Эта маленькая ухмылка в конце…
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Зеленый свет в небе
18 мая 2023 г., Санта-Ана, Калифорния, 19:20. Черная странная аура.
что это за вещь
Похищения инопланетянами против предсмертных переживаний
1897 г. Пристрелка. Просто удивительно, насколько одинаковыми остаются репортажи с тех пор и по сей день.
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Who still wears a turtleneck? This one does…
What smirk ?
The story behind this, according to the video intro:
There was a meeting between high military officials and greys, it was meant to happen without any recording yet there was camera and it was noticed by greys. On that tape you can even see one grey look at another to inform it they are being recorded. This one directly started walking towards camera.
Real or fake I don’t know I don’t care but SkinnyBob is the most detailed case you can find online. Every single part of every single frame of these video series has been and actively is investigated, noted, discussed etc. Pretty cool. r/SkinnyBob
Someone should ask AI to upscale this whole video now
The guy wears a polo neck, he’s full on pretentious lol
I think you can see Bob wink at the camera. What if they are savvy and cynical?
Filmed by a potato
They look similar to the ones I have experienced with
Fake or real, we don’t know. But it sure isn’t a human in a body suit.
Isn’t there a clearer video of this somewhere and there’s more than one?
Aliens wear turtlenecks.
Man like skinny bob
Why dont these aliens have fat necks to hold up those giant heads?
I saw the original video and it’s just too realistic to disregard. The 3 ETs don’t look remotely uncanny when you look at the whole high res video.
I think the original story is that was the meeting between Eisenhower and them, where certain technology was offered to humans (i.e the USA) in return for basically saying we will be good boys and not launch nukes or go to wars.