Мои извинения, если это уже было опубликовано: https://youtu.be/VTRx6NSYbkc Примерно в 5:55 он начинает говорить о двух других разоблачителях с реальными доказательствами, которые планируют выступить. Если всплывут фото- или видеодоказательства, интересно, станут ли основные новости освещать эту историю с большим усердием.
I think these new whistleblowers have to take time before they can speak to the public because they are going through the new official process that allows them to do this legally, and that process takes time. So it makes sense they could give people a heads up that they will be sharing their info soon, but not be able to share the actual info yet.
Now, there is every chance that this is some sort of psyop. I doubt this is just some people throwing their careers away to join some UAP grifter party, but with nice optics and a little cat and mouse play before the reveal it has the makings of a potential hollywood script. Will it be real disclosure served up in a production, or their fake invasion? I guess we’ll see as this plays out.
My general policy for “whistleblowers will come forward and drop something massive imminently” type stuff is to just assume it’s bullshit.
Real whistleblowers with legitimately shocking information don’t drop hints and teasers to generate hype. They keep quiet until they’re ready, and then they drop it.
Sitting on something this big and telling everyone you’re gonna drop it soon, is how you make yourself a target to be forcefully silenced one way or another.
I wouldn’t trust that guy. He sounds like a bit of a conspiracy nut.