Разоблачитель НЛО: Эйзенхауэр хотел вторгнуться в Зону 51!

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n3bFKt96QuRRhuNqLUi7 7PgETGDBwfV4hA2edVzuA

n3bFKt96QuRRhuNqLUi7 7PgETGDBwfV4hA2edVzuA

Признание на смертном одре бывшего агента ЦРУ о присутствии в Зоне 51 НЛО (включая собственно разбившийся корабль Розуэлл) и «серых» инопланетян. Интервью снято 5 марта 2013 года.

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17 комментарий для “Разоблачитель НЛО: Эйзенхауэр хотел вторгнуться в Зону 51!”
  1. Real question here. I’ve seen a bunch of these resurfacing recently and met with a bunch of «eh, doesn’t seem that credible» and written off so fast. A lot of these people are older, clearly dying, and I just don’t understand why would they even try and lie through something like this? What would be a reason? It’s not like these ever go anywhere or really get attention?

    Let’s take this one specifically, why would this guy fabricate a story like this prior to death? For shits and giggles?

  2. SS: UFO whistleblower: Eisenhower wanted to invade Area 51!

    Deathbed confession of a former CIA agent (name not revealed) on the presence of UFO’s (including the actual crashed Roswell craft) and “greys” aliens at Area 51.

    Interview was filmed on March 5, 2013. Interviews by Richard Dolan.

  3. I feel like the majority of these testimony videos are super valid at this point. Particularly, I feel like Phil Schneider’s testimony is the reason for the super intense security. They all connect in one way or another

  4. IMO this is one of the only ways this technology is going to trade hands within our Governement. If you think the people running these programs are eventually just going to throw their hands up and say you got me… here is everything we have…. think again. I believe many would rather scorch the earth before handing anything over. It’s going to have to be taken by force.

  5. So there we have it, you want disclosure, grow some Dwight D Eisehower balls, and march the Army down there, and this compartmentalization will all straight out nice and dandy.

  6. One thing that terrified me about this interview was Eisenhowers reaction when he learned the truth and said it had to be kept secret to the public. If the congress’ decision will be the same after they are done investigating the Grusch case, that the congress decide to remain it a secret, we’ll never get disclosure. But that would be a crime to the public who has elected these people. The truth belongs to the public as much as them, and they would never had been elected if the public knew they would deceive and lie to them.

  7. IDK. This guys strikes me as …. less than credible. More so in his demeanor but also I just don’t get the whole «Well, now that I’m dying I guess I’ll tell all,» out any of these guys unless there’s proof they have no family whatsoever.

    Govt secrets are like student loans— even if you die they can still go after your loved one bc of them

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