В 10:00 по восточноевропейскому времени начинаются открытые слушания Совместного подкомитета под названием «Помимо бюджета: решение вопросов финансовой подотчетности в Министерстве обороны».
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVh4sE-pSSM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVh4sE-pSSM) Будет ли это иметь отношение к теме UAP? Вы можете увидеть предстоящие слушания Палаты представителей здесь:
Follow the money, that’s the clearest methods of finding out wth has been going on
It may be. Thanks for the link
Yep, although it’s less sexy definitely relevant
Pentagon mismanagement and waste is a big issue. The illegality that Grusch has blown the whistle on is only a tiny part of it
This is definitely interesting.
DOD has failed 5 audits.
It can all be summed up as follows: «You didn’t think they actually spent ten thousand dollars for a hammer and thirty thousand for a toilet seat, did you?»
Thanks for sharing. Could be so wouldn’t hurt to watch
This isn’t about UAPs. It’s about the fact that DoD has never passed an audit and no one gets held accountable for it.
This is relevant since the argument from congressmen is that if the DoD has been using funds for NHI research, the public must be told at least that funds are being used for that purpose but details are secret. IMHO I think this is the closest admission we’re ever going to get from the military.
I just want to address this while listening at work I heard Ms.Mace stated that «The DOD expects to have a clean audit by 2027» while grilling someone about the audits not being clean.
Kind of interesting we keep hearing this date for something major. Maybe full disclosure?
At 10am E!T! ?!? Coincidence?!
All right Accountants Do your thing
This may have relevance to the UAP topic in the sense that it’s been recently reported about the egregious price gouging defense contractors have been engaging in for some time now. 60 minutes reported on this 1 month ago.
Probably not strictly relevant to UAPs, but might be massively relevant to figuring out what the DoD does with all its goddamn money.
Obviously it’s relevant. It literally says «ET» right there 🤨
I highly doubt it. This hearing will likely focus entirely on financial matters, especially those related to the failed DoD audits. There are many financial issues within the DoD that are completely unrelated to UFOs — such as improper financial management, internal controls, and adherence to generally accepted accounting principles.
I can’t imagine how vast & frustrating the DoD audit is considering the amount of programs they run, how many assets they have, etc.
It’s very obvious to me that the failed audits are unrelated to UFOs.
Source: am accountant who has worked on gov audits. Also;
It’s not about UFOs. It’s going to be about the Pentagon’s inability to pass a clean audit.
Give me the money I’ll properly allocate it sir
This only perpetuates that the DoD is great at covering things up and not sharing what they have. Look at the hearing scheduled for next Tuesday on their calendar
They cooking.
I would say that UAP could be swept into this inadvertently IF they can even identify what the black money is being directed to. More than likely DOD or DOE has used the most obtuse and false titling of programs names to keep the eyes and light off of them. Maybe even changing programs names on a yearly basis to keep the trail cold.
It’s relevant as citizens, regardless. Half of each of our dollars goes there.
Happiness = Reality — Expectations. Lower your expectations. If your Expectations of learning something are BIG and the Reality of learning something is SMALL, that results in a negative number…unhappiness.
Where do you think the money for these government black projects (that Dr.Greer etc talk about) comes from ?