Джеймс Фокс написал в Твиттере 14 минут назад по поводу истории в Вегасе. Вроде все нагнетается. Действительно интересные времена
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Увидел это, когда смотрел на небо в саду за домом.
Red flag was they blacked out the body cams of the cops entering the backyard because «it’s private property» like bitch please there are countless videos of body cams showing backyards in normal situations.
Can’t the aliens just overwhelm us with enough sightings to make it impossible to scrub everything?
I saw in the original video it said they cut off the body cameras because it was “private property” LOL. Never in the history of police body cams has that happened. Also, they filmed the front lawn and shit which is also private property.
I showed the body cam video to my wife with that news segment and she said «WTF? I have seen Cops a few times and they show inside of people’s bedrooms. I have seen body cams inside of people’s houses, garages, etc as cops are running through. I’ve seen a dude arrested naked in his shower on a video the police released. They are not showing the video of the backyard because it’s private property? That is super suspicious.» I couldn’t agree more.
Will be an interesting week for sure. This whole year will big, it’s like waiting for the next episode of my favorite shows.
This all strikes me as a distraction. Can’t believe the amount of attention this is getting the same week as the Grusch story.
My girlfriends cousin is a cop here in Vegas, and his station hasn’t heard anything about the supposed aliens. He first heard it on the news like us. He did mention that they usually don’t blackout someones backyard. That it’s bs and maybe covering something up.
Where’s that weird Greek guy with the bad hair and spray tan??!!
Saw video from the kid who posted it from his backyard and the creature looked like Admiral Akbar from starwars
This feels different. I am convinced we are near disclosure. Perhaps the Greys are emboldened bc of all the stories
I watched the kids video and did some scrubbing myself. I’m no expert and did it with my phone. But I did see something. Basically everyone on here was posting things I couldn’t see. So I went and looked.
it is turning its head to the camera which is what everyone is saying.
I uploaded a video to imgur and made one on CapCut of what I’m seeing lemme know if it’s the same as you.
Video 1 of scrubbing. Maybe I should put a circle around it
Video 2. I tried some slow motion.
Edit 2. Look top right corner
Edit 3. I did a cutout so you can see.
Well hurry the hell up!! Where’s the MUFON rapid response team? This happened on the 1st!
It’s controlled release of information. How many times do you think something like has happened and it’s immediately dealt with, covered up, and we never hear about it? It just happened in Varginha, didn’t it? This young man and the video he has — he would never have been allowed to speak out as much as he has, or the video be released to the public unless the beings in charge deemed it ok. Same with the police officers body cam and the 911 call. It would have been hidden away. It’s interesting how they black out the backyard portion of the body cam video, maybe the possibility of showing too much, too soon? It’s also interesting how this incident aligns with the recent whistleblower Grusch being all over the mass media, isn’t it? Grusch would have been silenced a long time ago, if the people in charge wanted him to be. Seems like they are psychologically softening the target, so to speak. There’s been a massive rise in the amount of content- especially documentaries not just shows like The X-Files or Star Trek — on aliens and UFO content on mainstream media over the last three decades, has anyone thought about that? They are preparing us for the truth which should have been told a long time ago. It’s a shame how prone we as humans are to utilizing deceit for our own overly selfish reasons.
LV police officers know who James Fox is to begin with?
Fuck this shit with the government is so annoying. I really hope someone captures something in 4k and posts it everywhere online for everyone to save soon.
These MF’s think we are stupid or something »Private property» Seriously? they literally think we are fucking stupid, let’s start a petition to force them to show us footage
I read that at as Jamie Foxx
That makes no sense. This Tweet is from a person who obviously has no clue how Body Worn Cameras (BWC) we used (and specifically in LV)
Officer would have no clue whatsoever of their uploaded video was being “scrubbed.
At the end of every shift officers are *required* to return their BWC to its docking port where it is recharged and all video is securely uploaded to evidence.com for storage. The uploading agent or agency cannot delete it or modify it, it’s legally held, encrypted on cloud servers even axon can’t change. It cannot be deleted without a court order or until it’s department assigned retention period has expired (typically 6 months). The FBI would have to issue a order to Axon to do so, and that would be on record. This happened May 1st…. Come on people, think!
I mean there’s nothing to investigate. The creature is long gone. The cops never saw a thing, they showed up apparently nearly 30 minutes too late all scared and nervous. This seems like the police are begging for attention
New grift, who dis?
I see a good chance to grift here. So I am gonna get right on it. clown.
Here comes Corbell
Predictable, happens after every similar incident
It was Knapp’s TV station. Surprised he wasn’t the lead guy on this.
If those thing really are walking around. 😆
I prefer to not know.
Knapp backyard for all we know lol
Is this Roswell all over again?
Let’s go boys. Fuk the govt. I need someone’s help. This morning I was watching a YouTube post about Mago Brazil. April 2020. Live and dead aliens were reported. The whole incident was scrubbed from the internet. Crash retrieval. US military response. Anyone with link. Please post. We gotta work as team to get disclosure done!!!!
So the people who reported the «Aliens» called 911 on their cel phones, but never bothered to take pictures of the creatures? Hmmmmm
This Vegas story is hot hot hot. I’m digging it.
Just read a thread suggesting this Vegas case was faked, alleging the ring camera audio was actually some type of fire work. So which is it? Some prank by a kid or not? Do we know how accurate James Fox’s claims are?
What are the odds that this happens the same time as Grusch? It all seems a little convenient to me…
This is just getting out of hand. I mean why would the government lie to us? Doesn’t make any sense.
and we have the fires going on and supposedly trump is being indicted? they’re covering something up or distracting from something for sure.
James Fox has tweeted he thinks it’s a HOAX. Check his Twitter acc.
What is such a shame is that they managed to do everything, including calling the cops, but not get a CLEAR photo or CLEAR video of the UFO or the 8-10 foot tall ETs. And conveniently when the cops get there, ETs and their craft are gone.
Also, his voice on the police call was too calm for someone that just saw a couple of 8-10 foot tall ETs in their backyard.
Also the grown man, in the police video, points at the 2 teenage boys, saying they are the ones that saw the thing. So where was the grown man while a UFO crashed in their backyard and ETs were walking around and paralysing the teenage boy in the video?
The ground where a UFO has crashed into, that would leave a crater, not a dark circle without any indentation. The angle/trajectory at which the meteor/green light was travelling at, would mean the object would probably bounce off the ground first before settling. I expect to see destroyed fences or destroyed homes. Unless the UFO is the size of a tennis ball.
The pixelated video from the alleged neighbour’s ring camera is not clear enough to tell us what happened. We don’t see much on it, and we don’t know who owns that video or where it came from.
On that night there are 21 reports of meteors seen in that part of the country — https://fireball.amsmeteors.org/members/imo_view/event/2023/2408#video_box
IMO, it could be a bolide (bright meteor) — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolide
It’s VERY likely that this is a hoax, to start a YouTube channel career or for «clout» as the kid puts it. The only thing that could be real is the green meteor seen in the sky and that is what triggered the whole thing on the kids minds in the first place.
That’ll be big if true.
Cops just happened to know who James Fox is and contacted him immediately. Riiiiight.
Erm, why doesn’t the PD go to the actual press?