Раскрытие информации: «У нас есть корабли производства NHI, но мы не можем их эксплуатировать, а обратный инжиниринг оказывается невозможным из-за технологического разрыва» против «У нас есть работоспособные корабли, созданные человеком, использующие антигравитационные / безынерционные и аналогичные технологии NHI» — что мы получим?

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

Я уже некоторое время размышлял над этим: пока я спускался в кроличью нору, я читал рассказы о том, что на объектах есть корабли NHI, но они не могут работать (это упоминалось в некоторых недавних отчетах). Я также видел сообщения о том, что есть корабли, которые успешно эксплуатируются людьми… и что некоторые из этих кораблей на самом деле производятся фирмами оборонной промышленности (см. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUFYnVXbLoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUFYnVXbLoY)). Здесь есть две совершенно разные истории: в одной мы просто знаем, что NHI реальна, и мы владеем их технологией, но, поскольку она намного опережает нашу, нам не хватает минимальных базовых знаний по физике/метафизике/материаловедению/ проектирование и т. д., чтобы понять, как эти вещи работают. Во-вторых, нам удалось взломать код(ы) относительно того, как эти вещи работают, что мы можем либо управлять тем, что было захвачено, либо мы даже продублировали технологию (по крайней мере, частично) сами. Проверить…

[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12177943/Marine-vet-breaks-14-year-silence-make-astonishing-claim-six-man-unit-saw-UFO.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12177943/Marine-vet-breaks-14-year-silence-make-astonishing-claim-six-man-unit-saw-UFO.html) и #x200B;

[The scene in Indonesia in 1994, according to former USMC rifleman Michael Herrera.](https://preview.redd.it/y9ju9ja5lpcb1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=1599f3b6ff3565f22ad73790466c3e984ea2a319) Какой из них мы получим?

От admin

14 комментарий для “Раскрытие информации: «У нас есть корабли производства NHI, но мы не можем их эксплуатировать, а обратный инжиниринг оказывается невозможным из-за технологического разрыва» против «У нас есть работоспособные корабли, созданные человеком, использующие антигравитационные / безынерционные и аналогичные технологии NHI» — что мы получим?”
  1. a lot less than either of these, I’d imagine. ‘We are being visited by an unknown NHI and we’re looking into it.’ The rest will remain classified, I’d say.

    Even this would be a huge admission but on the whole, I think this community is in for a massive anticlimax

  2. It’s the first one.

    The people who has talked about small fragments in their possession say it all looks to be built on the atomic scale. It’s the same with the «metallic foil» that reverts to its original shape several people have talked about throughout.

    When you have materials that advanced it’s impossible for us to replicate it. If a craft is using liquid light circuitry for example, and any damage at all happened to it, then we can’t repair it yet in any way. We don’t have the engineering for it.

    And liquid light metamaterials is just what is theoretically possible but way off in the future for us, it could easily be even more advanced than that which puts the goalpost even further away.

    So one would need a pristine, safely landed craft to even have a chance at using it.

  3. Reproducing something means to be able to reproduce all the supply chain and there might be some operations we can’t reproduce because of missing tools or resources.

    Assembly in 0 gravity, or high pressure/temperature higher to what we can manage.

  4. >Which one will we get?

    What if you *get* neither…? Actually *reading* the language and criteria for technology sought after and considered eminent domain as specified in **section 3** of the [UAP Transparency Act of 2023](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/797/text) — what’s considered *exempt* falls under the definition of *Prosaic Attribution,* clause 14:

    >(14) **Prosaic attribution**.—The term «prosaic attribution»
    **means having a human (either foreign or domestic) origin and**
    **operating according to current, proven, and generally**
    **understood scientific and engineering principles and**
    **established laws-of-nature and not attributable to non-human**

    You’ll find this reiterated in clause 18:

    >(18) **Technologies of unknown origin**.—The term
    «technologies of unknown origin» means any materials or
    meta-materials, ejecta, crash debris, mechanisms, machinery,
    equipment, assemblies or sub-assemblies, engineering models
    or processes, damaged or intact aerospace vehicles, and
    damaged or intact ocean-surface and undersea craft associated
    with unidentified anomalous phenomena or **incorporating**
    **science and technology that lacks prosaic attribution or**
    **known means of human manufacture.**

    Both clause 14 and 18, Section 3 of the Bill make a *presumption* that UAP technology exclusively uses technology and physical principals neither known or understood by our current (human) level of scientific understanding.

    But what if actual, NHI technology actually uses physics we do understand, just applies it in a way we (humans) currently don’t **or** technology retro engineered from said *presumed* unknown technology has been rendered in less efficient though, nevertheless, perfectly functional physical principals we do understand, are known and have been applied…?

    **It’s a serious point in defining criteria this Bill isn’t actually covering at all, in fact — currently — it appears to exist as a distinct loophole.**

    Allow me to explain.

    Both Ufology and this Bill makes this *presumption* that UFO’s, the craft we observe here in atmosphere, themselves are capable of interstellar travel and utilize technology necessary to facilitate that degree of travel to move about at will in our atmosphere. However, in a 76 year history nobody who ever claims to have witnessed a UFO has claimed to ever observe one traveling these degrees of distance: they’re only ever observed moving around either in or near earth atmosphere.

    For all anyone *actually* knows these are relatively short-range, orbit-to-surface shuttle and reconnaissance craft: we don;t actually know how they do work, all we can say with reasonable certainty is that they aren’t applying flight as an operating principal — part and parcel of their defining physical characteristics relays an absence of either flight or flight control surfaces, a unidirectional rather than lifting body design and no apparent reliance on constant propulsion in order to stay in the air.

    In practice this leaves us with either Gravametric methods or else Electro-Magnetic — ones a black hole when it comes to energy consumption, the other actively allows one to *generate* electrical energy direct from the earths magnetic field and utilities physics we do actually understand just generally don’t appear to employ…

    My point is, according to these terms (14 and 18, section 3) as laid out in the Bill — anything of *unrecognized* technology and physics can and will be *automatically* seized — under eminent domain, they immediately fall under the US Governments possession and control — but if it *technically* falls under the definition of *prosaic attribution* it’s not empowered to be seized by this bill all.

    Thus, if our *presumptions* regarding NHI technology are in anyway wrong and/or the SAP’s currently in possession of said technology and it’s derivatives can prove both consist of currently understood principals and/or said derivatives have been translated into currently understood technological working prototypes — this Bill as it stands basically allows all the above to remain exactly where it is…


    We get neither option you surmise.

  5. Well it seems the narrative is «we don’t understand this technology so we need the help of the international scientific community»

    But i wonder if after disclosure and people aclimate to new scientific papers they’ll go «well actually we kinda already have some technologies developed»

  6. I would assume a little of A and B, but nobody here knows. I’d think they’ve reverse engineered something to some degree, but I don’t think they’ve 100% recreated it. It’s probably like the dollar store knock off version

  7. I think some groups have been able to create ARVs like the TR3B and the Fluxliner but they are lying and saying they can’t reverse engineer it. I think certain materials or types of crafts are not reproducible but some appear to be. Maybe different aerospace companies have had more success than others.

    I think we won’t be getting the full truth from Lockheed. They will probably move all their operational craft off-world or something lol.

  8. I love thinking about this- imagine dropping a cell phone off in a tavern just 150 years ago- people would go ballistic and someone’s getting hung for witchcraft lol. They can’t do shit with it for 100 years at least. Just imagine what Lockheed, Battelle, and the like have been squirreling away from the public.

  9. Copy-paste of a previous message, on the same subject:

    While I’m now convinced about the existence of a real and **un**successful reverse-engineering (concealed) program, I don’t buy at all the conspiracy stuff about successful achievement of mastering anti-gravity (associated knowledge) and hiding it for more than 70 years.

    Considering that S. Greer is talking about the [Casimir effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect), I see a big «engineering problem» here because of the working scale involved here. For example, in nanometer or sub-nanometer scale, which is directly involved in the Casimir effect, we can -at least- consider the following tools, unavoidable in material science if we consider the manufacturing of a nanoscale related device (process and control):

    [SEM — Scanning Electron Microscopy:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scanning_electron_microscope)

    [First resolution (40s to 60s)](http://www-g.eng.cam.ac.uk/125/achievements/oatley/history.html): 50 nm (1940) to 10nm

    Best resolution in 2023: between 0.5 and 4 nanometers

    [TEM — Transmission Electron Microscopy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_electron_microscopy):

    [1970s](https://www.globalsino.com/EM/page4539.html): Atomic resolution imaging was possible using high-voltage

    [Resolution max at present day: 0.050 nm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-resolution_transmission_electron_microscopy)


    [FIB — Focused ion beam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focused_ion_beam):

    [1975](https://analyticalscience.wiley.com/do/10.1002/was.00070009/) : first FIB system

    [2004 article from Sandia laboratory about use of FIB](https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/918768/)

    Those are the main popular tools for characterization (SEM and TEM) and manufacturing (FIB) of material at the nanometer scale and as you can easily find, the main progress in those domains where made in the 70s (of course first prototype and experimental bench were made in the 40s but we talk here about efficient production tools)…

    Note that even with FIB technology at this day we can’t process a lot of material in a short time (read this very interesting [2004 article from Sandia laboratory about use of FIB](https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/918768/) or [here](https://imgur.com/a/uEeGiRw)). So there is no way that we have the capacity to manufacture full-size craft.

    And you see that this time scale is coherent with the [Casimir effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect) experimental detection -which is directly related to nanoscale-, which was measured in 1997, because the availability of the required tools.

    **It’s a rough summary** I’ve made here, but I hope you see my point.

    So, when I see S. Greer argued all this nanoscale-related stuff was operationnal in mid-50s, I’ve have a lot of doubt. The problem here is that he’s only considering the theorical part of the problem, but not the engineering aspect… And the history shows that all the technical tools required to master (not experiment, master -according to S. Greer-) nanoscale manufacturing and control were only operationnal 20 years (40 years for FIB) after the dates he pretends. There is a big problem between his narrative and the engineering reality.

    I think Greer has some legit information about a supposed reverse-engineering program, but he’s stretching it to death to conform to his paranoid vision of military-industrial complex. In my opinion, things are far more simpler: there is a reverse-engineering program that’s running for decades, but progress are near zero to this day, or at max maybe there were significant progress which were made a few months ago and that is why there is all of this «strange» disclosure.

  10. I don’t think they’ll admit to having any crafts since we might have gotten them from another country and they might fight us for their return upon learning of this.

    I think the best we get is that aliens are real, have been here, and that’s all that we know.

    We might even be lead to believe (falsely) that they could be hostile so we need to increase our defense spending.

  11. I don’t think right now, we will hear either, but it’s the former, certainly. The tech gap between them and us is probably huge. In the short time of human existence, even 2k years back, they would never be able to reverse engineer say.. an F15. They lack multiple scientific breakthroughs to even get there. Their tech could be what.. 10k, 100k.. 1 million years advanced? And perhaps even in other sphere of science completely.. built on a dimensional rules of which we have literally no concept.

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