Почему инопланетяне не помогают/не спасают страны, с которыми они контактируют?

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Ранее обсуждалось, что (помимо прочего) США и Израиль находятся в прямом контакте. Мне было интересно, почему в таких событиях инопланетяне, очевидно, не предотвращают такую ​​атаку? (Я имею в виду атаку, предпринятую Хамасом в эти выходные.) Или войну между Украиной и Россией, хотя я предполагаю, что Россия также находится в контакте и т. д. Они могли бы помешать Путину начать эту жалкую войну, наносящую ущерб его собственным интересам и интересам всего мира. Россия и мир. Их не волнует типа «наплевать», или они не хотят «вмешиваться, как в смысле научного эксперимента»? Другие идеи? Источник:


От admin

26 комментарий для “Почему инопланетяне не помогают/не спасают страны, с которыми они контактируют?”
  1. Maybe their values differ from ours. What they are interested in getting involved with may be different from what we value. People hurt people, maybe that’s a people problem. People threaten the conditions of the planet they are also occupying? Maybe that’s an everyone problem that they are interested in getting involved with.

  2. Because why is it their responablity to use their resources and man power for us?

    i feel like a lot of the human race feels entitled, that if aliens did show up one day, we would expect them to help us, give us their tech etc

  3. For all we know they are the ones arming Hamas and feel like they’re being benevolent by doing so. They could be operating on a much longer term plan and have become convinced extreme disruption was the only remaining option…

    Or they are themselves so torn on that issue that they feel humanity needs to determine its own unified philosophy.

  4. If what the nut jobs say is true, they aren’t allowed to interfere unless dire consequences ensue. The evil ones are being kept in check by the good ones with a certain leash length they can go to before being reigned in.

  5. If you want to make an omelette, you gotta crack a few eggs. They probably see humanity as its own entity, individuals are its cells. Shame that some suffer and die, but that’s reality. They have probably helped us avoid WW3

  6. They arrive to observe worse technology. Do you visit a zoo to help animals escape, and if you do is that considered socially acceptable?

    Here are some modern physics research topics to understand time travel through the 5th dimension: (many worlds interpretation, the dark matter 5th dimension, superstring theory of dimensions, quantum time experiments, non-locality 2022 Nobel Physics Prize, etc).

  7. Has to do with free will and evolving our individual and collective consciousness.
    These are things we need to solve internally within our human collective.
    Instead of nations let’s see what we truly are, what the needs are of people to survive and thrive and then see if we can meet those needs so war can become obsolete.

  8. Any sufficiently advanced enough civilzation capable of interstellar travel would also likely have a sound sense of ethics. They couldn’t have evolved without having an innate sense of right and wrong. They would likely be neutral. Having a bias could be a dangerous thing, especially if they are studying us. It would skew their data and interfere with the evolution of another sentient civilization.

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