Упущенный из виду древний аспект феномена НЛО/УАП, который люди упускают из виду и который, по моему мнению, имеет решающее значение

Есть видео и научные измерения тибетских монахов и йогов, медитирующих при низких температурах в мокрой одежде. Вместо того, чтобы замерзнуть, они высушивают воду. Это могло бы привести к смерти любого другого человека, но они активируют нечто гораздо более мощное. У науки «нет ответа», несмотря на то, что ответ смотрит им прямо в глаза. В индуизме и буддизме есть мощный символизм, и это третий глаз, который они помещают себе на лоб. Этот глаз связан с дополнительным восприятием, экстрасенсорным восприятием, проницательностью, мощной визуализацией и т. д. Наука признает, что частичный глаз у рептилий связан с шишковидной железой и ее функцией терморегуляции, однако, когда монахи и йоги используют одно и то же, они просто игнорируйте результаты. Монахи и йоги способны контролировать свою температуру, используя эту силу с помощью определенных техник. Эта сила реальна, и терморегуляция — лишь один из аспектов. Самоисцеление, экстрасенсорное восприятие, дистанционное видение — все с этим связано. Феномен UAP связан с этой силой. Фактически, все древние религии связаны с этой силой, и тому есть оставленные ими свидетельства. Посмотрите это видео о третьем глазе, которое я снял: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jVdB8pqRVE ЦРУ и российские программы «Удаленное видение» и «Зеркало Козярева» глубоко связаны с прошлым. Они используют древние запретные знания и с помощью некоторых современных технологий и частотной стимуляции помогли своим «агентам» получить доступ к этой энергии. Как вы думаете, почему раньше все ехали на Восток? Почему британцы колонизировали Индию, а нацисты отправились в Тибет в поисках этих знаний? На самом деле нацисты так ее исказили, что Гитлер впал в бреду и чуть не уничтожил мир. Эти знания исходят от древней допотопной цивилизации, а запретные знания — это духовная сторона религий. На самом деле, некоторые из Богов были просто людьми с поднятой Кундалини, но здесь действуют более мощные силы. Некоторые из НЛО принадлежат выжившим в древности, но каждый раз в прошлом, когда люди доходили до точки «равенства» с «Богами», происходили массовые разрушения. Помните, что Прометей был наказан Зевсом за то, что подарил человечеству запретный священный огонь? Это было знание божественной сущности и того, как поднять свет. Зевс не хотел, чтобы люди стали равными богам; он хотел, чтобы ему поклонялись. Если я не ошибаюсь, Вавилон был разрушен два раза — один раз, когда они пытались построить Вавилонскую башню, чтобы достичь богов (коллективный подъем энергии), и один раз, когда ими правила «Вавилонская блудница», и они остановились. поклонение богам. «Шлюха» — это божественная энергия, которая заключена в вас; это энергия творца, часто ассоциируемая со змеей или богиней. Если вы мне не верите, взгляните на этот длинный пост, который я написал о связи всех древних религий и символике змеи. На самом деле змей не дьявол: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1743pa8/the\_inner\_energy\_that\_will\_help\_you\_grasp\_true/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1743pa8/the_inner_energy_that_will_help_you_grasp_true/) Я снял видео об этой внутренней силе, в которое вошли два инсайдера (Лю Элизондо, Том Делонг), два ученых (Изтак Бентов и Гарри Нолан), а также некоторые восточные йоги и учителя. Все они говорят об одной и той же силе, и она связана с феноменом UAP: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maOwdSb8j2Q&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maOwdSb8j2Q&t) Я знаю, что большинство сочтет это безумием и даже не посмотрит видео или другую ветку, даже верующие. Но те из вас, кто прошел похожий путь, я надеюсь, что это поможет вам установить некоторые связи. Это пост для вас; явление древнее, привратник древний и более сложный. На самом деле, я не уверен, что этот пост переживет этот сабреддит. У меня нет секретных источников или дяди, у которого был друг военный и который поделился этим со мной. Я пришел сюда, прочитав об этом явлении, и могу ошибаться. Я начал с убеждения, что они инопланетяне, и считал, что все остальные взгляды на это явление — мусор. Но к счастью, я дал шанс древнему учению. Не существует «звездных людей» или людей с особыми способностями; у всех нас есть эта сила, но бывает, что у некоторых людей она почему-то более пробуждается. В своем видео я предположил, что все это связано с магнитным полем Земли и ее частотами. Поэтому в Зеркале Козярева большая часть частот блокируется, а в Вратах Опыта происходит определенная стимуляция частотами. Но вы также можете пробудить эту силу с помощью тантрических учений; Я уверен, что есть способы лучше и быстрее. Это нечто большее, чем я могу написать здесь, и, честно говоря, я скрываю большую часть этой информации из-за ненависти, которую получаю, когда делюсь ею. Вы можете найти меня в Твиттере, где можно найти больше моих публикаций и мнений по адресу @OMApproach.

33 комментария для “Упущенный из виду древний аспект феномена НЛО/УАП, который люди упускают из виду и который, по моему мнению, имеет решающее значение

  1. It truly is all connected. The collective consciousness expands beyond this world and deep into the depths of the universe.

    The more research that I have done, it feels more and more like the modern religions greedily harnessed this hidden power and directed humans away from it. I highly recommend researching Taoism (or Daoism) as a way to understanding more of these connections.

    The best thing you can do to “awaken” yourself is to practice meditation. We live in a world with so much stimulation. In ancient times, there wasn’t all these things that we have that distract us nowadays. They truly had time to sit in silence. Silence is key to a breakthrough. I’ve also heard that many people that are further along in their awakening is due to trauma. Take that as you will, but in my case, that checks out.

  2. I’ve been lurking this subject, going down online rabbit holes, and reading books since 2008. Six months ago, I started a daily meditation practice with the gateway tapes and started having experiences that I know are “real”. It needs a word stronger than real but I can’t find the right one. And now I understand more fully the WHY am I drawn to certain fringe subjects. What is it in UFOs, aliens, spirituality, Gnosticism, the Mandela Effect, the Malaysian flight, poltergeists, unmedicated childbirth, magic mushrooms, the WOO?

    I am not a person IRL that you would expect to have an interest in any of these subjects. I have not, until recently, spoken about any of them out loud. This is an area completely outside of my wheelhouse for 40 years. Boy, was my husband confused the day Greer testified and I was just babbling stuff at him like he had been alongside me during this 15yr ride when he most certainly had not! That was a fun night where I nearly found myself trundled off for a ‘nice rest’.

    And yet it all felt like mine when I found it or it found me. I Recognized it all as a small scrap of a bigger picture that’s just starting to come into focus. Like it’s all going to make sense, it’s just on the tip of my tongue, I can ALMOST see it and if I could just stop TRYING to see it it would, become. It would clear.

    All of that is to say what you have written resonates with me. I don’t have great language for all of this yet, I am finding my way. Please forgive if any of my words offend, it was not the intention.

  3. Saw your video last night before bed. I thought it was thought provoking and well done. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the breathing technique/ice bath guy (Wim Hoff?) say something similar in regards to being able to consciously take over thermoregulatory processes through different breathing/meditation techniques? That’s what allows them to deal with the cold so well. The ability to control thermoregulation with just the mind.. fascinating!

  4. You should look up biohacking. They’ll attach thermometers different parts of their bodies and try to raise the temperature. They eventually figure out how to activate the right brain side and cause a physiological reaction of heat metabolizing.

    You know I’m not 100% certain that using that alone they could meditate in the snow and walk close. My point is that there are processes which anyone can do that are explainable by science.

  5. I think you are onto something here. I have come to think that there was a civilisation before the Younger Dryas, and that they had access to these special powers. They were advanced, but not in the same tech as we use today. They got wiped out by aliens, who then created our civilisation and carefully set us on a different path of technology, and covered up as much evidence of the ‘old world’ as they could.

  6. Hey wanna hear something lame about activating your 3rd eye? If you’re going through the process you need to have good self care. Stay hydrated, eat nutritiously, get plenty of sleep, exercise. Your brain can’t grow and develop without those things.

  7. Liquid water doesn’t have the effect on insulation that you’re thinking. I’ve gotten drenched in sub-zero weather and still felt warm. I was doing winter sports, so I was working hard, but the other commenters have noted that meditation can be used to increase heart-rate.

  8. You should read about different esoteric practices. What you’re talking about is, essentially, the practical application of religions. Those have been obscured away from the public leaving behind the empty rituals. Yoga has its roots in what resembled a scientific approach to accessing the higher self. Most world religions have that practical nature to them, aka esoteric practices, but they’ve been stigmatized because it puts the power of the higher self in the hands of the individual instead of some governing body that claims to hold the keys to salvation.

  9. Commenting to read your post more thoroughly later.

    Don’t take the negative commenters personally. It’s a lot easier to skim and call bs than to carefully consider information that may change their views.

  10. Since you mention the hate you receive my comment will be solely for laudatory purposes.

    Enjoyed your posts / videos / website.

    Whether anyone is right or wrong about anything in this time of great uncertainty, passionate people who want to search for truth should be well regarded.

    Thank you.

  11. I genuinely think the part where, the NHI wipe us out if we get too close to some secret, is a deeply human fear and far from the truth.

    If ancient humans existed, it’s much more likely they wiped themselves out from a lack of NHI involvement, not due to it.

    I feel your theory takes a lot of what Delong has said as truth, and I challenge you to look at what he has discovered as merely stepping stones towards understanding our reality/experience.

  12. Science usually does have an answer, just not one that people can integrate into their belief system. The monks use mental imaging to increase metabolism and raise heart rate, keeping them warm. I do the same sometimes when out camping, works like a charm. No magical gland needed.

  13. ![gif](giphy|TKTGDHnyeGWiI)

    People see these posts and cringe and scoff only because all the triggering words. Words we use to describe thoughts that are only similair, because we can’t invent new words on the fly and still communicate. Have you ever watched eyelid movies? Not just vague shapes and forms, but really let your mind create images for you, without guiding them yourself? If not, it’s where you should start.

  14. This is consistent with the post where someone said science has abandoned the spiritual factor. I think that was a wild post with some BS in it, but that part sounded more plausible. That’s exactly what OP is describing, yes? “Science has no explanation.” Because they’re ignoring the other part of reality. Wouldn’t this spiritual force be considered some sort of ancient science?

  15. I would like to know your thoughts on The book of Aquarius and the product it creates. I speculate it is a combination of inner and outer. You must manifest the outcome as much as you must physically create it. I would give my left nut to talk to you for an hour. I have so much I could link up for you.

  16. Great post, will watch the video!
    I’m currently reading Jacques Vallee’s Dimensions, and you’re not far off from his thesis about NHI contact and the longstanding interconnectedness of it all. To me, this is the thread we’re now trying to pull to learn more in-depth about the implications after you accept the UAP/UFO phenomenon is indeed NHI.

  17. My initial reaction to your post was not good, but as I continued reading particularly at the point of your mention of “raised kundalini” I realized either you’re not crazy or we are both crazy.

    But if I am crazy it’s not obvious enough to exclude me from “normal” society.

    Side note: “normal society” is absolutely insane.

  18. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. I don’t think you’re crazy. This is immensely fascinating. Even if not all of the pieces turn out to fit exactly in the way you proposed, I do believe there’s something here. I will follow up on the other links you have provided.

    One last thing to add to your point: Dr. James Lacatski just recently spoke, in an interview with Corbell & Knapp, about «the human potential» or «the full human potential» (not 100% on how he phrased it) rather criptically and wouldn’t answer follow-ups. I wonder if what he was referring to goes into a similar direction.

  19. I found your information interesting. I am skeptical, but now that I do believe in the phenomenon as Grusch described all things should be examined. Delong gets his info from the government and he gets into how our consciousness is not being used to its full ability yet. He also discusses ET vehicles that are driven telepathically. I see extremely gifted children reading and knowing music, physics and math concepts without ever have been taught it. The yogi’s and extreme humans that exist are not studied enough, almost as if anyone with special gifts is hidden on purpose, labeled fringe, and ridiculed as woo (sound familiar)?
    The pineal gland theory should be examined further. Wondering how neuralink implants are also set up.

  20. A bit off but kinda still on topic- I’m convinced that parts of Gobekli Tepe and Kaharan Tepe function like Kozyrev mirrors. Especially since they discovered a magnetic vortex inside Kaharan Tepe. If you look at their aerial outline, they have somewhat of a spiral shape. Maybe not time travel as we understand it, but the ability to move around space and time instantly.

  21. > There are videos and scientific measurements of Tibetan monks and Yogis meditating in low temperatures with wet clothes on them. Instead of freezing, they are drying the water.

    okay, so then link one of these videos or «scientific measurements»…

    > They are utilizing ancient forbidden knowledge

    who forbade this knowledge?

    > and with some modern technology and frequency stimulation

    what frequency are they stimulating? and in what medium? are they causing air to vibrate at a certain frequency? are they producing electromagnetic radiation at this certain frequency? are they vibrating solid matter at this certain frequency?

  22. You are far from alone I could have written that it is a logical conclusion given the Breadcrumbs we have been following. But that is the point I was sure 100% it would be extraterrestrial’s now I am open to following this to the truth in any universe or dimension. I am willing to change my model of everything and as a human that is not the norm the consensus reality I reject it for what comes next and isn’t that a great part of the adventure we were explores once lets keep exploring the possibilities from the inside out.

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