Если вы из Великобритании, и, если возможно, подайте знак, если вы еще этого не сделали;
[https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/637661](https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/637661) Подробности по ссылке: «Это будет в первую очередь исследовать и расследовать сообщения об НЛО (неопознанные летающие объекты) и UAP (неопознанные аномальные явления) над Соединенным Королевством, а также оказывать помощь и поддержку свидетелям Министерство обороны закрыло свой отдел НЛО в 2009 г. Сообщения об НЛО/НЛО продолжают поступать в Соединенном Королевстве и во всем мире. Некоторые свидетели сообщали о проблемах со здоровьем, связанных с явлениями НЛО. Управление по разрешению аномалий домена (AARO) и недавние сбития объектов UAP над воздушным пространством Северной Америки — некоторые из которых, по мнению многих, не получили удовлетворительного объяснения, мы считаем, что Великобритания должна немедленно создать британский отдел по расследованию НЛО / UAP».
Would be funny if they brought in Kirkpatrick as a consultant on this
Not to be a *stick-in-the-mud* but, in direct response to the US Transparency initiative, Former Conservative Party treasurer Lord Sarfraz did actually raise this self same issue in the House of Lords back in 2021 — speaking on behalf of the MoD Baroness Goldie told the House there will be no UK investigation because there has been no indication of «the existence of any military threat».
Full story. [here.](https://news.sky.com/story/uk-has-no-plans-for-investigation-into-ufos-after-pentagon-report-12345899) Absolutely nothing has changed in the intervening time on the part of either HMG or the MoD.
Of course, by all means — do sign the petition but, given it’s been up since last November, response even after plugging remains tepid, to say the least.
The whole «Threat to National Security» route taken in the US simply doesn’t wash as far as the British Government goes, if you’re actually *serious* about pitching this one you have to bi-pass Parliament and go direct to the voting public: social media awareness, social influencers, etc — without some sort of grounded discussion going on in the Public forum — this is Blighty, you know how this goes — if the Government can brush an issue off they will — the trick here is to out-flank them, make that impossible.
Raising social awareness is really the only route necessary — my suggestion would be campaigning via the tabloid press, they’ve already got a vested interest pushing UFO stories via their online services, it’s easy click-bait stuff but click-bait means revenue.
Get one of them to raise the clarion call via their printed media, you have an actual campaign and champion — at least as long as it’s flogging news papers/bringing in advertising revenue.
If you look at it logically — Britain’s very public *complacency* here is the way to go, completely out of keeping with current times and — given the resent spy-balloon fiasco — nobody can sanely argue our skies are currently being monitored anything like as accurately as the MoD makes out it is.
If the the official stance is — Britain’s on top of this — then it’s surely reasonably to enquire — how — in what ways…?
If the US can completely miss — at *best* — secondary relay equipment linked with China’s disposable spy platforms — what is the UK currently doing that makes this not a problem…
That sort of awkward questioning.
Petitions are fine enough in their way, but really what the subject needs is *debate*: currently we’re not raising that discussion, the US are.
We should be using this to our advantage, after all — the US proves — it works. You just have to get enough significant people raising the right questions.
No chance of any UK leaks on UAPs. However, many sewage leaks. Come and enjoy our lovely brown beaches and rivers lol.
I think a better approach would be to collect signatures in person and submit your petition to your local MP. That’s a much way of getting noticed. These online petitions are ten a penny and very few actually amount to anything.
Oh yeah, this will definitely work. /s