К сожалению, только для платных пользователей. Поэтому я не могу сказать, в каком направлении пойдет эта статья.
К сожалению, только для платных пользователей. Поэтому я не могу сказать, в каком направлении пойдет эта статья.
К сожалению, только для платных пользователей. Поэтому я не могу сказать, в каком направлении пойдет эта статья.
Jeah, not very respectable news in Germany but read by a lot of people. Kind of Fox news level. So I think a lot of people will see this as typical nonsense by this outlet.
The „Bild“ is kind of a boulevard press here in Germany , but still they seem to take this topic more and more seriously. Unfortunately I cannot tell what the content of this article is, because of the pay wall. But I think it is at least interesting, to see this in a German newspaper.
We need «Tagesthemen»-News to get this topic.
Probably the worst news in germany but at least the topic is getting some attention.
Whenever bild reports on a topic or news, remember that the diverged information instantly loses credibility in germany.
Being reported on by Bild in a «positive» way is the worst thing that can happen to anything and anyones reputation.