Вот как мы могли бы начать расшифровку сообщения инопланетян с помощью математики

Вот как мы могли бы начать расшифровку сообщения инопланетян с помощью математики

2 комментария для “Вот как мы могли бы начать расшифровку сообщения инопланетян с помощью математики

  1. I’ve actually been looking at the stuff that’s been done for decoding animal languages and also ancient texts. For instance:




    The article about decoding alien messages seems to take another interesting approach by taking strings of bits and looking for every possible combination of number/size dimension after which it looks for configuration orderliness via local and global order. When it’s done doing that it ranks the configuration by the scores to which it uses to gauge if it’s a message.

    I can actually see them using ai to help with simplifying the process. There’s probably a bunch of messages that we just haven’t been able to notice or decode before because we couldn’t see the patterns.

  2. WF episode about crop circles is a must see. Disinformation campaign by the government was super effective leading the majority to lose interest, especially after the news about the 2 guys making them came out and people just consider those circles as a hoax.
    There are indeed man-made crop circles, but there are also legit ones which even hoaxers admit to be impossible to make at a short span of time.
    I hope we have more of these decoded/deciphered crop circles but I can’t see any collection of them in the internet.

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