Флэтвудское чудовище — одно из самых страшных столкновений с инопланетянами всех времен, но есть ли этому реальное объяснение?
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Марсианская ядерная катастрофа
You have a pleasant voice and a good narration. Keep it up, the followers will come. 🙂
Well, for starters, there’s a lot of stuff that argues for a more earthly encounter:
* The «UFO» could’ve been a signal flare. IT was a deep, red dot
* The «alien» resembles the figure of an alien that featured on the covers of a weekly sci-fi kids magazine just a month before the sightings
* The creature’s lower half differs from witness to witness, meaning perhaps only the top half was really the «creature», which would then mean it was probably a large owl, which resembles the top half of the creature
* An alternate explanation speculates a large salamander propping itself up against a tree, which would’ve made it look like the creature
Likely hysteria made people see a horrifying alien monster when there was probably nothing but an owl
I am almost certain the flat woods monster was an owl… Owls can be super creepy especially if you’ve never seen one in the wild at night time… I think these kids all saw on staring at them and hissing and immediately went into panic mode and ran… and of course as they spoke amongst each other their story was probably embellished a small amount as well