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Глава Пентагона по вопросам НЛО уйдет в отставку в следующем месяце

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20 комментарий для “Глава Пентагона по вопросам НЛО уйдет в отставку в следующем месяце”
  1. Submission Statement:

    Huge exclusive from Politico.

    **It is official, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is stepping down as the director of AARO next month.**

    Quote from Kirkpatrick himself:

    > «I’m ready to move on. I have accomplished everything I said I was going to do,” Sean Kirkpatrick said.

    AARO’s deputy director Tim Phillips will fill the leadership position until a new permanent director is named.

  2. Good. This guy was a joke. He went into this position saying that David grush was a traitor and that he didn’t believe in UFOs or aliens. Definitely not the guy who should be in charge of getting to the bottom of UFOs and aliens

  3. Why are all the comments removed. I really hate this censorship. I am not a child and you don’t need to protect us. This will kill Reddit it won’t even stop the conversation it will just move to twitter where there is still some free speech

  4. I think he got fired for directly speaking out against a whistleblower. I work in management at a nonprofit and if someone blew the whistle on my org and I went on social media to call them a liar I would definitely get fired just for the private sector HR and legal reasons. And there are additional protections for government whistleblowing.

  5. Mods WHY did you remove comments?? As far as the subject of NHI/UAP/UFO/phenomena ALL governments can do what they will — the cat is Out of the bag — this is REAL it affects every human that is alive or will be alive — I personally don’t know what the truth is but I know we have to pursue it no matter what. As I type this I am very sad that what I have been taught to believe is probably wrong — I am also excited and happy that there is a reality that I can’t yet comprehend that is greater than all of us. Somehow we have to figure out a way to turn people on to this new reality. Governments aren’t going to help us we have to do it ourselves even though the truth and reality may not be good. I firmly believe that humanity will continue and go where we never thought we could go.

    Sean Kirkpatrick you were a puppet and pawn — I think you know the truth and deep down can’t accept what the government tasked you to do. I myself wish you well and hope you join the movement to get the truth, whatever it is — out to the world.

    Everyone PLEASE keep it together and focused. We can’t give up now and humanity is good and hopefully has a fantastic future. BE POSITIVE- I am trying to be and know the power of positive thinking. I hope that I can fully embrace it myself.

    I wish ALL OF US WELL.

  6. I’m glad to see this. I don’t find that scientists are particularly exciting or bubbly as a rule, so that speaks to Mr Kirkpatrick’s seeming lack of personality. It is just his overall appearance of disinterest and contempt for any proceedings I have seen him taped on.
    I can’t help but feel that he may be being held back by his superiors. So I hope that the D.O.D. will not be replacing one dupe for another.

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