Недавний пост об НЛО, скорее всего, фейк, жёстко обрезан в первых двух кадрах, когда НЛО появляется на видео.

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Недавний пост НЛО, показывающий вращающийся НЛО, снятый с самолета, показывает резкий монтаж в первых нескольких кадрах. Вы можете ясно видеть, что НЛО нет, затем он внезапно появляется в следующем кадре и плавно летит вперед, как только попадает в кадр. Хм, что вы думаете, ребята?

Recent ufo post is most likely fake, hard cut in the first couple frames when the ufo enters the video
byu/Premoveri inaliens

От admin

48 комментарий для “Недавний пост об НЛО, скорее всего, фейк, жёстко обрезан в первых двух кадрах, когда НЛО появляется на видео.”
  1. Videos are useless. Eyewitness accounts are useless. The only evidence that is not useless is multiple-sensor data and physical materials. This is the point in time that we are at. The sooner this community adopts this mindset, the better.

  2. It’s hard, because I saw a light in the sky that went from the absolute brightest thing in the sky to nothing.

    If these things actually defy our physics as we know them, then I think our realm of possibility should be expanded quite a bit.

    With all of this discussion about all the various ufo videos, I think everyone forgets these things completely defy everything we know. It’s paradigm shifting, and people will just refuse to believe it

  3. I think you should just save your time, spend it on going to the nearest patisserie and have a delicious croissant with a fluffy cappuccino. Nothing will convince people here. Nothing.

  4. Possibly coming out of the cloud, possible,,,,, alsol possible fake..

    What aircraft is this?

    Remember alot of military pilots are now taking cellphones because they are not allowed to talk about this, but a cellphone showing zero technology IS NOT CLASSIFIED..

  5. But you can kind of see it behind the cloud in the previous frame. Maybe it was moving incredibly fast for that frame then slowed down, or maybe my mind is showing me what I want to see

  6. I’m at the point where unless the OP is the person who actually took the video of otherwise links it the real OP and also give the exact flight information and the approximate location I’m just immediately saying it’s fake.

    CGI and AI is so good at this point that OP needs to be as upfront as possible.

  7. The only thing I will say is that I saw a ufo in the middle of the day for the first time last week, and it was phasing in and out popping up between clouds and it looked just like this. It was so strange though because it looked like a really bad CGI video so it was kinda cool to see it in person.

  8. What is the significance of what you’re pointing out—about it just “appearing”? If it’s fake (and I think it is), that’s just how the appearance and blur effect were applied in compositing.

  9. This video was posted and discussed MONTHS ago, it’s okay that videos are revisited from time to time but please, at least go through all the conversations and “debunk” videos FIRST, the ones from months ago

  10. Probably most of the recent stuff is fake. Can make some decent money with all the views because of all the hype. Much easier to make these type of vids these days with current editing software.

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