Бывший офицер разведки утверждает, что USG извлек тела пришельцев из-под обломков

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0Wv RsUDtrKHIWsi6RgURfHh5Rq AkS DuB6IgI GNg

0Wv RsUDtrKHIWsi6RgURfHh5Rq AkS DuB6IgI GNg

Бывший офицер разведки утверждает, что USG извлек тела из-под обломков

Former Intel Officer Claims USG has Recovered Bodies from Wreckages
byu/HumanityUpdate inUFOs

От admin

33 комментарий для “Бывший офицер разведки утверждает, что USG извлек тела пришельцев из-под обломков”
  1. It’s tough to make a judgement call on this clip alone. Some of you body language “experts” crack me up. I get it — you’re all beyond ready to see the bodies and crafts.

    Coulthart interviewed this guy for something close to 7-10 hours iirc?

    If I had to explain to you, that water is wet, for more than even 1 hour — my exasperation would begin to show.

    Grusch, Coulthart, Keane and Blumenthal have risked their personal and professional livelihoods and reputations putting this info out — that’s how they feed their families. I commend them.

    You can bet your bottom dollar Coulthart et al. exhausted every means available to them to verify this mans resume. He went through official DOD channels to get permission to tell his story.

  2. The way his body language is makes me think he thinks he is doing the right thing by being a puppet for the government disinformation campaign. Imagine being in the intelligence community and being given an order to lie to the American people because it’s a matter of national security. He would think he’s protecting our population. He’s a hero in his own mind even though he’s lying.

    I think he’s a puppet for the Intelligence community. Which is sad because I was so hyped up earlier today…

  3. Can’t wait to see The Behavior Panel analysis on this interview.

    When he says “it’s true” he is shaking his head “no,” but that could either indicate that he is lying, or that he finds it difficult to (or doesn’t fully) believe it himself.

    You need much more than one snippet to build a degree of confidence as to whether or not someone is being truthful. The guys at The Behavior Panel will dissect every bit of this interview and give us an hour+ long analysis. Be sure to tune in for that one.

  4. when he ‘shakes his head no’ and rapidly blinks when he says «as crazy as that sounds its true»

    thats a body language sign of deception…. and its so overt…im trying to figure out if he did that on purpose

  5. He never directly says that they found pilots. If you listen to his answer from beginning to end, he just says a bullshit truism. Something along the lines of:
    “Believe it or not, when you find crashed craft, sometimes you find dead pilots, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s a fact.”

    He never says that a pilot was found. He merely says that when you find a crashed craft, sometimes you find a pilot.

  6. Submission statement: I don’t know if I need a submission statement but this was one of the clips from the 3-minute teaser interview released during the news nation video. Very damning statement if this turns out to be true. I’m hoping that more is revealed in the coming days when this interview is finally released. Glad that we’ve had one whistle blower come forward, I am interested in the people involved with these programs coming forward next.

  7. Reserving judgement until the full thing is released. These might be cherry picked clips to discredit him ahead of the interview and sway people’s opinions. 7 hours is a long time, I’m sure it has its ups and downs.

    Ross has interviewed countless people over his career, I’m sure he also is a pretty decent judge of character (beyond the multiple ways he’s verified his credibility).

    The latest Need to Know episode gives a lot of context to the article and the interview and I suggest everyone take the hour to listen to it.

  8. This is interesting because a growing idea is that aliens, if they came here, would not be biological but rather AI.

    Also, if there are bodies — I’m assuming dead bodies — it would imply that the aliens (or trans dimensional beings or future humans) have technology that stills falls apart and kills occupants, implying while they are more advanced than us not «magic level technology» quite yet.

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