Представители Берчетт и Луна подтверждают, что слушания по НЛО в Доме назначены на 26 июля.
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# Summary Report: Reps. Burchett and Luna Confirm House UFO Hearing Date
## Summary:
Reps. Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna have confirmed that the House UFO hearing will take place on July 26th, despite facing pressure from Pentagon brass, NASA officials, and other lawmakers. The hearing, organized by the House Oversight Committee, aims to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) or UFOs. NASA officials have reportedly withdrawn their cooperation with the investigation, but the co-chairs remain determined to proceed. The hearing was initially met with skepticism, with Republican leaders dismissing some potential witnesses. However, Burchett and Luna assure that the hearing will feature notable individuals, promising an «all-star lineup.» The scheduled date, July 26th, is the last week Congress is in session before a month-long recess in August.
## Key Takeaways:
— Reps. Burchett and Luna confirm that the House UFO hearing will occur on July 26th.
— Despite facing pressure, the co-chairs remain undeterred in their efforts to investigate UAPs.
— NASA officials have reportedly stopped cooperating with the investigation.
— Some potential witnesses were dismissed due to concerns raised during political background checks.
— The co-chairs assure the public that the hearing will include prominent individuals as witnesses.
— The hearing is scheduled for the last week before Congress goes on recess in August.
## Implications:
The confirmation of the House UFO hearing date indicates the persistence of Reps. Burchett and Luna in their investigation into UAPs. The withdrawal of NASA’s cooperation may impact the breadth of information available during the hearing. The dismissal of potential witnesses based on political background checks raises questions about the selection process and the potential impact on the credibility of the hearing. Nevertheless, the co-chairs remain committed to conducting a thorough investigation and promise to deliver an impressive lineup of witnesses. The hearing’s timing, just before Congress goes on recess, suggests a desire to address the UFO issue before the break and maintain momentum in the public discourse.
## Use Cases:
— Researchers, journalists, and UFO enthusiasts can follow the House UFO hearing to stay informed about the latest developments and witness testimonies.
— Individuals interested in government transparency and the investigation into UAPs can monitor the progress and outcomes of the hearing.
— Organizations and individuals involved in the aerospace industry or related fields can assess the potential impact of the hearing on public perception and policy decisions.
## References:
— [Original Article on Ask a Pol](https://www.askapol.com/p/reps-burchett-and-luna-confirm-house)
— [Article: EXCLUSIVE: Gillibrand scheduling hearings with UAP whistleblower David Grusch](https://www.askapol.com/p/exclusive-gillibrand-scheduling)
— [Article: EXCLUSIVE: Oversight Chair Comer says some UAP witnesses failed background checks](https://www.askapol.com/p/exclusive-oversight-chair-comer)
— [Article: Rep. Luna hopes House UFO hearing reveals: “…it’s very likely that there’s other life forms out there…”](https://www.askapol.com/p/rep-luna-hopes-house-ufo-hearing)