Для людей, которые убеждены, что предстоящее слушание будет разочарованием.

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

Впервые в истории человечества • у вас есть [someone following the whistleblower complaint procedure claiming all those stuff and aggressively calling out the Director of National Intelligence ,the Secretary of Defense and everyone with clearances to show them the evidence.](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-us-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/) ​ •у вас есть [the inspector general who finds the complaint credible and urgent and forwards it to Congress . (after calling other people that David Grusch mentioned to testify).](https://twitter.com/MvonRen/status/1672713427834359808?s=20) ​ • У вас есть член палаты представителей Тим Берчетт и многие другие люди. [vouching](https://twitter.com/timburchett/status/1665712542109384706) для этого осведомителя. Также публично заявить: «Будут привлечены свидетели, и мы проведем слушания по UAP. Пришло время. Американский народ справится с этим». «Эти вещи исходят откуда-то еще, и это скрывалось с 1947 года». «Правительство не должно скрывать от нас правду ни на секунду». ​ • У вас есть представитель Анна Паулина Луна, говорящая: [» this is a big galaxy that we live in and that there is very likely technology that we are unaware of where it’s come from»](https://www.askapol.com/p/rep-luna-hopes-house-ufo-hearing) ​ • У вас есть сенатор Марко Рубио, говорящий, что: [the whistleblowers are credible people and if true , it’s the biggest story in human history.](https://twitter.com/MetaStudioLogic/status/1679143492671668224?s=20) ​ • У вас есть контр-адмирал ВМС США Тим Галлодет, говорящий: [«the public should know if UFOs represent a non-human intelligence because all nations are facing this new reality as one civilization.»](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGHAs10vMso&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=TheGoodTroubleShowwithMattFord) ​ •У вас есть [Ryan Graves in DC](https://twitter.com/SafeAerospace/status/1679173527587504151?s=20) ​ •У вас есть [Lue Elizondo in DC](https://ibb.co/RbktsdD) ​ • У вас есть сенатор Чак Шумер, говорящий [that the American public has a right to know about non-human intelligence and not only they work to declassify what the government has previously learned about these phenomena but to create a pipeline for future research to be made public](https://www.newsweek.com/chuck-schumer-declassify-ufo-secrets-jfk-records-1812978). ​ •У вас есть [UNIDENTIFIED ANOMALOUS PHENOMENA DISCLOSURE ACT OF 2023](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf)!!! ​ •И наконец [you have a confirmed date for the hearing](https://twitter.com/RepTimBurchett/status/1680992520895905792?s=20). ​ Как вы уверены, что это будет разочарование? Мы ближе, чем когда-либо, чтобы изменить человеческую историю, передумать. РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Просто чтобы прояснить, я не ожидаю полного раскрытия информации 26 июля, лол. Я имел в виду, что после интервью с Дэвидом Грушем я хотел следить за этим слушанием. Также я верю, что это принесет больше расследований, действий и ответов.

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40 комментарий для “Для людей, которые убеждены, что предстоящее слушание будет разочарованием.”
  1. Not here to change your mind.

    But the hype train is out of control right now. People are manic, suddenly everything that has ever been said about UAP/NHI is truth.

    We need to wait and see what is said/shown, and *then* react. And remember that come what may, *we* here in this community or many of us, at least, already are believers.

  2. People are expecting a full disclosure statement from the government. And what is actually going to happen is just another congressional hearing where hopefully Grush and other credible witnesses will testify publicly and reveal the information they believe to be true about the UAP situation. It could be very shocking testimony. But unless actual evidence is presented, it will only be testimony and the word of people even under oath is easily dismissed and discredited.

  3. Grusch will repeat his statements to NewsNation in an opening statement under oath. Then take questions from the committee that will mostly focus on the alleged lack of DOD transparency and stonewalling AARO on certain SAPs (legacy programs).

    Witnesses will appear to repeat Grusch’s claims.

    That’s about 6 hours with a lunch right there.

    Then it ends. Little news coverage. The DOD will likely not comment.

    Unless Congress calls more hearings then that will be the end of it until October when Biden appoints the Disclosure review board.


    they show a 4K video provided by the military that shows actual aliens flying an actual UFO.

    I’m going with the former.

  4. I appreciate the list and the links, thank you. It does feel like there has been a damn-break in Congress and the Senate. Since the shoot-down week and Grusch, the variety of things that have been coming out, all the legislation, the meetings and bi-lateral support suggest something definitive has been shown to them and they are racing to make political hay out of it — stake a claim to their own importance. If stuff spills out that the public wants to know in the process I expect it will be largely incidental.

  5. We have not heard from the opposers of this movement. They are powerful, I’m sure their numbers are many & they will work behind the scenes to derail this at every turn.

    That being said, I’ve got my fingers crossed.

  6. Predictions:

    — These hearings will not confirm the existence of aliens.

    — If Grusch testifies, he won’t mention the Pope having a spaceship again.

    — I will not owe Steven Greer an apology.

    (God I hope I’m wrong this time)

  7. I’m not convinced, but I am certainly keeping my expectations tempered. I hope we get all the things, but if we find out anything, I think it will be very little. I want to be wrong. I’m waiting for Maude to steal my stolen rug.

  8. I’m expecting disappointment because of everything that has proceeded it. Also, quite frankly, revelations of this magnitude are like a dream (or nightmare) come true. Just for me, It’s hard to imagine. Ontological shock and whatnot.

    I want disclosure so badly. But we all know there are extremely powerful institutions operating outside of the law that have kept these secrets for SO long. If they can threaten Presidents, congress is nothing to them. Congress demands they turn over stuff? Sure, they’ll get right on that. Grusch is making claims? Just deny them.

    I’m fully expecting the ufo community to be GREATLY disappointed and it’s going to be painful to watch. I’d love to have confirmation of NHI in my lifetime. I hope beyond hope that I’m that lucky.

  9. Possible scenario: NHI-derived human operated gunboat and troop carrier hovers over the Capitol, vaporizes it, lands on the white house lawn, takes out everything and establishes a new world government.

    Someone on Twitter said a glowing orb dropped a plastisteel box on their front lawn with a clear tablet inside that said it was going to happen, but it all vaporized itself before he could take a picture.

    (just kidding just kidding)

    I hope we get something substantial on the 26th, but I’m trying to temper my expectations.

  10. It will not be a disappointment to me.

    But it certainly will be a disappointment to those who think that everything will drop at that hearing. For example, those who expect to see a lot of HD video of UAP, actual UAP tech, a video of Biden meeting with greys, or anything of that nature will be sorely disappointed, because that’s unrealistic at this stage.

  11. Here’s the thing. I’m a skeptic. Granted, I used to be a believer and still “want” to believe. But that digging for the deep down truth led me to skepticism, because the evidence, quite frankly, is shit.

    That being said, if NHI are actually acknowledged, with credible evidence (be they ET or future us or inter dimensional or fuking spiritual beings, whatever), then that fundamentally changes the nature of our collective reality as we see it. If the level of technology these things must have exists then it is absolutely imperative for us as a species that we acquire it and use it for our benefit.

    I’m sorry, but if this shit is real and it’s revealed to be real on Sunday, I’ve got no fukn reason to go to work on Monday. Me and millions of others. There’s absolutely no reason to continue to function as we do if we know it’s all bullshit. Someone else figured out how to do shit better. We either can as well or we can take their shit (or try to) and end our suffering. Because that is what this is about.

    If this shit is real we are suffering needlessly. If our government has already acquired this technology or knows about its existence and didn’t share it then we have fellow human beings who are knowingly allowing other members of their own species to suffer and should be held accountable for that suffering. We’ve overpopulated our planet when we have this whole goddamn solar system that is our birthright to colonize with this type of technology.

    Life cannot and could not continue as normal with this information in the public sphere if this shit is real period.

  12. I agree with everything that OP is saying, however, there is wording in there that states that they will tell us everything that does not pose a national security risk. That phrase has become a catch all for basically anything they want to hide. They will give some excuse about how we cannot know most things because they are a threat to our national security. They will most likely admit that Roswell was real and covered up and probably most things up until the last two decades, give or take. The most recent stuff they will say poses a threat to national security and won’t say shit. That is how I’m guessing it will go down. There is no way in hell they will let us know everything. Or even close to everything. If they do I will let my wife kick me in the dick, and not for funzies like normal.

  13. Everything you listed has zero to do with the possibility that nothing will come of the hearing. Lots of people testifying does not somehow guarantee that anything credible or otherwise “proof” will come out.

  14. I’m basically one of the people you’re talking about. I expect the status quo will continue.

    I hope I’m proven wrong, but I’m a skeptic with respect to aliens on Earth, and I’m an absolute cynic with respect to congress.

    If I’m proven wrong, let’s just hope I’m wrong in a Star Trek rather than a 40k sort of way.

  15. LOL as if «the others» don’t know about the weak attempts at «disclosure».

    We will have them landing on the lawn of the White House, on Kremlin Square, in Tianenmen Square.

    The proverbial cat is out of the bag.

    My advice to friends is to be the trusted one. Don’t gloat.

  16. Where are the pictures and videos? Where is the actual pieces of tech? Why do ufo’s always avoid populated places around the world when there is good weather and lighting and people have there cameras out? Why has no one on their death bead said here are the Pics and Vids and documents and proof. Why has no country or state said said anything similar?

    All there ever is someone who says they know something, or someone they know saw something, but their is never any proof they can provide, it’s always classified, intangible or non existent. Nothing is going to come out of these hearings and the bill, and people on here have been doing victory laps for nothing. That’s just how it is and it’s disappointing, but there is no worldwide conspiracy, human nature would have not let it slide for a century.

  17. Thanks for your efforts in compiling that list. It’s weird that the highly voted comments are people doubling down on the «hold your horses/expect the worst» mentality…

    But I’m fully on board with and I’m very excited for the hearing. I think we will hear some pretty wild statements, testimonials in a serious setting coming from people with high security clearance and that the event should get solid media coverage.

    That right there is getting me pumped up.

    With everything we have heard about the phenomenon and disclosure, I don’t understand anymore why people are so caught up in this need for immediate HD live stream of Biden talking to some aliens and walking around their ships on national television, or whatever.

    The reality is disclosure is happening, thanks to a number of people risking jobs/safety and putting serious efforts into sharing the truth about the phenomenon. It needs to happen slowly. I think for multiple reasons. It could be that they are worried disrupting society. Religious backlash. Or if it’s a really negative reality, that could cause chaos.
    Or as grusch I believe mentioned, there could be energy technologies that would end the need for fossil fuels and that would disrupt a lot of industry and rich powerful people.

    But I think the main reason disclosure is slow is because there are powerful forces working against it. It’s not supposed to be happening, these leaks and subsequent government investigations are actually a Minor win for us. And there could be backlash, if the public immediately knew everything that’s been hidden for decades, so that’s pumping the brakes as well.

    It’s going to happen, eventually, and it’s happening faster than ever before. But I mean the sheer amount of obstacles in the way, of course disclosure is frustratingly slow and halting.

  18. I feel like the disclosure is coming because someone is forcing the hand of the government to release information.

    The government is therefore going to release the absolute bare minimum.

    We may only see «reports» which indicate nil evidence, rather than any actual evidence of NHI in existence.

    I too wish to believe, however it is healthy at this point to remain a skeptic and to take the government issued information with caution.

  19. If anything the msm will no longer be able to ignore this. It wont be like kirkpatrick and aaros last testimony that was full of lies by omission, barely able to be found streaming online, and in a tiny back conference room with only a couple of senators. My family will finally stop thinking im crazy for saying i saw everything on reddit and twitter thinking im falling into some new QAnon light. Youll have the senate majority leader and other distinguished people given this issue credibility. And when the realize the masses wont freak out and the majority already believe theyll release more. Think back prior to prior to 2017 and the nyt article and how far weve come. This is an amazing time to be alive.

  20. I don’t think the hearings will be disappointing to me, I just think there will be no physical evidence presented during the hearing, just more testimony and many people will find that disappointing and the debunkers will crow on about there being no evidence therefore it’s all BS.

  21. Tbh, the fact of getting this kind of UAP disclosure act 1 month after Grusch is insane to me, I had huge doubts on what Grusch was saying, I mean Mussolini’s UFO, agreement’s with NHI, secret reverse engineering programs. But this bill basically confirmed most his allegations. Either it’s the biggest bi partisan larp ever or disclosure is around the corner. Tbh both scenarios would be an amazing blockbuster movie:)

  22. What do we consider a disclosure ? If yall expect UFO blueprints , crystal clear footage of pilots and craft — you might as well leave the train , because this is national security question. And eastern competitors are watching everything , and fact US is the only country that can potentially disclose this in the nearest future just makes more sense that detailed part wont be shown. Unless its international project , that would work.

  23. I want to know what happened to very one I’ve lost.

    I want to know who created me.

    I want to know how we actually evolved.

    I want to know why.

    You will question everything once this comes to light.

    Enough is Enough

  24. My money is not in the psychic vampire jar, I could be wrong, but I’m also like a kid in a candy store right now. I knew they were lying I’ve seen definitive proof. As for the rest “who are they, where do they come from, etc” I suppose we will get some answers this month. Some answers will come out later, but we probably won’t get everything. Many will be disappointed no matter what happens.

  25. I think you aren’t looking at the big picture. Congress and the Senate CONSTANTLY play political games, lie, believe in conspiracies…. I mean these people are all hyper religious, Born again Christians, Mormons, QAnon followers. Tim Burchet, Anna Paulina and Rubio’s opinions hold ZERO credibility in my humble opinion. Schumer wan’t to make it look like he’s bipartisan.

    When this whole thing eventually leads to NOTHING, people in these subs are going to scream coverup, corruption, blah blah… Literally every time.

    I would love to be wrong, but you need to at least consider that this is the 100th time that this sub goes crazy for «Disclosure» and every time the government says the same thing, THERE’S NO EVIDENCE.

  26. As a man once said «Fool me once, shame on, shame on you…fool me, we won’t get fooled again.»

    Disclosure has been «imminent» for as long as I’ve been alive. The 1991 UFO Conference, the 2001 National Press Club thing, multiple MUFON events. Something like this happens every decade it seems and gets super blown out of proportion and delivers literally nothing. But since the UFO community is starved for whatever shreds of anything they can get their hands on to prove themselves right, nobody gives a shit that nothing comes from it and waits around for the next bullshit.

    All of this current frenzy still centers around Grusch, who admittedly has no evidence and never saw anything himself. He’s a UFO buff who’s buddies with Skinwalker Ranch grifters. And everything he said in his testimony was cleared by DoD. Which means none of what he said is classified. Hint: Making shit up isn’t classified.

    And people saying «That amendment says they have to reveal non-human biology! That means there’s bodies!». No. No it doesn’t mean anything. In a year they can (and will probably say) the legislation passed and no one came forward with any evidence for off earth vehicles of non-human intelligent biology. It seems all of the rumors were just that: rumors.

    That’s where I’m at right now. Until I see actual evidence, this is just more «two more weeks» garbage. And don’t get me started on the grifter Elizondo. And everyone loves to tout Coulthart’s journalistic credibility, but it seems like he decided to stop being an investigative journalist and start shilling UFO books a few years ago. And since doing so, he’s on TV and podcasts more than ever before. What a surprise! It looks like he may have crafted out a career many others have for decades: Making bank writing UFO books and doing conventions.

    The truth is, we still have zero evidence. Just a bunch of «WELL, I personally never saw anything, but I talked to people who did. Who are those people? I wont tell you.» and «There’s a 30 minute long video I watched that will shatter the perception of humanity as a species. Can you see it? No. No you can’t. But trust me. I totally saw it.»

  27. I’m very much a skeptic about all this, but taking it seriously for the question. Why will the hearing be a disappointment? Because it’s what the evidence we’ve been provided says it will be.

    Let’s look at the narrative that’s been presented here. There are forces in the US government and around the world that have been keeping UFOs a secret. They control the media and work with private organizations to reverse engineer their captured tech. They have killed and threatened people to keep everything secret. And for 100 years they have kept everything hidden so near perfectly that there’s never been enough evidence to definitely prove UFOs exist.

    Then we have the American Congress. Congress is not a competent body, many of them are outright dumb and frequently pass laws that are not in the interest in the American public.

    Then there is David Grusch. What he says has been vetted, there are things he’s not allowed to talk about. But he HAS been allowed to make some truly wild claims about America’s UFO possession and the nature of how UFOs are hidden from the general public.

    If this secret organization is so powerful, how could any of this come to pass and how would Congress supposedly reveal what’s going on? The simple answer is that it’s been allowed to happen because what Grusch has isn’t enough to make any real dent in the coverup and Congress is going to fail to make any meaningful progress. You can’t have an organization who is both hyper competent coverup specialists while also being so incompetent that they can be dismantled by a couple of whistleblowers.

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