Обсуждение: Кто смотрит пресс-конференцию Стивена Грира в прямом эфире… безумные откровения.

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Это безумие. Герой все из них. Что меня больше всего напугало, так это то, что Стивен Грир повторял, что если ситуация не разрешится до конца года, будет атака. В интервью Билли Карсону он упомянул, что это будет кровавая баня. Я не боялся, пока не услышал, как он это сказал, теперь я в ужасе. Вот почему я хочу открыть дискуссию. Пожалуйста, поделитесь своими мыслями. ​ РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Пожалуйста, публикуйте сообщения только о прямом эфире, комментарии о персонаже Грир неконструктивны. В настоящее время в Национальном пресс-клубе проводят брифинги 4 осведомителя. РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: вот ссылка: [https://youtube.com/live/zDY7t6HihCw?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/live/zDY7t6HihCw?feature=share)

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27 комментарий для “Обсуждение: Кто смотрит пресс-конференцию Стивена Грира в прямом эфире… безумные откровения.”
  1. People probably won’t listen because Greer is attached but damn Michael Herreras story is compelling. The fact that so many veterans lately are now talking about these groups going over marines, Air Force etc. and going unchecked is disheartening. Worth at least listening to and investigating. Even if they aren’t seeing what they think they’re seeing or making up stories…why??

  2. Herrera’s testimony came across to me as very genuine, especially seeing the emotional impact and shock of recently discovering he potentially saw people being trafficked.

    Greer’s comments about a civilization becoming concerned about our developments regarding back-engineering has been on my mind recently. I’m not a fan regardless of harnessing such technologies that are so far beyond our understanding, but I can imagine a species this originates from would become even more concerned if we get too far. There’s not much to fear if you lose an unloaded firearm to animals, but if they start building munitions factories, I doubt you want to wait and find out what comes next.

  3. Michael Herrera sounds and looks credible and honestly terrified. Im from the Philippines so him partying at Subic for 3 days checks out. What I think in those cargoes are beside drugs and weapons are actual humans in remote villages? The cylinders mentioned may be oxygen cylinders for the humans trafficked in there. Thats my best guess beside drugs/weapons. And it makes sense too, people have died during the tsunami they can simply add to the missing people lists.

  4. I found Herrera very compelling. He doesn’t come across as someone seeking fame or fortune or attention; he comes off as a frank, straight shooter reporting what he experienced. I also can’t figure out a reason why he would make up some of the details.

    I generally distrust Greer and consider him some sort of grifter, but Herrera and the gentleman who spoke about his experience with his father both struck me as genuine. I had to leave the stream after the latter, so I didn’t catch the rest of the witnesses. Will catch up later tonight.

    As for the clip regarding Greer warning of an invasion, the link just goes to the full interview. I am interested in hearing that though!

  5. Not saying I believe any of this, but I just want to point out, do you remember the airborne objects the US took down recently?

    Remember one of them was said to have what looked like [«strings hanging off with no discernable payload»?](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/13/politics/object-shot-down-lake-huron-what-matters/index.html)

    Came to mind when they showed [the supposedly man-made one on the right which has those odd strings.](https://i.imgur.com/jz8HqVX.jpg)

  6. I watched for a bit, not much but here are my thoughts…

    *Government typecasting aliens as hostile to motivate a black flag event*?

    I fully believe the US government would do this.

    *All aliens are peaceful?*

    The ones I have difficulty believing is anyone making any claim in UFOlogy with certainty. Greer is absolutely sure, and that makes me think he has ulterior motives just like the government. Without providing the answers to ‘why’ he ‘knows,’ I’m going to go with my gut. My gut tells me not to believe him.

    I want to ask, what about alien abduction? The stories are more like horror sci-fi, and some of the stories come from credible witnesses.

    I believe Greer is trying to spin a narrative, one in which he may actually believe, but if he feels he ‘knows’ the minds of a greater intelligence, it surely signs of him believing his own hype.

  7. So frustrating. The tone of this presentation was extremely serious and they were talking about some very serious things, but the more serious things are played off the more we want to demand investigations and evidence.. we need investigations and evidence!!!

  8. I’ve been on the Greer is a drifter phase for a while now BUT I must say this made me see him in a different light.
    Hate or love the guy, he’s trying to get congress to dig into these programs so that humanity can gain from this technology!
    Do I believe every NHI is friendly like he says.. No. and that’s ok. As long as we fight for the greater good.
    When the bald soldier who was hurt by a bomb spoke about his encounters, it made me think of the book MILABS. Military abductions. He said Raytheon was behind that. No proof just cool story.
    STOP hating on every single thing and WRITE AND CALL YOUR SENATORS AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS!

  9. Everyone out here talking about Vegas and the Whistleblower. David Grusch didn’t offer much and people are focused on the statement of American’s being killed by beings not of this world. Seems reasonable for them to shoot back if they are being shot at.
    Then you have a longer event today with Greer playing host to multiple people from different sectors, documents, personal stories with them telling us where to look, and a large group of people beside Greer putting in years of effort with little or no compensation. Ending the event stating they want to help mankind gain access to technology and end mass suffering in years while bringing justice to a corrupt system that created it. The focus is on Greer who might be slimy but might not be, people make mistakes. It doesn’t lessen what was going on around him and the message being delivered.
    It wasn’t a smooth production that can be put in 10 second clips to share that for people to add their two cents. It’s just eh, fuck that guy.
    Shit, enjoy the message and take what you like and leave what you don’t. All this happening so quickly is not something I ever dreamed of witnessing in my life.

  10. and as always evidence was provided to the relevant authorities but no relevant authority has say anything about receiving anything. Quite similar with the Grusch story and the documents presented to members of congress.

    I understand it has to go through the legal channels, but cmon, leak at least a video to keep us hooked

  11. I came into the topic after I had a gray standing in front of me when I was a kid.
    So, this is the only piece of information I have from personal experience and know to be true.
    Everything else are conclusions and listening to other people’s stories.

    But I have a huge respect for everyone that comes into public with stories like this, because you can’t imagine how hard it is to know that most people will think that you’re probably insane. It has serious effects on your life and how people treat you.

    Coming out and making it public requires a strong will and understanding how important the topic is to share, despite the social stigma that comes with it.
    I remember shaking when I told it to the first people face to face, because you’re sharing something about yourself that you can’t ever take back anymore.

    Even now, besides in discussions like this, there are only a hand-full of people in my life that I have told this in person.

    I assume the unofficial number of people with experiences or sightings is much higher.

    Edit: Elaboration in comment below

  12. He doesn’t even say there’ll be an attack that’ll result in a bloodbath. Stop making stuff up. He outright said that there’s people that gonna move on “it” and it’ll be a blood bath. Meaning a figure of speech for “it’s gonna get ugly because they’re gonna force the issue”. Stop making shit up about an attack.

  13. DC Long just broke my heart. This shit is wild! I tried making a post about it that was automodded but I noticed this post and I have to say something. He seemed so genuine

  14. >What terrified me most was Steven Greer repeating that if the situation is not resolved before the end of the year there will be an attack. He mentioned in an interview with Billy Carson it would be a blood bath.

    Yeah but what about all the peaceful aliens Greer told us about and how the MIC was fear-mongering in order to maintain control? /s

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