Как построить работающий НЛО | Инопланетные репродукционные транспортные средства (АРВ)
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Сделай это, пока не стало слишком поздно, малыш
Соединение точек в интервью «Разоблачитель Дэвид Груш рассказывает о крушении НЛО в Италии» и «видео НЛО, снятом в Испании в 2015 году»
Интервью Боба Лазара (полный документальный фильм)
Настоящий или подделка?
I love Why Files, dude breaks everything down so clearly is very articulate and at end of every episode does breakdown of evidence and what could be real and what false.
The end of the video is extremely sad. Our government would rather kill people that could help us get to the stars than open that technology to the world.
All for what? The ability to control millions of lives as we work, eat, shit, and sleep in misery? People could be living and working on the Moon or Mars by now. But no, how ever could we control the populous without the threat of violence and starvation against the masses?
The real tragedy is the same as it always was: the corruption of power and the suppression of the people by narcissistic ego. Our species could be so much more, but the cunts behind the levers of power refuse to allow it to happen.
I’m a subscriber to the WF but somehow I missed this (older) video and I feel that is golden in regards to the recent UFO findings!
My apologies if it has been reposted before!
I always wonder how they see where they are going in the ufos with no windows. I sometimes think of the django movie when he tells them «we dont need to see the horses can see» lol hava good day friends
That fish isn’t helping me and probably sensors not cameras
Classic example of a Corporate Mafia Hit Squad.
Let’s kill the smart people.
Dumb down the rest of the populace.
So far, it’s working.