Это Райан Грейвс и команда организации «Американцы за безопасную авиакосмическую промышленность». ААД

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Это Райан ‘FOBS’ Грейвс. Я летал на F/A-18 в ВМС США. Я был первым действующим пилотом, выступившим перед Конгрессом по поводу UAP, и я очень рад быть здесь сегодня на r/UFOs с моими соучредителями Хейли Моррис (haley-morris) и Брэдом Криспином (brad\_crispin) из Americans for Safe Aerospace, первая некоммерческая организация под руководством военных пилотов, занимающаяся UAP. Наша миссия проста — давайте определим, что находится в нашем небе. Если UAP являются иностранными активами, мы должны реагировать соответствующим образом. Если UAP продолжит игнорировать общепринятое объяснение — мы должны инвестировать в научные исследования. Неделю назад на канале NBC News мы официально запустили наш Совет руководителей летных экипажей и Консультативный совет, в который вошли такие знакомые имена, как Алекс Дитрих, Дэвид Фрэвор, Брайан Бендер, Тим Галлодет, Кристофер Меллон, Гарри Нолан и Ави Леб, а также невероятная группа, которую вы, возможно, не видели. знаю еще. Меня вдохновляет невероятная поддержка, которую мы получили для этой миссии. Если вы пропустили его в феврале, загляните в мой [Politico Oped](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/02/28/ufo-uap-navy-intelligence-00084537) для подробного описания моего опыта работы с UAP и основания ASA. **Наша стратегия** * Создайте первую в истории коалицию военных и коммерческих пилотов, чтобы бороться за прозрачность и раскрыть тайну UAP. * Соберите невероятный консультативный совет из военных и коммерческих пилотов, экспертов в области аэрокосмической техники, национальной безопасности, разведки, федеральной политики, науки и академических кругов, чтобы помочь нам вести нас (см. [www.safeaerospace.org](http://www.safeaerospace.org/)) и… * Создайте сильное поддерживающее сообщество, чтобы показать Конгрессу, исполнительной власти и средствам массовой информации, что UAP заслуживает того, чтобы к нему относились серьезно, без стигмы и как к неотложному делу. аэрокосмическая безопасность, национальная безопасность и наука. **Что может сделать широкая общественность?** Я хочу начать AMA, ответив на этот [question](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/143sc2u/comment/jncm2lo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) из пре-поста: «Если кто-то хочет принять более активное участие в расследованиях UAP/ раскрытия информации, помимо обращения к местным представителям, с чего можно начать?» **Присоединяйтесь к нам** Я думаю, что одна из самых важных вещей, которую вы можете сделать в борьбе за прозрачность, — это присоединиться к нам в ASA и порекомендовать друзей. Когда мы разговариваем с Конгрессом, мы говорим им, сколько их избирателей хотят прозрачности в отношении UAP. Каждый участник вносит свой вклад в авторитет и безотлагательность нашей миссии. Сегодня у нас 3 тысячи членов, и я прошу каждого из вас, как одного из миллионов членов r/UFOs, отправить сообщение Конгрессу, присоединившись к нам! Присоединиться к ASA может любой желающий по адресу [www.safeaerospace.org](http://www.safeaerospace.org/) или подписывайтесь на нас в Twitter [@SafeAerospace](https://twitter.com/safeaerospace). **Напишите своему представителю** Если вы готовы сделать больше, напишите своим избранным представителям. В преддверии этой AMA мы выпустили бета-версию нового [guided workflow](https://safeaerospace.org/activism/contact-your-member), чтобы написать эффективное электронное письмо своим представителям примерно за 9 минут. **Представьте новых людей** Если вы новичок в теме UAP или хотите представить кого-то нового, попробуйте [www.uap.guide](http://www.uap.guide/) для 15-минутного введения, которое широко одобрено идейными лидерами UAP и «безопасно для использования на работе». Я здесь, потому что нам нужна твоя помощь. Я тоже хочу знать, чем мы можем помочь? Мы можем ответить на вопросы в течение следующих двух часов в прямом эфире, а затем постараемся ответить больше в выходные. Спрашивай о чем угодно. ​ РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Вау, это было потрясающе! Спасибо всем за отличные вопросы, нам было очень весело отвечать на них! На выходных продолжу отвечать на вопросы. Пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь к нам в этой миссии, зарегистрировавшись на [www.safeaerospace.org](http://www.safeaerospace.org/) и подписывайтесь на нас в Твиттере: @SafeAerospace, @uncertainvector, @haleymorris и @bradcrispin. Продолжаем смотреть вверх!

От admin

45 комментарий для “Это Райан Грейвс и команда организации «Американцы за безопасную авиакосмическую промышленность». ААД”
  1. Ryan, thank you for all of your time.

    Have any individuals of late come to you with any particular experiences or anecdotes that are truly of note?

    I would imagine you may be contacted, especially given the last few years, and your past experience in service.

    Thank you again

  2. Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for tackling this serious subject. I believe there is a problem but we are lacking evidence. Possibly elements of the government know and are not disclosing. Science and progress are built on a foundation of collaboration. Excessive secrecy only hinders progress. We need transparency.

    Anyway, for fun.

    What is the JUICIEST piece of info you are publicly willing to comment on or reveal during this AMA?

  3. Hey Ryan! Thanks for taking the time to talk to us and answer what you can. I find myself going down various rabbit holes and going through hours of thought experiments with friends discussing this subject and the implications of it all. My questions for you are these,

    1.Based on your encounters and the newly released information, what would your advice be for pilots who experience similar UFO encounters in the future?

    2. In your opinion, what would be the potential impact of a full public disclosure of these alleged UFO retrievals?

  4. Ryan, do you notice that Navy pilots seem to be more vocal about sighting whereas we never hear anything from Air Force? Do you think that is correlated to Air Force having a more defined counter intelligence program that suppresses equivalent sightings based on the possibility that the Air Force runs a secret UAP program?

  5. So cool that you’re doing this AMA! In general, I’ve been very skeptical of things of this nature in the recent past, but it was your testimony that made me start taking this stuff more seriously. You’re a legend, and I appreciate what you do to an extent that words simply cannot articulate. So thank you!

    1. By your estimation, what is the closest you or a colleague have been to one of these objects?

    2. Were there any instances that stood out as particularly significant to you for one reason or another, or deviated from the other observations in some way?

    Also, definitely signing up for the ASA!

  6. Hi Ryan,

    I wanted to say, first and foremost, thanks for your service, your expertise and your wisdom in all that. It truly is an honor to have the opportunity to ask you a question.

    What are your own personal belief about crash retrieval programs, if you can give us your most honest opinion ?

  7. Hey Ryan thank you for taking the time to answer some community questions.

    I remember you saying on JRE that once the aircraft radar systems were upgraded, UAPs were encountered on a regular basis.

    Q: Did all sighted UAPs appear as a solid black cube within a translucent sphere or were there other craft of different characteristics?

  8. Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for sharing your time with us! My question is, where do you think we will have moved with this topic in the next 3 — 5 years? As someone in my early 40s who has followed this topic since I was very young, yet always maintain an inquisitive and skeptical tone, I am fascinated by the amount of information that has come out in the last 5 years or so. It seems to be picking up speed quickly.

  9. Hey Ryan, you’re a rockstar!! Super appreciative of everything you’ve done for the topic and flight safety in general. My question is more of a personal one, how have your immediate family and peers responded to your initial claims, and has anything change life-wise for you when it comes to people not accepting or understanding your experiences? Do you feel like validation is still on the way for you in some ways? And how have your close ones responded to this recent wave of revelations? Have you been able to truly reach the ones that matter most to you with what’s on the verge for mankind? I’m sure it can’t be easy to feel like the one nail sticking out amongst the general sleeping population.

  10. Hi Ryan! I enjoy watching your interviews and have heard your podcast. You are a very intelligent man and a huge benefit to this community ☺️ Just wanted to say love ASAs mission statement — it’s grounded and well said. Keep up the good fight!

  11. Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts in this AMA.

    You mentioned that many UAP are tracked originating from a spot near the big dipper constellation.

    I find this fact fascinating, would you be able to expand on this more?

  12. Hello Ryan, in light of recent whistle blower claims, that the USAF is in possession of these craft’s is it plausible that the crafts you and many others were spotting were piloted by the USAF, and they decided to take them for a test drive in the controlled environments of the Navy training exercises?

    You mention in some of your videos that the UAP, seemed to know the locations for your training exercises your teams were conducting, and that they would mirror your movements almost, correct me on any of these phrases but did this make you question at all that the occupants of these craft were human?

  13. Hi Ryan,

    I just want to say thanks for all you’ve done to push this subject forwards. You’re making history.

    What do you think it will take before the government acknowledges the reality of this phenomenon? I.e… disclosure

  14. Are there any clips or videos that come to mind that may seem dubious, but actually match what you’ve seen personally?

    For example, the Nimitz encounter had clips that people were skeptical of, but they were later verified as legitimate.

  15. Hi Ryan, thank you for your service and all you’re doing for the pushing of full disclosure.

    My questions for you are:

    1. What’s the general feel of the division of military branches on the UAP/UFO topic? Does the air force know or keep stuff secret from the Navy/Army or vice Versa?
    2. What is your honest opinion on what these things are and where they come from? You are in a unique experience having seen crafts up close…. Are they extraterrestrials? Interdimensionals? Etc….. Just wondering your specific opinion on that matter.

    Thanks again for doing this and all that you and your team do!

  16. Would you be willing to work with journalists seeking to produce an exposé about airlines’ management harassing and intimidating pilots into remaining silent over UAP which could pose threats to aviation safety for all of us?

    Should this be part of the upcoming Congressional Hearings? Thanks.

  17. [From the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/143sc2u/ama_with_ryan_graves_this_saturday_10_am_pst/jncm2lo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) from u/IEnjoyStuffandThings

    You’re the man, Graves!
    You and Fravor turned me around on all of this!
    I’d like to ask if he has talked to anyone coming out as a “whistleblower” that is truly afraid for their safety currently, or in the past?

  18. Hi Ryan, thank you sincerely for all the hard work you have done on the topic in recent years. And for representing the voice of reason on news media reports. Always a pleasure to watch Merged. You are a solid asset to the Aviation and UAP community and wish you all the best in your continuing endeavours. Keep banging the drum on flight safety!

  19. Hello Ryan and team, thank you for all you do! I have a question for Ryan. You recently said that pilots are seeing objects on an almost nightly basis off of the Northern Atlantic and Pacific. Can you share more details? Are pilots seeing objects of abnormal shapes and performing one or more of the five observables?

  20. As I cannot think of a legitimate question to ask right now, I will say this…..Holy shit it’s Ryan Graves! Sir we in this community know EXACTLY who you are and what you’re fighting for and we commend you for what you’re doing, I think you’ll find great people and information in this sub and I know we would be more than honored to help in anyway we can to help fight for transparency and disclosure 🫡🙌🏽 thank you 🤘🏽

  21. Are there any plans to put pressure on the FAA to strongly, publicly condemn retaliation against commercial aviators and introduce better guidelines for reporting? My feeling is they need to play a strong role in the future of this topic for aviation safety and to further acknowledge the reality of UAP.

  22. Hi Ryan, first of all, thank you for all you do for the UFO/UAP space, ASA is much needed in aviation and I’m glad you’re helping in that department!

    My question is: What’s your personal theory into what these UFOs/UAPs are? Military? Alien? Inter-dimensional beings? I’d love to hear what you think is going on.

  23. Hi Ryan,

    As many others have said, thank you for all you’ve done for the topic. I think you’re a true hero for that and your military service in general.

    In regards to the Grusch claims this week we’ve heard a lot of chatter about others coming forward who were in the inside of these programs. Is this something you’ve heard about given your proximity to the topic? Have you ever interacted with individuals that claimed to be on the inside of such a program? Do you feel Grusch is just the beginning?

  24. Hey Ryan, just wanted to let you know I am always happy when I see a new merged podcast! There was a break there for a while and I was worried you had to back off for some reason, really glad to see you’re still continuing to release episodes!

    No questions but I sure do wish I could quit my professional career to work in the UAP field! This topic fascinates and captivates me more than anything.

  25. Would you say that you are convinced that most of the unexplained UAP’s are of extraterrestrial origin? Or is it still plausible to you that these are man made?

  26. Hi Ryan, there appears to be a long ranging mythology in regards to UFOs, starting from Mt Rainier, the UFO scare in Washington DC, Roswell and so on and so forth.

    Based on your experience with UFOs/TicTacs, how has your experiences changed your thought process on this long history of experiences and explanations by the Government?

  27. Hi and welcome. What’s your take on the current events overall regarding UAP/UFOs, meaning a widespread cover of the alleged balloons that were taken down by the government; then Grusch the whistleblower and also that Las Vegas aliens show. Do you believe this is due to some sort of disclosure coming soon? is this a disclosure vs smoke screen scenario?

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