Ссылка в комментариях… От члена палаты представителей Луны… «Готовим материалы для слушания UAP по надзору в Палате представителей 26 июля с @RepTimBurchett, @JaredEMoskowitz и другими!»
Ссылка в комментариях… От члена палаты представителей Луны… «Готовим материалы для слушания UAP по надзору в Палате представителей 26 июля с @RepTimBurchett, @JaredEMoskowitz и другими!»
Looks like someone just printed screenshots of reddit posts
Oh God she’s gonna take up half the time showing us her YouTube research. Just introduce the witnesses and let them talk the rest of the time! We’re done with witness reports of sightings. Now we want witness reports of downed craft and alien bodies.
Someone else pointed out these are probably for the beginning of the hearing in what would amount to a primer for the regular person watching who hasn’t been called a conspiracy theorist for the last 20-40 years. And I doubt they would show the good stuff on Twitter 8 days before the actual hearing.
I’ve kept my expectation low but hoo boy
Glad to see Batman Balloon making it to the big leagues!
Oh no, they’ve got the batman balloon ☹️
Yeap looks like her art school project.
We just need testimonies from people like grusch. Not easily found shit on the Internet that’s been put into powerpoint
If one of the witnesses is that kid from Vegas, pack your shit everybody, because this topic will be dead as fuck and a bigger laughing stock than its ever been before.
Seems like a massive waste of time to show and explain these pictures when you have a whistleblower that will literally tell you under oath we have crafts, bodies and evidence of a criminal coverup.
Burchett, as I suspected, is not helping here lol.

This is some horseshit. What an embarrassment.
We need evidence, not more screenshots
Three pages at least of the same Gimbal video? Jimmy Carter? Project Bluebook? No images of the silver orbs? This is so weak
They have to be trolling… please be trolling.
Wow loOks sO cOol, sHould KeEp theM all in A fOlder witH aLien SticKers oN iT
Great now everyone’s going to look even more like looneys
Is that my tax dollars paying for all that fuckin ink?
A president Carter meme??
Give me a fucking break.
Just make a PowerPoint if you’re actually planning on showing your pathetic gathering of materials- if there IS testimony from individuals YOUR LOT LOOKS UNPREPARED AND CHILDISH.
Oh you got some print out of a speck of dirt on some old ass film? You got those fucking screenshots circled for the rest of us?
It seems like a waste of time, I get it.
But here’s the thing — you’re looking at this pile of documents from the point of view of someone who has been paying super close attention for probably many years.
Congressional hearings are _never_ earth shattering revelations. They are a means by which to enter that which is already known into the public record.
Where is the link? Checked her social media and it’s not there.
Why is there a photo of Alf in there
What, how do you have this?
This is just what they’re willing to show now. My guess is some of these congressional clowns are being put forward as deflection from the actual questions and hard grilling from more experience reps. At least I hope that’s what’s going on here.
Take your pick:
Dog & Pony Show
Window Dressing
Side Show
3 Ring Circus
This is going as planned. Fill the time with nonsense. Never get to real testimony or answers. Wait for the 15 second news cycle to forget about it.
This is fine. It’s literally just a few images and you’re used to it so you think it’s bad. Think about everyone else who dosent know what’s going on
Most of the general population doesn’t know about half of these things, let other people get up to speed and the testimonies go on record.
Yikes. We’re screwed.
This is just embarrassing
You were expecting something substantial like evidence?
As I’ve been saying, all along temper, your fucking expectations people . We’ve been here before.
I want all this to be true as much as anybody else, and I want the government/governments to come clean about what they know.
But it’s entirely possible that this whistle blower is as completely full of shit as he appears to be . Personally the dude sets off tons of red flags for me.
But I’m still hopeful let’s just wait and see .
Now I’m starting to think that this hearing is less about disclosure and more about further radicalizing the “conspiracy theorist” group identity to one that is akin to “anti vacxer”
I hope she takes this stack of papers and throws it across the room and says:
“Look at what we have to work with here, it’s all shit..and y’all mfers keeping secrets?!”
Jesus fuck. She spelled “Ruling” wrong in one of the slides:
“RULLING” smh what a joke
Can just someone confirms that aliens are real and show us proof on national TV, is this too much to ask. I WANT TO SEE REAL ALIENS. Pleaseeee.
look at the other geniuses in congress like mgt, boebert, santos, and ex congressman madison cawthorn …im not surprised.
It’ll look much better once she sticks it to a poster board w Elmer’s glue
turned from mystery to a comedy rq 😭
What an excellent looking collage…her teacher must be proud.
Isn’t this just Luna showboating for her supporters rather than serious preparation?
I highly doubt anything they are actually going to use in the hearing would be allowed to be shown in advance.
Let’s not judge how the hearings are going to go based on what Luna tweets.
Ah they found my first Power Point pr sensation back from 2001
This is OPs mom’s kitchen table
Printed some screen grabs of destroy all humans
LMAO. i didn’t expect much but fuck me this is about to be a clown fest.
If the hearing will contain these ‘documents’, it will be the last hearing on this topic for the next 75 years…
This old ass looking shit
I hope they all have foil hats on to help them absorb ..
better yet maybe the great Gazoo will show up !! Lol
Where is the diorama with the alien abduction