The Guardian: США призвали раскрыть доказательства НЛО после заявления о том, что у них есть целые инопланетные транспортные средства | НЛО

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The Guardian: США призвали раскрыть доказательства НЛО после заявления о том, что у них есть целые инопланетные транспортные средства | НЛО

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46 комментарий для “The Guardian: США призвали раскрыть доказательства НЛО после заявления о том, что у них есть целые инопланетные транспортные средства | НЛО”
  1. Alright Guardian running it with some solid context and perspective in their piece. This one has me feeling pretty electric- whatever the hell is going in, NHI or not. It’s only Tuesday. Oh and there are three other whistleblowers we’ll likely be hearing from soon. Crazy!!

  2. It’s happening!!!

    Notice the tone in the article. It’s not being taken as a joke. It’s not being minimized. They’re not centering in the article people out to discredit the issue.

    Paradigm shifting. We are living history!!

  3. To put it bluntly, if David Grusch is lying then he’s going to Federal Prison for a long time.

    This isn’t like taking a picture of dinner plate with a potato phone and releasing it to the public.

    It’s a senior official, whistleblowing to Congress and forcing an investigation.

  4. The Guardian is not a sensationalist red top rag. It’s one of the most respectable and respected newspapers in the UK. (UK resident here)

    They featured an interview with the current chair of the British Ufo Research Association a while back.

    This prompted one below the line commenter to ask «Really Guardian?» In other words, what’s a serious newspaper like the Guardian doing featuring this article? They don’t print these things lightly for click bait.

    The bare report is astounding. Either there’s some complicated intelligence game going on or ufo researchers are and have been right all these years.

  5. I used to worked in the office of a member of Congress. Over the past two years, as I’ve read more and more about this UAP stuff, I’ve started to feel like I was going crazy, and becoming as unhinged as the people who use to call the congressmember’s office and rant about unhinged and insane conspiracy theories.

    After today, I’m no longer worried about being crazy. Realizing that I — and many others here and elsewhere online have have given this issue serious consideration — are not crazy. We have just been ahead of the curve.

  6. Genuinely questioning myself now whether I believe in UFOs or not. I’m a child of the 90s, and X-Files was my favourite show as a kid, I’m really into physics as a former high school teacher of it all due to my love of sci-fi.

    I’ve done a few LSD trips that have been *revealing*, let us say, about extraterrestrial intelligence.

    I’ve always been a massive skeptic and so I’m skeptical of UFOs, but this news is amazing.

  7. But what would a mind like Richard Feynman would do with these materials? How many scientific opportunities have we missed with this global cover-up?

    How does the benefit overweigh the loss in this math?

  8. I am sure the US govt will come right out with it now that it is being «urged» to. I mean, I can’t imagine them trying to ruin this whistleblowers life via him ending up dead in a hotel somewhere with a needle in his arm via some sort of overdoes «accident».

    We all know Epstein had a list of influential clients that were banging minors he set them up with. EVERYONE in the world knows, so instead of releasing the list they just killed old Jeffy via having him kill himself.

  9. > The former intelligence official David Grusch, who led analysis of unexplained anomalous phenomena (UAP) within a US Department of Defense agency

    Wait. Is that accurate? He *led* the *analysis*?

  10. Reminded of the statement from the Israeli retired general who claimed that the U.S had extraterritorial technology and had made an agreement to let the e.t’s do experiments on planet Earth in return for advancements in our technology. Anyone one else agree??

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