Дэвид Груш говорит, что НХИ не настолько продвинуты, как мы с вами, просто технологически более продвинуты, чем мы.

Дэвид Груш говорит, что НХИ не настолько продвинуты, как мы с вами, просто технологически более продвинуты, чем мы.

14 комментариев для “Дэвид Груш говорит, что НХИ не настолько продвинуты, как мы с вами, просто технологически более продвинуты, чем мы.

  1. Would also make no sense for every individual in a species to be super intelligent. They will have their Einsteins and also their idiots. Which is why the “how could they get here but then crash” arguments make no sense. Our fighter pilots who are the best in the world at what they do still fuck up and crash sometimes. And just because they can make this technology doesn’t mean that have total perfect control of it to a degree where they can never make errors or screw something up

  2. I think people are missing what he is implying here. Remember that he has hinted more towards inter dimensional beings, rather than extraterrestrial.

    He is saying that he believes these NHI are coming from a PARALLEL reality, as in a Parallel Earth in the year 2023. Maybe another species in that universe evolved intelligence in that universe instead of primates, maybe humans made different decisions. He is just saying that in the parallel reality they chose a different tech tree.

  3. if we are the next generation and they indeed aided our evolution it means that we are more advanced than them. They are iphone 14 we are iphone 15. And what they can do (telepathy, remote viewing, teleporting, controlling matter) is not because they are more advanced than us but can be attributed to advanced implanted technology. Which means in the future information won’t flow through augmented glasses or whatever but through the retina.

  4. If some of these species secret waste through their pores, then physically they’re still like cavemen. They might be fascinated with our eliminatory processes, although very few toilets are reported missing during typical encounters or abductions.

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