NPR продолжает историю о Чужом

1А NPR продолжает историю завтрашнего дня НЛО/УАП. Пожалуйста, подключайтесь и не забудьте поддержать местную станцию ​​NPR, чтобы они могли продолжать рассказывать истории, которые приведут к раскрытию информации!

12 комментариев для “NPR продолжает историю о Чужом

  1. I have been disappointed so many, many times over the last 65 years that i have been following the Flying Saucer Saga. And, I fall for it every time! I am such a nut. When will we ever learn?


    However, … NPR is the home of Terry Gross and Fresh Air and Amy Goodman with Democracy Now and All Thing Considered with Ailsa Chang. I know what station I am going to be listening too tomorrow:) Dang! I wish all my friends and fellow Flying Saucer Nuts: «Good Luck to us tomorrow!»

  2. I think a few years ago fresh air did a piece on UFO’s and Aliens. Terry felt aliens could not be real because she thought then how could such advanced beings travel across wherever they came from and crash in our planet.

  3. The word on the street is disclosure is underway, and the Whitehouse will be disclosing in early in 2024. My guess is soon after the new year.

    I think the MSM is picking up on that if not actually involved in rolling out disclosure. I’ve noticed an uptick in the MSM coverages in the past week.

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