Кадры с НЛО, источник неизвестен.

Кадры с НЛО, источник неизвестен.

Ufo footage, source unknown.
byu/Sean_s456 inaliens

27 комментариев для “Кадры с НЛО, источник неизвестен.

  1. I wont add onto the «its a balloon» thing, that’s been covered. So lets imagine that its not for a second. (I know, I know everyone thinks it is) What if it isn’t? To be that high and stationary is interesting for a mylar balloon. The winds are fast up there and that thing would be booking it. Every time Ive let a balloon go Ive had maybe 2 minutes of being able to see it well enough before it flew off. This guy got almost a minute of stable footage.

    I miss the days when we used to imagine UFOs existed.

  2. I saw something similar over a year ago. I thought it to be a mylar balloon initially also, until I realized it was swaying in one spot, like it was swinging from an invisible pendulum. It was about 1,500 ft in altitude and had an amazingly firery bright, reddish orange color. It remained swinging for at least 20 seconds before it began to descend. As it descends, the object began to morph. It initially was was one object. Then it became two that were spinning together, which became 3, as it continued its spinning action. It descended about 500ft as it performed it’s morphing action, then leveled off and headed off, against the wind, no faster that a typical light aircraft.

  3. Why do most of these UFO videos never show the object take off? It is almost always moving slowly or stationary. It is hard to convince anyone that it is a real UFO. Nothing extraordinary that would blow me away.

  4. Are balloon posts like this part of the disinformation campaign I’ve been hearing so much about? Lmao

    Why do people upload videos of flying objects that are just being carried by the wind? If their movement isn’t extraordinary, then it’s probably not worth posting. This shit is why all these UFO communities are ridiculed.

  5. I’ll serve the star federation and help fix earth if they need people. Lol. I welcome them if they will help us shine a light on the current people ruining our lives and planet.

    I hope the uniforms are comfortable, I propose turtle necks! Lol

  6. I mean even if 99% of the time it is actually a freaking balloon. That is not a balloon.

    It’s useless to argue. Until there is an official statement to all this, which is inevitably coming, people will run for their balloon, swamp gas, or whatever they wish it to be. I think people are afraid of reality.

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