Факты об образовании Боба Лазара против вымысла (на основе новых подлинных документов) и почему мы должны отдавать предпочтение первоисточникам при расследовании чьего-либо происхождения и образования

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

Текущая преобладающая доктрина образования Лазара состоит в том, что он получил степень младшего специалиста по электронике от Пирса (в общих чертах основанную на утверждениях, сделанных Стэнтоном Фридманом) и что он получил фальшивую степень бакалавра от дипломной фабрики под названием Pacifica University (на основе заявления Лазара, что он дано для полицейского отчета 1990 г.). В отчете Боб утверждал, что за 2 года (в 1978 г.) получил степень бакалавра в заочном университете (Pacifica) по физике и электронным технологиям (настоящая степень не называлась). Обратите внимание, что: Боб получил диплом средней школы в 1976 году, а Pacifica прекратила свою деятельность в начале 1978 года. Хотя эти вторичные источники следует учитывать при проверке и сравнении с фактическими первоисточниками, такими как заявления, сделанные колледжами, Лазар посещали и их официальные каталоги курсов, а также другие первоисточники, мы могли бы получить другую картину образования Лазара. Вот список фактических заявлений и несколько предложений, которые можно сделать на основе этих подлинных документов * Лазар посещал занятия в Пирсе с осени 76 по весну 79, не получил никаких степеней или сертификатов и в основном посещал занятия по электронике. * Учитель Лазара Уильям Дакслер (которого он назвал) преподавал только переводные курсы (физику) для CSUN и UCLA (я знаю двух человек, которые подтвердили, что Дакслер действительно преподавал Лазару, и одним из них был Стентон Фридман) * Требуется перевод в CSUN сертификат, но не перевод в Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе (к вашему сведению, Лазар не получил сертификат от Пирса) * (поэтому) Если Лазар что-то закончил в Пирсе, это могла быть только программа перевода в Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе * В трех отдельных интервью в 1989 году Лазар использовал это слово «Электроника» для обозначения одной из его предполагаемых степеней (это были самые ранние публичные заявления Боба). Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе изменил название своей программы по электротехнике на «Электротехника и электроника» в 1976 году (когда Лазар поступил в Пирс). в книге все равно полно опечаток, и это была степень EE). * Ежегодник за 1980 год был удален из Ежегодника Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе (1952-1999) после 2022 года и, возможно, во время моего расследования в 2023 году (единственный, который когда-либо был удален на сегодняшний день). Отсюда: [https://archive.org/details/uclayearbooks](https://archive.org/details/uclayearbooks) Ссылка была: [https://archive.org/details/southerncampus1980univ](https://archive.org/details/southerncampus1980univ) * К 1979 году в Калифорнийском университете в Пирсе не было программы перевода инженеров в Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе (конечно, она была, когда Боб учился там в 76-м и даже в 77-м) * Курсы физики Дакслера были на самом деле часть программы перевода инженеров в Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе. * Боб Лазар никогда не говорил, куда он пошел, чтобы закончить свое высшее образование. Единственное заявление, которое он когда-либо делал (во время вопросов и ответов в 1993 г.), заключалось в том, что он никогда не был частью дома в Калифорнийском технологическом институте (в который вступает почти каждый студент). * Хотя Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе отрицал, что Боб пошел в Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе, они подтвердили мне, что «в зависимости от уровня ограничения конфиденциальности мы либо скажем, что есть ограничение, либо можем сказать, что соответствия нет». Когда я спросил, какие ответы я могу получить от них . * Джин Хафф (друг Боба) утверждал, что Боб купил кредиты по английскому языку и истории примерно в 1978 году в Pacifica для получения степени бакалавра, которые были как предпосылками для перевода, так и требованиями к широте для перевода в Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе (единственные предметы, которые были оба) * Джин Хафф ( все еще друг Боба) также заявил, что к тому времени Боб закончил предметы по «математике и физике», и это были основные требования курса инженерной программы перевода в Колледж Пирса для Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе. пришли только из одного источника: Боб * Бобу нужно было бы по крайней мере один полный семестр (половина учебного года) набрать кредиты по электронике, чтобы иметь больше, чем он мог бы получить по математике (напомним, что Пирс заявил, что Боб посещал в основном уроки электроники, но они также никогда не утверждали, что он был зачислен в программу электроники, чтобы получить AS или сертификат) * Боб мог получить кредиты за свою работу, связанную с электроникой * Боб мог пройти дополнительные курсы электроники в Пирсе для Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе путем одновременной регистрации в 79 году после того, как он переведен в Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе * В своем свидетельстве о браке 1980 года Боб заявил, что он жил рядом с Пирсом и что его работа была инженером-электроником (возможно, Боб тоже жил там в 79 году) * Рабочее место Боба (работа в области электроники) также было ближе к Пирсу, чем к Калифорнийскому университету в Лос-Анджелесе. * Pacifica была закрыта через несколько дней после того, как Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе принял решение об их приеме в марте, и не знал, что это была фабрика дипломов, и не мог предотвратить перевод в учреждение (хотя они могли отказаться дать ему степень бакалавра в конце концов -> нет бакалавра = нет изображения в ежегоднике) * Доклад о Пасифике был сделан Майком Уоллесом в эпизоде ​​«Вопрос степеней» и документы, относящиеся к эпизоду Пацифика, закрыты для исследования до 1 декабря 2030 года в архиве (почему-то только документы, относящиеся к этот конкретный эпизод ограничен) Эти документы были опубликованы в статье здесь [https://medium.com/@weaponized/bob-lazar-education-revelations-faa431d4b1e8](https://medium.com/@weaponized/bob-lazar-education-revelations-faa431d4b1e8) И в конце этого документального фильма (55:44) [https://youtu.be/OsKGnn6c5V0?t=3339](https://youtu.be/OsKGnn6c5V0?t=3339) Вам решать, какой вывод вы сделаете из представленной здесь информации, но имейте в виду, что за последние 30 лет никто даже не предположил, что Боб мог отправиться в UCLA, что, на мой взгляд, ставит под вопрос тщательность исследований последних нескольких десятилетий. Судя по всему, имеются серьезные косвенные доказательства, подтверждающие возможность того, что Боб учился в Калифорнийском университете в Лос-Анджелесе. Если бы это исследование было проведено в 1993 году, а не в 2023 году, его достоверность можно было бы легко подтвердить, связавшись с учителями Пирса (которые тогда были бы еще живы) и сопоставив их классы с каталогом курсов Пирса. При нынешнем положении вещей мы можем никогда не узнать, куда Боб отправился после Пирса. Даже если кто-то ненавидит Лазаря всем сердцем, я не понимаю, чем плоха более надежная информация. Можно быть пренебрежительным, осуждающим и предубежденным в любое время в будущем, но некоторые исследования можно проводить только в настоящем, и как только настоящее уйдет, мы непреднамеренно потеряем возможность узнать что-то новое как следствие нашего неоправданного отношения.

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42 комментарий для “Факты об образовании Боба Лазара против вымысла (на основе новых подлинных документов) и почему мы должны отдавать предпочтение первоисточникам при расследовании чьего-либо происхождения и образования”
  1. Not a rare situation in this field. There’s another guy posing as a ‘NASA whistleblower’ who goes around calling himself a «PhD» based on a gag certificate with the name of a non-existent ‘seminary’ that he bought from a PO Box in Denver that used to advertise in ‘Mother Jones’. Parades around in a flight suit with military aviator wings on it, despite having flunked out of flight school. Sigh.

  2. The problem with Bob Lazar and his story is that is has culminated into literally nothing. Nothing has happened. We got a new folkfore tale if you count that as something. It’s been over 30 years since he told the story. Another 30 years isn’t going to change anything.

  3. I get what ur saying about reliable info but pulling up schools he never mentioned and looking into them cause he could’ve might’ve been there is almost sad.

    Why is it on us to prove the validity of this guys education ? Proving ur own background is usually the bare minimum. Like he was going around saying he was a physicist and we can barely prove he got an undergrad in engineering. I work at a research lab and almost every govt hired scientist has a phd.

    I thought the Corbell doc was cool too, doesn’t mean it wasn’t essentially reality tv show bs

  4. How many here knew Bob was adapted? Stanton was the one who figured that out. Stanton did his due diligence and that man was a real physicist and a well known data hound. Stanton left room saying Bob could have worked there but everything else was deception especially with his education. That and when he personally interviewed Bob, Stanton said he could not answer basic physics questions. He could not even understand basic formulas. Stanton was convinced Bob was using deception and omitting things on purpose. Stanton is one of my personal heros in this subject. He brought credibility. I have a hard time believing Bob if Stanton didn’t. Just my take.

  5. Ahhh… ol’Bob. Guess it’s been a month since the last Bob post so time for another. Probably one of the weakest cases, yet, it refuses to die.

    Man appears basically out of nowhere, tells incredible but unsupported story, and no matter how many holes in it, believers keep believing because he said what so many wanted to hear.

    I often am told that our (and others) government is hiding the secret of alien proof, including recovered craft. And they have been doing this quite effectively for decades. We hear the word “disclosure” being used, meaning, they have some knowledge hidden, they have actual proof to disclose. Again and again, some secret agency is effectively hiding the biggest secret in all human history.

    But this secret operation couldn’t stop Bob from blabbing?

    “Well, if they did something to Bob that’d just prove he was telling the truth.” Some will say. Being stopped from telling a story doesn’t automatically make the story true. However…

    Go back in time. Bob was a nobody who liked to do criminal things with hookers. Knapp was some low level TV guy in Sin City. Bob had his face hidden and was called “Dennis”.

    If “Dennis” went missing, who’d really notice. Frankly, even ol’George could have had a sudden and unexpected heart attack or been in a random fatal car accident.

    If all there was to the entire story is: “Anonymous ‘Dennis’ tells amazing but unsupported story once on local TV show then goes silent” — would we still be talking about it? If Knapp mysteriously died, sad as that would be, would we even be talking about him? Would anyone even make some “connection?”

    So, when you try to convince us that the shadow government is hiding the greatest secret, with an impeccable record, for 75 years — remember that they can’t even silence Bob and George for 35 of those years.

    Bob (and the others) are allowed to say all the things they claim about “secret” organizations and “disclosure” because it’s not accurate or true so threatens no one and nothing.

  6. I’m going to just start copying and pasting one of my previous replies every time I see Lazar’s education mentioned.

    The education that he claims is and was a demonstrable lie. The belief that his background was simply erased is beyond ridiculous.

    Anyone who has attended a well known graduate program would know that you form a bond with other students and professors. I still talk to old professors a decade later, I can even name our librarian. Lazar couldn’t name a single other student or actual Professor that would validate his attendance.

    It becomes even more outlandish that one of the degrees he claims is a graduate degree from MIT which matriculates less than 50 students a year now, even less at the time he claimed he graduated. His classes would have consisted of less than 10 people. Are you arguing that if you spent almost every day with 9 other people for at least a year you wouldn’t know their names or expect them to know yours?

    In addition to the lack of collaboration from a single person, there is zero physical evidence he ever attended. I went to undergrad before social media was prevalent and can’t tell you how many pictures and articles there were that featured my name as a very average student. There were literal “facebooks”, physical books with our pictures, in the honors dorm I stayed in freshman year.

    In graduate programs at schools like MIT, it is not like undergrad at a large public university. You participate in extracurriculars, research, or have degree related internships. He has not named, nor been acknowledged by, anybody participating in any of these activities.

    As an anecdote, my little brother went to Embry-Riddle, during his graduation he introduced me to an undergrad student specializing in the study of something related to gravity, he was one out of three students in the program and an absolute star, already being a co-author of multiple papers. If you are a prodigy in a science, you will be published and at the time Lazar claims to have been in school these would have been physical prints. This student is a undergrad, by the time you are participating in a hard science graduate program of any significance you are publishing. You would also be well known, by the point of entering the graduate program, by others in your field at the school.

  7. If you look hard enough you can find hypothetical scenarios where somehow bobs story makes sense; this is true for all kinds of things.

    The problem with this is Bob himself has never mentioned UCLA.

    Even if this was true it still doesn’t explain how he managed to get advanced degrees from cal tech and MIT and cannot produce any evidence to back it up. Not a degree, a paper, a roommate, a girlfriend, a professor, a lease agreement, a phone bill, a class schedule and the list goes on and on.

    I wanted to believe Bob I even bought his book. I foolishly thought “here is his chance to sort all of this out in his own words in a medium he has complete control of”. Problem is in the entire book he devoted less than a paragraph to his entire time at cal tech and MIT; while still doubling down on his claim that he received advanced degrees from both.

    In his book even the small of amount of information he does give makes zero sense. He claims he got both of those degrees during his time at los alamos. A quick geography lesson would tell you that’s a long was from cal tech and even farther from MIT. This was in the early 80’s; zoom did not exist and neither one of those institutions offer correspondence programs. Bob never says how the logistics took place (he literally just says he got the degrees during this time period) but I think jet setting around the country multiple times a week (the only way this would be possible; even then highly unlikely) would make for some pretty good dialogue in his book; at least more than a paragraph.

    Bottom line his own explanation is “trust me bro”. This is only the tip of the iceberg with him. Do yourself a favor and and write him off for what he is; a con man and not even a good one.

  8. The Lazar story refuses to die despite being on life support. A halo encircles his story, kept in place by an understandable fascination, but belief in his story is increasingly inexcusable given the evidence.

    Consider the following:


    Read the other pieces the author has produced about Lazar. At the very least they should give you pause if not inspire doubt about Lazar’s story.

    Then note the last section of the above article, here quoted:

    >I contacted Investigative Reporter George Knapp to share these interviews with Bob’s former colleagues at Los Alamos and ask for his comment.
    Knapp answered the phone, though when told that I had spoken to multiple former colleagues of Bob’s at Los Alamos including his direct superior, he said he had no interest in it, refused to speak about it, and hung up the phone.

    If you were pursuing an open ended investigation of Lazar, you’d never give the answer that Knapp did. You’d say something just the opposite like, «Yes, please tell me, I’m eager to get more information about what you discovered.» Instead what we get from Knapp is an example of confirmation bias. Knapp’s mind is made up and closed. He has a belief system about Knapp that he’s adopted and he doesn’t want to hear anything to upset it.

    Corbell is similar in this regard. In a public forum (I saw the video on youtube) Corbell was asked about the serious problems in Lazar’s educational claims. Corbell said, paraphrasing if verbatim: «I don’t care.» This should have floored everyone in attendance. If you care about truth you have to care.

    At this point the Lazar story has taken on the appearance of a secular religious faith. The credulity and biased eager belief relative to the Lazar story have nothing to do with the search for the truth.

  9. As someone’s with an advanced degree… you can’t be unknown in your program. Someone would remember you. A professor, or a student, or the records department. You’d also remember a teacher who taught you there. This is how we know bob is a fraud. Need look no further. Also everyone says he’s so smart. He does not appear to be as smart as others in similar fields. He knows nothing of the technicals. Would love to hear him talk to a scientist, but he never will because it would take them 10 seconds to discover him to be a fraud.

  10. Look, even George Knapp has admitted — on film — the nobody including him believes that Bob attended either CalTech or MIT.

    Even if he had the money and lived close enough to do so, which he didn’t, how is a guy who barely finished high school — forced to attend Pierce — getting in? You can’t just enroll because you want to, they have to accept you, and enroll Bob those schools would not.

    Bob tells a cool story that I wish I believed, but he’s a fucking fraud and you’re a real sucker if you still believe him in 2023.

  11. I remember this rabbit hole. What can be verified is that he was a tech at los alamos in the meson physics lab. His coworkers confirmed this, as does the employee telephone book, which shows his name, department, and building number.

    What can only be speculated on is whether or not he went to the actual groom lake facility, or any number of isolated labs within the boundaries of the NTTR. Did los alamos employees and contractors routinely visist facilities in the NTTR? Yes. Was lazar among those few who actually did? Maybe. Did lazar hear stories about the NTTR facilities around the meson physics lab watercooler? Maybe. Were those stories true, or were they just messing with him considering lazar’s reputation was the «prankster» at the lab? Maybe. Is the reason none of his former employees have spoken out about lazar a form of self preservation because they violated their security agreements and NDAs by telling lazar about the NTTR activities? Maybe.

    If this was able to be easily confirmed, it would have been.

  12. Bob isn’t dead or in a vegetative state. Nothing would have stopped him from mentioning UCLA. Has he ever? Not that I can recall. He sure remembered that he went to the two most acclaimed science schools in the country (Caltech and MIT) but provided no information for either.

  13. There is another angle that I don’t see suggested enough that makes all the pieces fit.

    That angle is that Bob Lazar is a disinformation agent.

    Maybe this is why we can’t easily put Bob into a true or false category because he is a little bit of both. He’s sprinkling truth along with bad information to throw people, likely adversarial countries, off the scent. Just another angle to consider, this makes the most sense to me.

  14. I just wanna hear what Rogan keeps alluding to his guests about the explanation for the lack of records for Lazar. I am sure one day it’ll come out, but Rogan has mentioned it in a lot of his episodes (no idea the percentage, because I don’t listen to all of his shows).

  15. Really hoping to have Lazar’s story verified to be true or false sometime in the next few years, so we can end this debate about it.

    If it’s false, I can imagine life for him to be a living nightmare. But if it turns out to be true… wow

  16. Can someone explain to me how he could have been hired at Los Alamos without the relevant education? It was proven that he worked there, that he knew and was known by his colleagues, and knew the layout for the facility. People have corroborated his employment there, and I believe Knapp found evidence as well. Could he have lied on his resume? Maybe, but doesn’t a national lab have pretty thorough vetting processes? Doesnt it require some level of government clearance?

    Also, does anyone else think it’s entirely possible that someone working at a cutting-edge government facility would be able to maybe take correspondence courses from CalTech or MIT as part of a government program?

  17. I’m not sure one way or another, he looks sincere, but people lie all the time for the stupidest reasons. What intrigues me is that he described the “flying saucers “ exactly as what I have personally seen flying once during the daytime. Weather he just heard it from somewhere else or actually saw them is hard to say. That’s what is tricky about eyewitness testimony. I know it sucks when you do try and tell people what you saw and they straight up think you’re lying or crazy. It makes you feel alone and misunderstood. But what can you do except give up and hope that others one day see for themselves.

  18. Bob Lazar is a damn fraud. You wanna know the reason why so many people believe him that I never hear discussed?

    Because he LOOKS like your typical mad scientist. The glasses, his face, and even his demeanor. I think he knew this as well and took advantage of it to make a buck, which evidently has worked.

    Too bad looks can be deceiving.

  19. The biggest hole in Lazar’s story: he was friends with John Lear before he came out with his claims. John Lear was a prominent and very out there UFO researcher. Wouldn’t think Lazar would pass a security clearance check with a friend like that.

  20. I’ve read every one of the comments here and ironically you’re all missing the point. Bob Lazar’s education is moot. The real point is, no one (in the public domain) knows what the absolute truth about the existence ET life and whether it’s here on earth. Which leads to the question, will we ever know what the true answer is? My guess is NO. There will be no capitulation. Why? Because governments cannot release any definitive evidence due to the uncontrollable public fallout. Ultimately classified secrets are classified for a reason.

  21. Very interesting. Maybe he’s exactly what the government sometimes looks for is self taught genius so if they do try to blow the whistle nobody believes them because they didn’t have the prestigious education and degrees to back up how they were employed by the military in the first place.

    Could be that he was set up the same way Bennowitz was set up by Doty. Or Phil Schneider with the Dulce incident. Intelligent people with above average book smarts that could be easily manipulated. Only Lazar prevailed and is still alive to tell his story. So he’s on one level not as gullible And further more he doesn’t think he’s just going crazy. But believes what he saw. He doesn’t believe it was a mirage man type of event for him.

    I’m always on the fence on this one. Imagine how you’d react in the situation Lazar has been in. I’d have headaches too and chicken out on talk shows and interviews b/c of how tired some the whole ordeal has been. Sure people who backed him at one time like an ex wife are now saying it wasn’t true. That might be self preservation and enough time away from somebody can give you dissociation and make you second guess your perception of an event. Just like Travis Walton’s people who use to back him who now say it wasn’t true. I think enough time apart dissociates one person and makes them turn on a person.

  22. There’s really only two ways to think of Bob’s education. He either lied about it because he’s embarrassed by the degree mill or what have you and it isn’t “prestigious” enough or he fucked up a lot but is telling the truth about everything else, or he’s lying about everything, education included. I choose to believe he’s lying about all of it.

  23. The 1980 yearbook might have been removed from the internet archive, but it’s still available on wikimedia:

    landing page: [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Southern_campus_(IA_southerncampus1980univ).pdf](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Southern_campus_(IA_southerncampus1980univ).pdf)

    direct pdf download: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Southern_campus_%28IA_southerncampus1980univ%29.pdf](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Southern_campus_%28IA_southerncampus1980univ%29.pdf)

    To tamper expectations: There is no Bob Lazar in there. There is a Bob Lazarinni, a name close enough to be interesting. But Bob Lazarinni (not a class of 1980 grad, but a student who worked at the campus radio station KLA that year) is included in the photo of the station staff on page 55 (or PDF page 59). The scan of the yearbook sucks, and the faces are mostly blown out, but you can still tell that Bob Lazarinni was NOT the same person as Bob Lazar. (If you still don’t believe it’s not him, you can see his face up close in the 1982 yearbook as a member of Alpha Tau Omega, albeit with his name spelled wrong.) Too bad, a radio station seemed like something Bob Lazar would be into.

    In an act of wikiinception, I have also archived the pdf from wikimedia back onto the internet archive, here: [https://web.archive.org/web/20230518193346/https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Southern_campus_%28IA_southerncampus1980univ%29.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20230518193346/https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Southern_campus_%28IA_southerncampus1980univ%29.pdf)

    Anyway, if Bob Lazar went to UCLA and nobody was there to hear his rocket car, did he really go there? (yeah prolly not)

  24. Why do people give so much time to someone who Stan Friedman proved decades ago was a liar, fraud or some kind of counter-intel op.. either way anything about him is a waste of time and distraction from worth research.

  25. This is a lot of work and I applaud you for it. I agree that there seems to be obvious holes in the story. That said, I would rather put the effort of the investigation into the actual claims he’s making and not his background. Whether or not he is reputable will always be a debate.

  26. Why do we act like this guy isn’t alive when he has the ability and every opportunity to lay out every excruciating detail of his life without mincing his words?

    If Lazar isn’t lying, then he can be straight without worrying about conflicting his own story. Unfortunately he can’t seem to remember anything about the 70s very well at all.

    There are so many more credible people out there and the community seems to continue to claw on to this dude like he is the second coming of Christ or something.

  27. So let me get this straight.. ppl out here really believe our government can’t basically erase you 😂
    Come on ppl the pentagon is admitting to ufos and all kinds of stuff is coming out ..
    I’m sure the government could absolutely accomplish some cover up as small as education

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