Я закончил, но спасибо
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Архив конференции «Невозможное» | Пленарная лекция: Грег Эгигиан
НЛО в районе Сиэтла 16.06.23
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Мы не одиноки: разоблачитель НЛО говорит
Go towards the future with courage.
Wait until you see the scary looking ones.
This is great! Thanks for sharing it.
I hope someone interviews this family and gets some pictures and more detail of the site they mentioned.
8-10 foot tall beings with big eyes and mouth, looking at the people. Goddamn I love it.
This reminds me of how the movie Signs starts to take off.
If I was an alien, I’d run from the crash site too! Imagine telling your friends you flew from Andromeda, just to eat shit in some suburb 😂
Sorry, you wanted to look in the bucket of truth.
I’m not done, keep em coming!
Basketball scouts are lining up
It is said 50 billion modern humans have lived. So far. Ever.
If this is genuine we are lucky to be alive in this strange but significant time. People will brag about remembering this happen. Mind blownu37464
But we’re just getting started, don’t leave yet lol
I wonder when the shows going to start.
«If it comes back again, shoot it»…. 🙁
This is how Signs started.
And again, no pictures… news headline should read “ A Las Vegas family of 5 does not own a smartphone”.
this video is restricted in my area (europe)
wtf usa
These aliens are worse than June bugs. Have they ever successfully landed without crashing?
Bro I don’t care I see this shit I am meeting it
Buckle up buddy, we’re going for a trip in our favorite rocket ship
I look at the variety of weird looking species on earth that freak me out… And could only imagine what it’s like coming across a weird creepy looking being that is way smarter than us. Like what if spiders could create spaceships lmao
Alright whether it’s good or bad the future is for sure not going to be boring
This is like an invasion force. The covenant are invading
Watch… the aliens have been here this whole time… and if South Park has taught me anything, and I had to make a guess… pfft! They’re the gingers! Just sayin’… 🎶Which one of these are not like the other!🎶😂
Of course they blacked out the “private property” footage… because that literally never happens in any other body cam footage
This sub is too spoopy for me lol
Crash into the only backyard in us where people don’t have a phone to record
This, don’t believe a word of it
It’s so convenient that out of the entire surface of the earth, they always seem to land in densely populated American cities! How helpful!
I got this everyone. Not kidding… I’m building the machine. I’ll need everyone heres help…
The imperium must stay strong
I’m not saying this isn’t real, because that color pattern is exactly what I saw 14 years ago and why I’ve been obsessed in the first place.
But if you had extraterrestrial beings in your backyard — why would you nor anyone else record it?
My dumbass woulda went outside with my camera and be like «Yooo y’all need some help? maybe a coffee?»
out of all the wide open places on this entire earth to land or crash, it just happens to be in the backyard of some random family? and not a single person decided to record it?
the fact that people just blindly believe this shit is wild
Yep get off the ride! Get on Jesus ride!
Imagine if, because of disclosure, the UFOnauts or whatever are sending in Terminators ahead of time
I swear some of you fools comment like you’re aliens
I want to say that I believe these people saw *something* but first off doesn’t the 8-10 feet tall thing sound a little odd to anyone else? Haven’t all the traditional descriptions of aliens been that they’re tiny? Makes me wonder if maybe they saw some kind of diseased animals instead
Meh…stop doing it as a family
Just think how busy the ones that don’t crash are.
Where’s the tiktok video of the two aliens?
I call bs.
“Jerry slow down, slow down!!
Not buying it.