АКТИВНЫЕ НЕБЕСНЫЕ АНОМАЛИИ — Созвездие Кассиопеи ок. 1:40–1:55 утра по тихоокеанскому времени каждую ночь в течение последних дней, как долго

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления


After analyzing some data, we can presume that the lights are likely satellite flares (Starlink in particular). Something about the exact angle of the sun, location of the sky, and satellite traffic compounds this area and time into a moving light hot spot. The constant appearance, disappearance, and reappearance of flares could be the culprit behind the illusory maneuvers like turns, acceleration, etc.

I’m not deleting this post so that other witnesses have something to refer to if they come across the same phenomenon. I think this is still an interesting case, nonetheless!]

Начну с того, что я открытый скептик, увлеченный UAP, SETI, сверхъестественными явлениями и астробиологией, но у меня нет формального образования по этим предметам. Огни в созвездии Кассиопеи появлялись и летали туда-сюда и даже встречались, ускорялись, замедлялись, становились ярче, тускнели и т. д. в течение последних ~~2~~ 3 недель, ПО КРАЙНЕЙ МЕРЕ. Я писал об этом уже 3 мая. Они по-прежнему происходят в одном и том же временном диапазоне, каждую ночь (насколько мне известно) в одном и том же созвездии. Вот клип с единственной записью явления, о котором я пока знаю: https://imgur.com/a/MgPwAwr Вот мой оригинальный отчет r/UFOs: https://www.reddit.com/ r/UFOs/comments/13d9eps/new_mexico_uap_documentation_please_read_text/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button ***Я призываю всех, где бы вы ни жили, искать это явление как можно скорее, чтобы мы могли подтверждающие доказательства и свидетельские показания, чтобы выяснить, что это такое. *** Многочисленные свидетели в Нью-Мексико, возможно, каждую ночь (когда нет облаков). Время просмотра всегда примерно 1:40-1:55 MT +/- 10 минут. ~~ Да, я знаком со Starlink. Да, я проверил трекер старлинк. Нет, это не старлинк. Цепей не было. Они двигаются в нескольких направлениях, меняют скорость, меняют направление и т. д., и сегодня вечером их было много. показывали то, что выглядело как маневры) до сих пор неучтенные. Солнце может освещать проходящие спутники в зависимости от местоположения на небе и временных рамок; тем не менее, есть еще некоторые вещи, которые нужно определить, например, почему расписание и созвездие так важны, и маневры, которые, как мне казалось, я видел. Я думаю, что если это совпадает с видимыми объектами, мы, вероятно, можем свести это к вспышкам со спутников и связанным с ними явлениям. Возможно, маневры, которые я видел, были иллюзорными. Если нет, то это может быть важно. Редактировать: В настоящее время я очень беспокоюсь. Я знаю, что это возлагает надежды на многих людей, которые надеются что-то увидеть, поэтому мне жаль, если вы не можете или просто разочарованы. Я не знаю, как долго эта аномалия будет повторяться. Я просто хочу напомнить людям, что я просто парень, который делает все возможное, чтобы собрать информацию об этом из-за всех научных последствий. Если это прекратилось, мне очень жаль, но, пожалуйста, помните, что я просто делаю все возможное. Я сообщил о своих наблюдениях в различные организации. Если вы тоже что-то видите, пожалуйста, попробуйте записать это и сообщить об этом.

[NUFORC — File a report](https://nuforc.org/file-a-report/)

[MUFON — Report a UFO](https://mufon.com/cms-ifo-info/) Пожалуйста, имейте в виду следующее: Это явление все еще находится в состоянии неопределенности. На данный момент нет никаких научных данных о нем, о которых я знаю, и нет успешных развенчаний. Обязательно задавайте мне и другим свидетелям объективные вопросы. Если вам задают вопрос о явлении, обязательно давайте объективные показания. Последнее, чего мы хотим, — это придумывать что-либо из этого, потому что это приведет к неправильным интерпретациям и неверным данным. Если это законно необъяснимо мирскими явлениями, потребуется высокая степень нюансов, чтобы это было принято и тщательно проанализировано научным сообществом. Хотя в моих сообщениях на эту тему используется некоторый язык шумихи, цель состоит в том, чтобы привлечь больше наблюдателей, чтобы они подняли шум, но не вызвали никаких волнений. Извините, если Ву станет проблемой. Обновленные местоположения свидетелей: — Альбукерке, Нью-Мексико (подтверждено) — Коннектикут (возможно) — Даллас, Техас — Аппалачи (возможно) — Сокорро, Нью-Мексико — Чикаго, Иллинойс Я могу вернуться в то время и место, где я наблюдал это явление. Хотя да, спутники присутствуют (и я полагаю, что некоторые из огней были вспышками), многие источники света, которые я видел, например, идущие с востока на запад, не присутствовали в качестве спутников в приложении во время просмотра (мне потребовалось 20 минут). кадры от 16 мая, но на камеру ничего не попало, поэтому я прокомментировал увиденное, чтобы позже сравнить данные). В настоящее время, из того, что я нашел в этой записи, было несколько примеров обнаружения объектов, отсутствующих на спутниковом трекере. Постараюсь опубликовать свой анализ. Я довольно новичок в создании контента, так что оголяйтесь со мной. Если мы определим, что это *мирское* явление, я планирую оставить пост, чтобы, если его заметят, опять же, люди могли обратиться к этому посту, чтобы понять, что это такое.

От admin

26 комментарий для “АКТИВНЫЕ НЕБЕСНЫЕ АНОМАЛИИ — Созвездие Кассиопеи ок. 1:40–1:55 утра по тихоокеанскому времени каждую ночь в течение последних дней, как долго”
  1. I was in NW Connecticut over the weekend. I was outside in the hot tub around 11pm and saw several faint lights traveling extremely fast and curling towards each other in the northern/eastern sky. Must have been near Cassiopeia from my research.

    I watched them for a good 30 mins. They were so dim my eyes would lose them occasionally, but they were 100% there.

    I noticed one moving in a straight line at first, and then it did a broad sweeping move towards another light that was moving in an adjacent direction. Both of them then branched off in separate directions and kept… playing? That’s the only word I can think of to describe the behavior. It was like they were half playing a game of tag, half cruising around.

    The distances they were travelling and the things they were doing was unlike anything I know of. I grew up in NW CT and I’ve always seen lights in the sky that I can’t really explain, but these definitely stuck out.

    Usually the lights I’ve seen are bright and move slowly, strange, but nothing exciting. These ones blew me away with the speed. It was undeniably something that we aren’t capable of. I’ve seen both high and low planes fly overhead in the same spot, the speed is just incomparable. These objects were HIGH and they could cruise around that section of sky in seconds.

  2. welcome to the party. There are intelligently piloted craft appearing in our skies. It is happening more and more openly at an accelerating pace these days. If you take some time to observe you will see they are not only in that part of the sky. You ain’t seen nothing yet, buckle up.

  3. I’ve got a very good telescope and camera but if you can see this moving with the naked eye it’s likely closer to you than anyone else here. I’m in Australia and am a pretty good astrophotographer and I very often see weird stuff but there’s no way I can capture what you’re seeing.

  4. In CA, I saw a light speed through the sky abruptly stop and turn around and then dim into the darkness. This was in the northern part of the sky. Happened at 8pm and I’m left scratching my head.

  5. **Ok HOLY CRAP, its 3:06 and i just got in. I fucking saw, something (s), OP is telling the truth.**

    Im in North Dallas so I went out at 2:20 am. Unfortunately Cassiopeia is very low in the north sky and the apartments were blocking my view, so i went to the empty field next door and was able to see roughly where Cassiopeia should be, also the light pollution didnt help.

    But YES at 2:44 i saw the first one. Just a tiny speck moving East to West, a little faster than a satellite. It was only visible for 6 seconds before i lost it.

    Two min later another one, East to West again, at damn near the same angle as the first one.

    At almost 2:50 this was the most impressive… There were two, brighter than the others, but it was going West to East. It took a second but i realized they were not moving parallel with each other, the bottom one was angling downward so the distance between them was getting greater. I could see them pass several stars. These lasted about 10-15 sec.

    Then another one very dim went South to North. Another East to West. And the last one was again South to North but a little brighter than the last two. The last one I saw was right at about 3:01am

    Really dont know what to say. There is something going on. I usually only see this kind of activity with satellites right after sundown and before sunrise. I also looked toward the Big Dipper and Vega since it was bright, and didnt see any movement there.

    **Had i not had my binoculars there is no way i would have seen them with the city light pollution, but sure as hell I could see them with my Nikon Binocs!!!!**

    **Oh and I never saw them change trajectory though**. That would have been icing on the cake but i saw enough that i will go back out and watch again. But if the weather holds up i will go out again this week further north of Dallas where i know its dark and it should be easier to see.

    Last thing, Im using the Heaven Above app on my phone, and the only satellite is showed coming over was the Resurs 1-4 Rocket at 3:07 am. It didnt show anything else from 2:45 till 3am. Im kind of pumped right now to say the least.

    Anyone have a real idea of what these could be based on my description? Space junk coming in at all angles maybe??

    No fucking clue what i saw but I can confirmm there are several things up there moving in what appear to be straight lines, at least the ones i saw

  6. Unfortunately it was too overcast here (Montana) to see any stars last night. Tonight might clear up, Thursday should be totally clear. Will try again the next few nights and report back.

  7. From last night. I can confirm 16-18 separate objects were moving around and near this constellation from 2:40 till 3:33 (central time). I was interrupted by a patch of clouds that lingered for 20 min. So i saw all 16-19 in about 30 min. They pretty much appeared every 2 min, starting at 2:40am.

    I was facing North, 15-30 deg above the horizon.

    Roughly 10 lights/dots were going S70degE.

    About Four others lights/dots were going S160degE.

    The remaining were heading due East, more or less. There were 2 dim ones that looked that their path may have had some sway in it, but they were too dim to short lived to be sure. Nothing else seemed to change direction at all.

    Nothing appeared on my Heavens Above App. Actually i doesnt really start showing any satellites until a little after 4am.

    OP, can you check your app and see if there was any starlink in the area? Most of the lights seemed to follow very similar paths, moving down and to the East, so it makes me think they could be part of a Starlink train??

    I also spent 15 min (while the clouds were covering Cassiopeia) looking at Vega, the big Dipper and a few other spots overhead. I didnt see anything move at all in these areas, nothing.

    We really need to know if the Cassiopeia area is a satellite hotspot, cause non of the other spots i looked at had any satellites at all. Either way, this area is full of activity. Now we just need to be certain that these are not satellites

  8. Hello,

    I am currently at an observatory location in MA. I find your post to be rather interesting, so I would like to check it out. Using your Stellarium view, toggle your Azimuthal and Equatorial grids and give me a relative location. If you can give me a location relative to a specific star in the constellation, that will also work. With that information and your **general** location, I can narrow down the search area to where I should be pointing my telescope. Thanks.

  9. Did you take this photo? That’s a photo of Starlink, which would make sense if you’re seeing something at roughly the same time every night given that it’s orbiting the Earth. Starlink does orbit roughly 16 times a day making a full orbit roughly every 95 minutes depending on altitude and orbital radius so check the sky approximately 95 minutes before or after the usual time you see them. This is all dependant on whether or not the picture you posted is one you took or just something you decided to post for whatever reason.

  10. I have a hypothesis as to why astronomers haven’t reported on this.

    The Cassiopeia constellation tends to hover *barely* above the Northern horizon or even below it in most places. I think most astronomers tend to look up rather than to the side for the best viewings of the stars due to weather and light pollution, as well.

  11. Understand Ukraine is a bigger issue than their telling people and the environment goes into hyper drive by years end. And may never be the same so a lot of what ppl are seeing could be new tech. We approach a crossroads. Governments/corporations are aware of this and simple things like food/water ain’t so simple come December.

    Just my thinking anyway (the environment is pure science facts though lol)

    >After analyzing some data, we can presume that the lights are likely satellite flares (Starlink in particular). Something about the exact angle of the sun, location of the sky, and satellite traffic compounds this area and time into a moving light hot spot. The constant appearance, disappearance, and reappearance of flares could be the culprit behind the illusory maneuvers like turns, acceleration, etc.
    >I’m not deleting this post so that other witnesses have something to refer to if they come across the same phenomenon. I think this is still an interesting case, nonetheless!]
    >To preface, I’m an open minded skeptic with a fascination in UAP, SETI, high strangeness, and astrobiology, but I have no formal education on the subjects.
    >Lights in the Cassiopeia constellation have been appearing and flying back and forth and even meeting up, accelerating, decelerating, brightening, dimming, etc. for the past ~~2~~ 3 weeks AT LEAST.
    >I posted about this already on May 3rd. They are still occurring at exactly the same time range, every night (as far as I’m aware) in exactly the same constellation. Here is a clip of the only footage of the phenomenon I am aware of, so far:
    >Here is my original report to r/UFOs:
    >***I urge everyone, no matter where you live, to look for this phenomenon as soon as you get the chance so we can corroborate evidence and testimonies to figure out what it is.***
    >Multiple witnesses in New Mexico on possibly nightly basis (when not covered by clouds). Viewing timeframe is always approximately 1:40-1:55 AM MT +/- 10 minutes.
    >~~Yes, I am familiar with starlink. Yes, I checked the starlink tracker. No this is not starlink. There were no chains. They move multiple directions, change speeds, change directions, etc. and there were a lot of them out tonight.~~ E: I recently picked up the Stellarium app and Starlink is present in the location, although the most significant lights (ones which showed what looked like maneuvers) are still unaccounted for. The sun can flare the passing satellites at the location in the sky and time frame; however, there are still some things left to determine like why the schedule and constellation matters so much and the maneuvers I thought I saw. I think if it matches up with the objects being seen we can probably boil it down to satellite flares and related phenomena. It’s possible the maneuvers I saw were illusory. If not, then this could be important stuff.
    >Edit: Currently, I’m pretty anxious. I know this is getting the hopes up of a lot of people hoping to see something, so I’m sorry if you are unable to or are simply let down. I don’t know how much longer this anomaly will keep recurring. I just want to remind people that I’m just a guy doing his best to gather information about this because of all of the scientific implications. If it has stopped, I’m sorry, but please remember I’m just doing my best. I’ve reported my sightings to various organizations. If you see something, too, please try to record it and report it, as well.
    >[NUFORC — File a report](https://nuforc.org/file-a-report/)
    >[MUFON — Report a UFO](https://mufon.com/cms-ifo-info/)
    >Please keep in mind the following:
    >This phenomenon is still in a state of ambiguity. As of yet, there is no scientific data on it that I am aware of and no successful debunkings.
    >Be sure to ask me and other witnesses objective questions. If you are asked a question about the phenomenon, be sure to give objective testimonies. The last thing we want is to make any of this up because that will lead to misinterpretations and bad data. If this is legitimately unexplainable by worldly phenomena, it will require a high degree of nuance for it to be accepted and thoroughly analyzed by the scientific community.
    >While my postings on the subject have been using some hype language, the goal is to get more observers out there to make some noise, but not stir up any woo. I’m sorry if woo becomes an issue.
    >Updated Witness Locations:
    >- Albuquerque, New Mexico (confirmed)
    >- Connecticut (possible)
    >- Dallas, Texas
    >- Appalachia (possible)
    >- Socorro, New Mexico
    >- Chicago, Illinois
    >Updates on data scrutinization and refinements in my interpretation:
    >Using Stellarium, I’m able to go back to the time and place I viewed the phenomenon. While, yes, there are satellites present (and I believe some of the lights were flares), many lights I saw going east to west, for example, were not present as satellites in the application at the time of viewing (I took 20 minutes of footage on May 16 but nothing showed up on camera, so I commentated what I saw to compare the data later).
    >Currently, from what I found in that recording, there were several examples of sightings of objects not present on the satellite tracker. I’ll look into posting my analysis. I’m pretty new to content creation, so bare with me.
    >If we determine that it is a *worldly* phenomenon, I plan on leaving the post up so if it is spotted again so people can refer to this post to deduce what it is.

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