Документальный фильм, процитированный в последнем видеоролике «Почему файлы» о кругах на полях. Интересен сам по себе, последние 15 минут хороши для тех, у кого мало времени. Отголоски темы абсурда Валле в феномене.
Документальный фильм, процитированный в последнем видеоролике «Почему файлы» о кругах на полях. Интересен сам по себе, последние 15 минут хороши для тех, у кого мало времени. Отголоски темы абсурда Валле в феномене.
The WF has become one of my favorite channels
It’s truly so strange…years ago the standard gaslighting explanations for crop circles, UFO sightings, cattle mutilations, etc were all accepted by me as totally feasible explanations. After seeing some UAPs and having my mind cracked open to seeing the phenomenon first hand…I now watch and read deeper of all the connected phenomenon and cannot understand how I just accepted those half assed explanations. It truly seems like there is some mechanism that blinds us from looking deeper into the phenomenon and accepting the government gaslighting soundbites. I dismissed crooks circles to such a degree and after watching this…no human could have done those intricate ones. And the analysis of the byproducts found at sites…damn, now I’m going to have to add crop circle research on top of everything else I’m reading. Kudos to the WFs for doing this episode.
[This video by *Think Anomalous* on youtube](https://youtu.be/8yahLbdPdUY) gives an incredible overview of why some crop circles are definitely strange.
Almost all cropcircles are fakes, especially the ones with intricate designs, but the ones that are usually just swirls (called UFO nests) have some properties that are unexplainable including:
— Where the stalks bend, they aren’t snapped, but actually bent with the bend being exploded open due to extreme heat.
— Within the nests, dead bugs are found basically melted and stuck to the stalks, being killed instantly from an extreme heat source.
— When first found there are no footprints or tracks or flattened plants leading to the UFO nest, even if the ground is wet and muddy. Typically boards are placed on feet to avoid leaving prints, but even they would leave imprints in the mud.
— Electromagnetic phenomena happen within the nests, including quickly drained batteries, problems with compasses, and even turning car engines off (UFO close encounters are also known to cause engines to stop working).
— When tested in a lab, the crops within the nests showed altered stem structures compared to those just outside the nest. The soil also shows signs of denaturing, with the mineral content either having a lower concentration or missing altogether.
— The exploded nodes of the stalks could be reproduced by being microwaved for a short period of time, supporting the evidence that they were exposed to and caused by a source of extreme heat and microwave radiation.
— People claim to feel physiological effects when in UFO nests including vomiting, time distortion, and even pain relief. (This one isn’t as credible as the others but I thought was interesting enough to note)
I watched it but was confused about how they decided what materials to use. Seems like they only used the circles to determine the structure and just guessed on the materials?
Just left the why files and now I want to buy a small 3d model of the machine but my search just brought me here lol
At the [~31:45] (https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc?t=1905) mark of the Why Files video on crop circles, AJ talks about electrical engineer Nikola Romanski who tried to build a device assuming crop circles are blueprints. Life imitates art of Carl Sagan’s Contact [book] (https://www.amazon.com/Contact-Novel-Carl-Sagan/dp/1501197983) and [film] (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118884/). What’s particularly interesting is that just like the film, when their attempt failed, they find someone else, [Nassim Haramein] (https://nassimharamein.com/) has also embarked on building this machine. I applaud and am in awe of these efforts to make sense of the crop circles, and am reminded of Vallee.
Excerpt from [Wired article on Jacques Vallee] (https://www.wired.com/story/jacques-vallee-still-doesnt-know-what-ufos-are/)
> To what end? Vallée couldn’t say, any more than he could tell you the sound of one hand clapping. In his view, absurdity is an essential feature of the phenomenon. It fatigues the rational mind because the rational mind cannot ken it. As he put it to me recently, sometimes the phenomenon behaves like a dolphin: It plays with us. “It’s a lot smarter than we are, and it uses humor at another level,” he said.
Nassim Haramein is not a real physicist — he is literally an armchair “physicist” with no formal education in physics. His ideas are not taken seriously because he has failed to have them published in peer reviewed physics journals, which is how science is actually done. So, by that criterion he isn’t a scientist either.
In addition to him being a charlatan in this regard, he also sells resonance energy crystals. So don’t believe everything you see/hear. Some people are seriously gullible.
Thank you for sharing this!!! Very excited to watch.
Sorry for to the true believers but all cropcircles are hoaxes created by a man with a plank of wood called Dave!