Я академик, и я всегда знал Майкла Шелленбергера как человека, который предлагает разумную точку зрения на возобновляемые источники энергии, обсуждая их менее известные недостатки. Он вытеснил ядерную энергию (с вескими аргументами) в качестве альтернативного пути избавления от нашей грязной энергии. Он несколько раз становился вирусным на YouTube Ted Talks, обсуждая одни и те же вопросы. Ссылка: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-yALPEpV4w Итак, мой настоящий вопрос в том, как/когда он разветвился в Феномен? Почему у него есть инсайдерский доступ, эквивалентный, если не лучший, чем у давних исследователей феноменов?
He recently said in an interview he was doing research on nuclear energy, and happened to come across it.
There has been speculation for a long time DOE is involved in this whole thing somehow. I assume he was doing research on a nuclear energy story, and someone he was talking to told him he should look into uaps.
As for why his supposed sources know so much, I have no idea. I’d hope he’s being truthful though.
He said he was never interested in the topic until he started research about Nuclear Energy and found multiple sources about the overall connection between Nukes and UFOs. He started to interview some people for years but didn’t publish it because he thought it’s still considered as ‘crazy subject.’
After James Fox made film ‘Moment of Contact’ about Varginha 1996 Brazil incident, he started to call witnesses and other sources and wrote this very detailed article for New York Post: [https://nypost.com/2022/10/29/people-saw-aliens-after-ufo-crashed-in-brazil-in-1996-doc/](https://nypost.com/2022/10/29/people-saw-aliens-after-ufo-crashed-in-brazil-in-1996-doc/)
Now after story of David Grusch exploded, he once again start to contact and call people, getting access to two whistleblowers. I assume he got their contact through James Fox.
I was extremely surprised to see Michael Shellenberger enter the fray as well. I became aware of him a few years earlier as he was one of the big proponents of nuclear power. I didn’t pay much attention to him over the past few years. I was very surprised to see him give a few interviews. He comes across as a well-spoken individual in these interviews and I think he is fairly knowledgeable about the subject. My guess is that he was probably asked to join forces with the people working in the background to help with Disclosure (if this is what all this is about).
For those who don’t know Shellenberger is an independent journalist and among other things he is well known recently for his involvement in the initial «Twitter Files» reporting along with Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi. Shellenberger also appeared before Congress (alongside Taibbi) back in March of this year and testified to members of the House subcommittee on the weaponization of government
I’ve seen a few of his interviews, he mentions the relationship between nuclear and ufos. He said he read a book called “UFOs and Nukes”