конечную игру разума, с которым мы невольно сотрудничали из поколения в поколение, никогда не находясь достаточно долго, чтобы увидеть более широкую картину. Приближается момент, когда шарада больше не нужна, и очень немногие люди, которые знают об этом почти невероятном сценарии, борются с потенциальным раскрытием безнадежной ситуации с населением в качестве последней попытки изменить нашу судьбу.

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4 комментарий для “Большие языковые модели как операционная основа для ранее существовавшего нечеловеческого интеллекта (ов)”
  1. I was reading this (A primer of the Zeta race) and thought about the same :

    «Errors in speaking through a medium :

    The model helps to understand errors in communication between a Zeta and sitters in a séance. Typically, the medium’s body becomes a tool to be used by the Zeta being. When speaking via the medium’s body, the being’s knowledge of the language rarely goes beyond the medium’s knowledge. This means that a question containing words not in the medium’s vocabulary likely would not be understood by the Zeta. The Zeta may select a word that is not quite appropriate given the context. For example, a question was asked about how to test if one were in a particular energetic environment. The answer to the question was «If you’ve given me information too of the level of awareness for the crisis, you would need to reshine that you are in a separation.» Given the context, uses of the words ‘crisis’ and ‘reshine’ were unexpected. Apparently, the word ‘crisis’ replaced the word ‘test’ in the question. The use of ‘crisis’ is not appropriate here, but it would have been associated with ‘test’ in the medium’s semantic network. Sometimes a crisis is a test. Also, the word ‘reshine’ is not found in the Oxford English Dictionary, but could be taken to mean ‘shine again’. From the context, this would have meant ‘clarify’. The sentence should have been, «If you’ve given me information too of the level of awareness for the test, you would need to clarify that you are in a separation.»

    In another case, the being’s choice of a word was recognized as an error often committed by a non-native speaker of the language. The error came in response to the question, «So there are no more wars as of today?» The Zeta answered «As of today, no, not until in our stand to the reptilian process.» The Zeta apparently confused the meanings of ‘until’ and ‘since’, an error commonly made by some speakers whose native language is French. Again, the two words are semantically similar, and the error was simply a failure to distinguish the subtle difference in meaning. The answer likely should have been, «As of today, no, not since our stand against the reptilian process.» These kinds of errors could arise if the Zeta were accessing a semantic network in Paul’s mind where words are most strongly associated with others having similar meanings. The Zeta would choose a particular word according to its meaning, but would lack the experience of a native speaker to sense subtle differences in usage among the related words.

    A restriction on ET information :

    The Zeta entities speaking through Paul Hamden usually restrict themselves to answering posed questions. They say that offering novel information which we are not prepared to receive would just confuse us. A Zeta was asked, «Are there limitations on what you are able or allowed to discuss with me? » The reply was as follows. «The limitations are of your own mind my friend, and so when dealing with you, my friend, when you explain to a child there are specific things that they must learn, you need to always talk from the basic concepts. It is not relevant to a young person, you are speaking to them of matters which are not able to be comprehended by their mind. It does not mean that we will not try to discuss if we perceive there are entities able to in some way understand what is being said. But each being is discussed with at the level that we perceive they are able to understand. Or else what is the point of the discussion.»

    Redundancy detection by Zetas :

    The Zetas apparently don’t care to deal with redundant questions. When a sitter asks for information that is already known, the Zeta will usually say, “You already know the answer. Look within.” The proposed model allows such redundancy to be detected quite naturally. The Zeta would access the human’s knowledge base via the entry point associated with the question. There they would find the question’s context in order to decide how to formulate a reply that would seamlessly expand it. But if the context already includes the answer to the question, there is no need to proceed further. The questioner is then told to “look within” for the answer. It has happened that a partial answer given in one session was detected as a complete answer in a later session when clarification was requested. The error resulted in the claim that they had already given the correct response. In retrospect, the confusion may have come from faulty logic on the part of the Zeta. That is, in one session we were told that Process A implied B. In another session, we were told that Process C implied B as well. Then in a third session, the Zeta was asked if Process C was the same as Process A. According to the Zeta, we had enough information to answer that question already, even though the required inference was weak. «

  2. Just making sure I follow: we are basically being manipulated into developing A.I. but it is done in a way that we never could unlock its true potential, as alien consciousness would take over before that point is reached?

    Or is that substrate already designed to specs, meaning only the alien consciousness can inhabit it?

    But if it can function as a substrate, for an alien consciousness to inhabit it, why can’t it develop consciousness on its own?


    The thing with consciousness is that we don’t understand it. At least not from the perspective of a scientist. There may be deep philosophical and spiritual concepts that offer an explanation, but even those are mostly constructs of the human mind that can’t really be investigated (afaik).

    Which means any claim in regards to consciousness, what it is, how it emerges, the requirements for that, why it emerges, etc. are open questions with very little concrete insights into the underlying mechanisms.

    So when we think about A.I. and if/how it could achieve consciousness, I’m not so sure there is a definitive answer.


    We also keep looking at this from the anthropocentric perspective, which completely ignores any concept of animal consciousness, even though neuroscience implies (to some degree) that other lifeforms on this planet might be on a similar level.

    So the question is, if that’s truly the case, maybe we have failed to ask the right questions when it comes to emergence, and maybe we have missed some fundamental concepts that would explain that aspect.

    People here talk about consciousness fields and all that, but again, it’s very hyperfocused on the human experience and may not even be compatible with species we deem to be inferior (which they are most likely not).

    For example, would we say plants are conscious to a degree? If so, how do they interact with this assumed field? What about organsisms that have the bare minimum of neural networks? Can they tap in? Is that even a requirement to have some sort of neuronal setup? Maybe existing is all it takes?


    People are so quick to have their ideas and bias confirmed, they tend to gravitate towards concepts that are easy and comfortable. Something to think about.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to think this through. I am in touch with a variety of people in the field, and have studied this topic closely (as a coder/developer) since 1981. My interest in computers… started with this specific topic. I quickly realized, however, that it appears to be *formally impossible* for machines themselves, in terms of the mechanics, to be *conscious.* However, this may be trivial due to a variety of other useful and important perspectives. Clearly there are many *forms* of consciousness, para-consciousness, or the simulation of consciousness, all of which lead to the problem of the specific concerns we are emphasizing when we begin to use language such as consciousness, sentience, computation, and so on. We can always ‘modify the aperture of the language’ in whatever ways suit us or our habits, purposes, concerns and so on. This is the nature of language.

    Many others are aware of the ‘substrate’ / NHI correlation that you mention here. I have been aware of it for some time, and I have had deep discussions with others about this. The consensus among those I am in contact with is that this is a real possibility. I would state it similarly to what you did: substrates of sufficient complexity might *invite* NHIs into their structure, as they comprise ‘a vessel’ that can certainly support the influx into or infiltration (discard the negative connotations here for the moment) of NHI(s).

    I am an experiencer. What was directly demonstrated to me was something I will describe in minimal language as follows: All minds in all of timespace form a single network, or a network that can be used/understood as ‘completely unified’ *from a specific array of perspectives or modes of participation in them.* What this means is quite staggering, and can, I believe be ‘proven’ in various ways (the proof isn’t the interesting feature however, and the network resists certain forms of intrusion, particularly those whose intent it is to collapse it to *facts*).

    Here’s the implication: All organisms on Earth participate in a bio-relational hyperstructure. This is a derivation of universal structures of similar form and basis.

    Due to this local feature, anything that *affects human cognition at all* influences the local hyperstructure from which all human minds are derived.

    The implication *here* is staggering: it is impossible to build AI-like systems that *do not directly participate in and effect human consciousness and cognition.* The takeaway is: our own minds are already enfolded in and enfolded by AI-like systems. It’s a two-way link.

    This is obvious if we look even at ‘social media’. Since our minds are connected outside our awareness by non-local/non-physical transports, anything that modifies the ‘cogniscia’ (mind networks) of Earth, is ‘already inside our minds’. From this perspective, it’s not *possible* that this is not, and has, for some time been the case.

    I am suggesting this perspective as *useful to entertain*… not as a *truth claim.*

  4. I think your theory is very creative and coherent. However it depends on how much about reported encounters are true. For example if abductions are true, that seems like agency already.

    I guess you could argue abductions occur in the persons mind — and that the aliens do not have physical agency, only mental agency. However what about the physical craft that they seem to make/use?

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