Комитеты по разведке и вооруженным силам Сената США, похоже, активизируют свои усилия по раскрытию любых в настоящее время скрытых правительственных программ, которые могут существовать для изучения устройств или изготовленных материалов неземного происхождения. Сенатский комитет по разведке утвердил новый язык UFO/UAP 14 июня 2023 года, и комитет по вооруженным силам, вероятно, сделает это в ближайшее время. Детали предлагаемых новых законов еще не опубликованы, но я разместил статью, в которой обобщаются последние события в Конгрессе, связанные с UAP, включая обсуждение одного или нескольких возможных слушаний в Конгрессе в конце этого года.
According to Gorsch, the Senators and Congressman on the Committees sent their aides to hear Gorschs testimony, instead of attending the 4 hour interrogation for Congress and an 8 hour session themselves. The only other people besides Gorsch and some of their aides were a court reporter and 1 or 2 attorneys at the 2 separate sessions. That is why they can deny any knowledge of UAPs, ETs, and captured saucers. Which they did deny- in the their last reports. Its called plausible deniability. They don’t want to know. They are lying in their reports to us, The People. They don’t know anything- because we can’t prove they know it. Whatever their aides told them is hearsay. But, they are going to hold more hearings to get to the bottom of it! Bullsh**!
Addendum: I just watched what i thought was the complete interview that i linked to below and it does not contain the Committees’ nuts and bolts as above indicated by me. I will look some more because i think that it is important about the trustworthiness of the Congressional findings, Grusch definitely says in the linked video the lead Dr Shawn Kilpatrick ignored Grusch’s offer to testify bout his own(Grusch’s testimony!
Grusch was not the first whistleblower, although he’s the first with certain protections. Others have claimed the same things he has and even had first hand experience with the retrieval/exploitation activities such as Lt Col Phillip J Corso, Clifford Stone, Bob Lazar. More info here:
I heard the hearings are gonna be held in Florida for some odd reason in July