Просочившийся документ, полностью подтверждающий историю Боба Лазара, это все меняет… Мой объяснитель анимации
A Leaked Document That Fully Supports Bob Lazar’s Story, This Changes Everything… My Animation Explainer
byu/Gatadat inaliens
Просочившийся документ, полностью подтверждающий историю Боба Лазара, это все меняет… Мой объяснитель анимации
A Leaked Document That Fully Supports Bob Lazar’s Story, This Changes Everything… My Animation Explainer
byu/Gatadat inaliens
Hey as a content creator myself I just want to say, keep making content and don’t let the negativity get to you.
This kind of animation if you did it yourself is really time consuming. So dont let the negativity spoil your efforts.
Video looks good regardless of the content.
What new document?
The animations are cool.
Why is this pinned?
Before you call me a naysayer I want to believe in Bob Lazar and at one time I fully did.
As someone who enjoys playing with chemistry for fun element 115 can be and was predicted along with several other elements next to it on the atomic chart.
You say «Bob didn’t name his professors because he didn’t want to cause them problems» but he did name one and it turned out to be a teacher he had in high school not a professor. If he didn’t want to cause anyone problems you shouldn’t have named Any teacher.
Elizondo worked and still works for the cia. I recommend not getting any of your UFO information from disinformation agents. After nearly a century of cover-up all of a sudden they’re all for disclosure. To me this points to them pushing a narrative for some reason.
I most definitely had internet in the ’90s.
I don’t mind the videos being posted but reposting over and over is annoying
When I first saw Lazar’s story I was enthralled. He was one of the first points of interest when it came to extraterrestrials and at the time, having listened to him as a 15 year old, I couldn’t get enough. This was it, I thought, a whistleblower.
Fast forward 20 years and my goodness how the wind blows different in the season of age.
So, first of all, for somebody who claims to have the qualifications he has, his knowledge of rudimentary physics is pretty flawed. He claims that the vehicles move via gravitational manipulation, a carrot and stick approach whereby the craft uses element 115 to create a point of gravity which pulls the craft forward through space. Yeah. That can’t happen en masse without there being quite a noticeable effect on any gravitational wave detection equipment (such as the LIGO). Because if that was just one such craft from outer space, and a whole flotilla of these are TARDISing around the universe, we’d know. We have detected gravity waves from billions of light years away, we’d certainly spot these things around the Earth.
Element 115 being stable is another point. A lot is made of the “island of stability”, but at the time it was pretty much accepted that somewhere around element 114-118 there’d be a heavy element that could exist longer than a micro second. The periodic table was created to sort elements and help predict what would come in the future if such elements could be synthesised. Had this element existed in the quantities Lazar claimed, there would be evidence of it in modern society, because with it America would be the de facto power in the modern world, certainly 30 years after the element was claimed to have been unearthed. It would appear in modern aerospace systems, military engineering, you name it. No way would America pass up the opportunity to sell such a material to its allies for mega money, especially if the features of it match what Lazar claimed it had.
It’s not that he didn’t work at the base, because he blatantly did, but he certainly inflated a lot of those facts to make a bit of money and boy, did he make a lot of money. When you see the house he lives in on that documentary, it’s hard to see where the money came from to sustain a lifestyle like that given that no science based sector would hire him after he appeared in the media.
I think he’s a smart guy, but he knew just enough to get people who don’t know about science to believe him. His honest, hard-done-to, down to earth “geek mode” approach really helped his cause, but his science falls apart the second you scrutinise and the more you pull at the threads on this jumper of fibs, to quote Father Dougal Maguire, the more it turns “into some kind of woman’s bra.”
This video is missing so much and being dishonest about a lot of things. I’m saying that was done intentionally but wow….
None of us will ever 100% know if Lazar’s story is true but most any fellow researchers who really put in the time will have a difficult time believing in Lazar.
A Redditor did the best work I’ve ever seen on a Lazar deep dive. Also, you can spend hours on that archived Otherhand website which cites all their sources.
For the OP keep making videos, I was a Lazar believer for years, until I really looked into it.
Enjoy, this a a masterclass of a UFO post on reddit:
I posted this video for those of you who don’t want to watch it on my YouTube channel. And for those who want to support my small channel here’s another video of who might be in charge of the UFO topic, a powerful private corporation who even owned the EG&G company mentioned by both Bob Lazar and the Wilson/Davis notes. https://youtu.be/ujoICZTjt5E
Every support in the form of like, share and subscribe is welcome. I’m close to fully monetizing my channel after more than a year of work and making videos.
Even with the new document, I remain highly skeptical of Bob. However, I want to commend you for making this video, it was very well done. Keep it up!
Lol what is this?
So biased. Definitely your worst video till date.
What leaked document?
Good animation, too bad it’s presented as evidence, when the contents are quite literally just guesswork and recapping.
Your animation work is fine, but this video is akin to misinformation. Bob Lazar is a proven fraud and the Wilson Davis memo, even if true, does nothing to even remotely support anything Lazar has ever said. You’re just flat out wrong , sorry.
Love your work…
Why is every single thing he said ended like a question mark
Mostly every point he makes is inaccurate or plain false.
Public records of Lazar’s life shows where he was and when. The education doesn’t work out. He didn’t even know the correct names of the degrees he was supposed to have had. Also, things like the hand scanners is not evidence to support him. He watch Close Encounters religiously and just saw them there. Also the UFO flying sideways had been discussed before Bob Lazar was ever born. He took all this information from other stories. He was desperate for money and came up with a scheme just like he had done before with his failed businesses. Bob Lazar 0 Skeptics infinite.
Here’s a good guideline to follow: if someone claims «This changes everything», it’s a safe bet to make that literally nothing has changed.
I always found it interesting that Lazar says he asked someone at 51 where they came from and was told ZR3. ZR3 is the planet Betty Brown claims the aliens told her they were from when she was abducted in the 60’s ( I’m going by memory so if the planet is wrong please correct me).. what are the chances they both said the same random planet?
Thanks! Enjoy watching your vids!!
Although I don’t believe most, if any, of Lazar’s story, I do enjoy your videos. Keep up the good work, and thank you for posting your very well made content.
His wife had an affair?
I do like the animation. What a controversial guy. I just dont see aliens crashing unless they wanted us to have that tech.
Your voice is so soothing. I really enjoyed the video!
This was really good, loved the graphics and everything was very clear and well thought out.
Thank you for making this!
So good, I like your voice too!
YT Channel name?
Yes well done👏🏻
very informative. Good Stuff
Your videos are usually great but you hurt your own credibility by being duped by an obvious fraud like Lazar whose stories about the one thing that should be easy for him to recount (his own life) have been debunked repeatedly. I don’t buy your assertion that he would be playing dumb about his own life story to protect any acquaintances he might have had. Such an extreme stretch for someone like you who normally presents facts in a really balanced way. Please keep making videos! No hate. Just missed the boat here.