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Заявления бывшего офицера разведки Министерства обороны США об НЛО вызывают опасения по поводу безопасности и путаницу, как показывают меморандумы Пентагона
When reading this article, please understand Gary Reid was a shockingly corrupt individual, walked out of his offices by security after being fired for multiple reasons. Google him. So no, his statements don’t really call Elizondo into question. And I’m not even an enormous Elizondo fan. I don’t dislike him, and I don’t exalt him. What I can’t stand is to see Gary Reid quoted as though he was a legitimate source.
Ok but what does it MATTER? It doesn’t change the reality of the situation. Yes, we know there’s an ongoing internal struggle and no, we probably won’t know who’s who until all the dust settles. But the dust WILL settle and the genie can no longer be put back in the bottle.
So at the end of the day, I feel focusing on stuff like this detracts from the main narrative and the main point — which is that this IS happening, and we NEED to be ready. Regardless of who’s trying to make who look bad cause of pettiness or politics. All of this shit will soon need to take a back seat to the larger conversation anyway.
I find it amazing that you take a handpicked document released by PsyOp Susan Gough or some other AFOSI stook 100% seriously, and on the other hand, ignore Harry Reid’s letter in which he confirms Elizondo’s role in AATIP. I told everyone 5 days ago that it wouldn’t take a week for the next Elizondo attack to happen. Realize that they are using you ffs.
for everyone who is new and doesnt know about this greenwald ego thing:
He was indirectly insulted by Davis and Elizondo, which was reminiscent of the moment when Obama humiliated Trump at this one gala. Since then, he has been cherry-picking information provided by Susan and her puppeteers as a way to retaliate under the guise of ‘truth-seeking’ and ‘just asking questions’. It’s a win-win situation for Greenewald and the Air Force Office of Special Investigation.
The sad part is, he might not even be aware of this. He is sacrificing a possible disclosure he has worked on for decades because of a silly ego-driven issue.
I have one question —
If Elizondo is lying about his responsibilities, if he quit for a decent wedge at TTSA, and it is confirmed he leaked the videos to Mellon… What does this actually change?
I feel like most of this is irrelevant at this point, considering even AARO has come out and discussed those metal spheres flying everywhere?
I just dont know if Elizondo is a key player in any of this anymore. Grusch stated his case, and the IG seems to be taking it seriously.
Those have got to be the bigger stories here now no?
Oh, please, who does this serve? This seems too personal to me. Move on. Gough and the DoD PR department have an agenda. People who investigate to find the truth about whether the AF and other arms of the DoD withhold information on other realities should stick to that. Being hacked off at individuals for obvious or non-obvious reasons to the point of seeking and highlighting disinformation seems to be Greer-like.
my question is this. the majority of these UAP FOIA requests are denied or totally blacked out. They decide to respond to this one. How do we know this isn’t a counter intelligence operation to discredit Elizondo and UAP movement in general?
Isn’t AFOSI the alleged secret keepers of this shit since the beginning? Is it any surprise they tried to smear the character, obfuscate the efforts, and discredit the guy trying to bring credibility to the subject?
This is basically exactly what his complaint was about wasn’t it? Somehow his emails are missing but whoops wait a minute let’s mention this classified correspondence between Lue and a navy civilian…
I don’t know what to make of this. I put no depth of faith in Lue but there’s sure as hell no way we can trust the spin of these same people who have been gatekeepers of this stuff for so long who would be natural opponents to Lue in this situation no matter what.
So what is the purpose of the article? What is the issue we are trying to dig into?
Edit: like are you trying to prove he didn’t work in AATIP? Or that people are confused as to why he left? Which if it’s the second one, I am confused as to what you are implying it means.
Interesting for this entire article to not once mention that Elizondo was directly involved as a witness in the investigation into Garry Reid’s inappropriate behaviors, which apparently included harassment of one of Elizondo’s own reports.
This per official documentation posted by The Black Vault on the site.
Would seem to provide evidence as to why Reid and his backers might be going after Elizondo — in addition to their being PO’d they weren’t read in on UAP.
Care to comment on why you left this seemingly quite relevant detail out of the article, u/blackvault?
My gut tells me John has realized his FOIA’s for actual UAP information aren’t getting anywhere (see, his recent video on this topic), so instead he’s decided to enter into the interpersonal battles between Reid/Gough and Elizondo/Mellon, because it gives him something seemingly relevant to keep reporting on.
I also think John is being seriously played by Gough, who let’s not forget, is a source for u/blackvault.
Seriously John has let his ego blind him from becoming a puppet of the DOD. With a source like Gary Reid was it really not worth question why the DOD suddenly released this info. Makes me really question Johns motives here. Clear happy to be a part of the disinformation campaign to muddy the water even further.
More info about Garry Reid, who is a central player in this reporting: https://thedebrief.org/sex-lies-and-ufos-pentagons-head-of-counterintelligence-and-security-ousted/
Wow! It’s never been more clear that Luis Elizondo is a hero! He bent the rules and got this UAP investigation in the public sphere.
Thank you John for this tireless effort in giving Elizondo his accolades.
Journalism at it’s best. Frame Elizondo as a liar and in the next section justify why the guy who got fired for being a liar and sexual predator is credible?
Independent of Elizondo’s credibility these are weird personal hit pieces. All of this material could easily be provided objectively.
The pentagon contradicted itself many many times.
Elizondo has also said Reid did not know what was going on at AATIP by design and that he was mad because Elizondo had to report to someone else about what he was doing there. Whether that’s true or not is a different matter, but this statement is glaringly absent from an article where Reid makes assertions about Elizondo’s role on AATIP.
I expected better of you, posting confirmed disinformation is just wrong. Like others have pointed out in here, it’s a silly attack to try and prove…what exactly? You’re not going to get more evidence via FOIA than literal insiders coming forward.
Cool story, bro. It’s called a constructive dismissal. Get a job one day and you might understand how it works.
And by the way numerous women went on record about the sexual misconduct issues, including to the media.
My biggest question: why would Christopher Melon closely ally himself with a certified grifter? Melon supposedly would be in a position to know.
Isn’t it possible that they destroyed the evidence of his credentials to discredit him, just like was done with Bob lazar?
TLDR: 5 year investigation by transparency advocate reveals ground truth about how we got here. Government insider maybe bends the rules to get UAP videos released, resigns without 2 weeks notice, makes boss mad and Pentagon nervous.
Big question for me is whether Elizondo believes what he believes because of real proof he discovered during his time in AATIP? Or did he simply become convinced by hearing servicemens’ testimonies and reading ufo books?
Can we go back to the 2017 memo that sparked this whole disclosure for a second? WHO initially pushed for this memo to be included? Was it the DoD or a congress person? The reason I ask is bc I want to know is if the DoD added this to the memo, then I might be more skeptical of the deliberate info they released (disinformation?). If it was a congress person that pushed for disclosure then it seems like congress grew some actual balls on digging on this topic
This feels like the government using journalists assets and hostile officials to influence specific narratives and propaganda over the public. In the macro scope of things, this strategy to hide the truth doesn’t work in the age of web2 Internet. We have platforms now to analyze, document, and discuss actual facts instead of government regurgitated rubbish.
After all the evidence of objects defying known physics, whistle blowers, credentialed and vetted people working on the truth and interviews from qualified positions in the military/science/legislative communities, the only thing one needs to know is this:
Do not believe a fucking word the DoD says.
John, I know you are the type of person to read through details and parse semantics but I think the community agrees that you’re spending way too much time regarding finding the truth behind Elizondo’s claims and subsequent departure.
Say he *was* lying about being part of AAWSAP/leading AATIP (which may be a possibility, or at least partial possibility), that doesn’t discount that he was instrumental in getting the now famous videos out to to the public and making them aware that the government was officially investigating UFOs. Both Mellon and Harry Reid attested to that fact as well, so it’s not like this whole mythos is solely based on Elizondo’s claims.
Coming into this topic everyone should assume that figureheads have lied or stretched the truth at some point, it’s basically a given so there’s really no need to spend anymore time digging into the history of Elizondo’s employment or lack thereof.
I’m not the biggest Elizondo fan honestly and think he should just be left in the footnotes of the annals of ufology for his ability to get the unofficial videos released to Mellon and him getting UAP to become a more talked about topic, no more no less.
I once held Greenewald in high regard, and I still do respect what he’s previously done and generally find him to be an amiable person, however….
I think this has all become pretty sad. He has totally undermined his reputation to chase windmills and attack Lue‘s credibility by citing known liars. Surely he knows this and is either willfully ignoring it or he is a part of this disinformation campaign. I’m still hoping he changes course.
Elizondo and his superiors need to be brought into congress to testify under oath in public and private hearings so we can get to the bottom of his involvement in AATIP and what he actually knows about UAP. I am withholding judgement until then.
If some silly lies were told in an effort to force disclosure, I’ll allow it, as long as they are not hurting people.
>Despite public statements by the Pentagon asserting Luis Elizondo had no assigned role on AATIP in June 2019, these memos show the DoD had made that determination back in late December of 2017 but for an unknown reason did not make it public.
So the Pentagon has a history of knowingly making false public statement on these matters.
What were the public statements they just came out with recently?
Oh well. I’m sure those were true. 🙄
You mean the known sexual abuse and liar is calling Lue a liar? What a move.
I’d throw those papers in the shredder.
Lue has done his job getting the gates opened up on this topic, it’s up to the big league now. Good luck congress. Let’s goooo Mark Warner!
Lol this has been up for 20minutes but no one has finished this massive post yet? I’m struggling to put together a TLDR myself 😂
Nice work though
Is it fair to say that confusion remains about both Elizondos role, and the circumstances of his departure?
I get that Greenwald is determined to disprove Elizondo and his role, but he’s never offered a theory to why? what’s the motive? what do YOU think is going on John?
Newly released Pentagon memos from 2017 give an inside look at the security concerns and confusion over Luis Elizondo’s resignation and the AATIP story breaking in the NY Times.
Here is a detailed look that is more than 5 years in the making:
I’ve been interested is the Black Vault’s content in the past. That all changed today. It’s very clear that this person is not driven by truth seeking, but clearly has a specific agenda. He just lost some credibility in my book.
Guys don’t trust this article. It sounds very corrupt. There is nothing wrong with leaking information about aliens and UAPs. That is in the public’s best interest. Keeping them secret is not.
» asserting that Elizondo had “aggrandized his role” in the program.» I love a good synonym but why not just say «exaggerated»? I’ve picked up a few books in my day and have never heard «aggrandized» before.
Can you start using chatgpt to summarise things?
A tldr would be nice. 🙂
Excellent work as always — don’t let the attacks get you down. This is how you know you are piercing the veil.
It’s no longer surprisingly but still amazing how this works:
Someone who no one has heard of suddenly appears in an article on a ufo friendly website by ufo friendly reporters and is interviewed, poorly, by a ufo friendly interviewer — who presents absolutely zero evidence to support his bucket list of believers claims: and he is the second coming of ufo jesus and his every word is taken for perfect truth without any validation.
Meanwhile, here you are actually presenting genuine validated evidence — but you are the one disbelieved and attacked.
Sadly, this has been UFOlogy for years… no critical analysis and attack anyone who dares to ask questions and slay anyone who can actually counter unsupported claims, debunking bunk.
Keep up the good work. We need more evidence and proof as you provide it, not more stories.
Thanks for all your hard work. I really appreciate it.
excellent job digging deep into the facts here and asking the important questions. it’s a shame you get so much hate for trying to uncover the whole picture here, but i very much appreciate these little drops off new revelations as the come out.
truly some great investigative journalism!
I for one do not believe anything Luis Elizondo says he’s part of the fake invasion
And yet…. I get booed whenever I call Elizondo a bullshit artist.
Elizondo is likely a fraud. I’m a huge believer- we’ll learn the truth. Not from Elizondo.
Edit: oh, I’m sorry. Elizondo is 100% credible and the fact that all released information that substantiates him not having access at that level is fake. I stand corrected.