«Многие правительства официально зачитываются по определенным аспектам nhi. Им говорят, что веские доказательства, аспекты раскрытия информации … что они должны подготовиться к возможным потрясениям в своих соответствующих обществах из-за предстоящего события жесткого раскрытия информации».
Here's what's happening right now. Off record from a lawmaker. Extremely reliable source here. @RepTimBurchett@realannapaulina@RepMattGaetz
Would any of you be willing to go on record and say this is in fact occurring right now in the lead up to September?
Many governments… pic.twitter.com/PenD7ZW6H6
— UAPMax.com (@UFOS_UAPS) August 14, 2023
GANZI dude…made us some promises…we’re still waiting
so…massive grain of salt, and add…this is too fast…way too fast to drop the global info bomb
Can someone please tell him to unblock danfromumbrella on Twitter. Idk why he blocked me but I apologize lol
The guy is notorious for spreading lies and misinformation and making false promises. The ganzi bs was all started out by this guy.
Please do not entertain this guy in any way. He’s the biggest grifter I have seen so far in this community. Shameless guy he is! When I called him out on Twitter he blocked me.
Be wary of such people who see the opportunity to exploit in every situation.
There was a whole thread here on reddit where they called out his bullshit word after word.
When someone makes outlandish claims that they contain some evidence that is as ridiculous as Biden speaking telepathically to aliens and then refusing to release those videos they definitely are lying and grifting.
UAPMax is a larp that makes everything up. Ignore this.
* Source: https://twitter.com/UFOS_UAPS/status/1691205785349435395
* Archive: https://archive.is/2doTk
He still hasn’t explained what the N in Ganzi means